Noah’s Ark: Crappy Cruise, But Great Buffet

There is something that Bible has left out of the Noah’s Ark official story. It was a great place for lions. For others… not so much. That’s why today the only animals around are lions.

Crappy cruise, but great buffet.

13 thoughts on “Noah’s Ark: Crappy Cruise, But Great Buffet”

  1. But it’s not like anyone can trust this….it’s lion!

  2. Like Trump. Fat and dangerous.

  3. ….was Noah and family vegetarian???

    And to Anonymous above, if you don’t like Trump then tell him that or write a letter to the editor. This isn’t the place for third grade playground crap. Grow up.

    Noah would have fed you to the lions.

  4. Noah’s Ark is an ancient old wives tale.

  5. Noah’s Ark is plagiarism of a plagiarism of… well you get the idea.

  6. So Trump won NH. He will be Rep. candidate. Dirty Joe can’t win. So, write this down. Dirty Joe will drop out and Michelle Obama will slime her way in to the election. And she will win. God help the free world. This will happen.

  7. Noah’s Ark… plagiarism? Did the author go to Harvard?

  8. Crappy Photoshopping

  9. Anyone else watching “USA” the new hit reality TV show? I guess they gonna bring back the orangutan because he was a hit with the kids, made them laugh with his monkeying around! I prefer the crypt keeper myself but whatevs.

  10. Wally Wanker, Of course it’s photo shopped. The ark would to be at least ten feet longer to hold all the millions of known species.

  11. It would be an empty picture. Noah and the Ark didn’t exist. Neither does God.

  12. I know God exists! I felt him, right before I called the cops! He’s now going down for rape charges and thanks to the me too movement we got both Mary’s to come forward! Piece of trash is going down!

  13. Don’t forget several cases of genocide.

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