Who Do You Like Better?

Miss Spain, Miss Ukraine, Miss Indonesia or the last one? Take your pick!

18 thoughts on “Who Do You Like Better?”

  1. I like MissTake the best as he is one of my closest and dearest friends.
    The others Miss’ are fake.

  2. There, another mistake. But this one not even trumps Miss Take.

  3. You were a mistake at birth. Your momma should have flushed you
    with all the dirty diapers.

  4. The water would have been orange like in Flint.

  5. Miss take is all wrong, I deserve all credit and number one spot.

  6. Where is that guy that dresses in women’s dresses, tells bad jokes and wants nuclear war?

  7. This is why beauty pageants should be banned. Guys like Trump, Putin,
    Trudeau, etc try to take the limelight.

  8. I’m proud to be gay by the way.

  9. Well good for you fruit cup. Now go to bed and play with yourself.

  10. Freedom!!

    You do you. Don’t let the snowflakes get you down.

  11. Pieeeeeeease no fighting boys. Guys dressed like women is nothing new.
    Back in the day when Rome ran supreme, cross dressing was socially
    acceptable. Mind you, Rome self imploded because of their lack of human
    Do you notice any modern examples?

  12. Trudeau fetishist is back. Pretty sure he shops Trudeau’s head on all these girls and hangs the pictures up in his “mancave”.

  13. Yes, as the Roman Empire actually imploded because of climate changes I see the parallels as conservatives are driving civilisation down the abyss again.
    They have always been the problem.

  14. Rome imploded due to climate change, how fu&#ing stupid are you.
    pick up a history book or two, and start reading.
    Good grief!

  15. *lol* I did. Maybe you should update your library.

  16. Same old fish bowl

  17. Why would you be proud to be gay? It’s not an achievement. You are just born like that. I was born hetero. No big deal.

  18. Yep that’s true… He likes take yeah.. And he takes what ever he wants without asking. One thing I disagree tho is the fact that he didn’t miss to take :)

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