Manliest Guy Ever

18 thoughts on “Manliest Guy Ever”

  1. nothing AM rifle can’t handle

  2. The funny thing is that this dude probably hasn’t had a beer in years because of how closely he counts his carbs.

  3. Now, this is more like it. No sissy cats…

  4. I ran out of hair gel I need a toque.

  5. By Crom, I approve of this and all it has inspired.

  6. Is this a guy from Duck Dynasty?

  7. Is that what look ‘tough’ to white people? pfft

  8. This guy is what Chuck Norris wishes he could be.

  9. No. This guy looks like what happens when you take steroids and drugs to remove body fat. All that excessive muscle would make him slow, any good martial artist would destroy him.

  10. or maybe, he is michael phelps and only has 2 percent body fat

  11. I’m scared for life eeeeu!!!

  12. Beanie? lol still a hipster. Probably started doing bodybuilding ironically and got addicted.

  13. That is not likely a steroid body. he may have used them to help, but that is a perfectly attainable body through hard work. I’m built almost like that, but he’s a bit bulkier. not sitting on your ass all day helps…

  14. I get the impression that tough to you would probably be yourself in an orange jumpsuit.

  15. did he stutter?

  16. No you are wrong. That’s how Chuck Norris looked when he was born.

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