Men’s Fashion 2020 Collection Is Finally Here!

Are you ready for the 2020 fashion year? Are you man enough to fill these clothes? Scroll down to find out!

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

Are you man enough to fill these clothes?

1,163 thoughts on “Men’s Fashion 2020 Collection Is Finally Here!”

  1. Sickening that’s not men, not even males. They’ve lost their minds.

  2. The last “outfit” that says please kill me! Speaks the sentiments of every one after having seen this shit shiw

  3. Sickening that’s not men, not even males. They’ve lost their minds.

  4. These are trafficked kids. Look up Rachel Chandler. See the hopelessness in their eyes. Most are runaways from an early age, picked up on the streets, hooked on drugs, sex trafficked…..and it’s right in plain sight… :(

  5. These poor models!! Wth!?!?

  6. Think the one made of all gloves could come in handy,,,lol. 3 or 4 outfits are wearable if you got the right bodyframe for them.

  7. God help us!!! we live in some screwed up times

  8. Is this the new contestants for a new gong show coming on?

  9. Nothing as ridiculous as the fashion industry – biggest con in the world!

  10. Who designed these? Someone in a lunatic asylum?

  11. Sick ! Mentally ill !


  13. This simply shouts out demonic message. God have mercy on them.

  14. Che sapete voi questo e arte!! 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮scusate ma è una presa per il culo? Quanti maschi sono disposti vestirsi così?? Beh se uno mi si presentasse così chiamerei subito il centro pshiatrico

  15. Looks like they’re need to eat few cheese burgers.

  16. É, isto é a criatividade da geração que quer defender o planeta! Isto são ensaios “para a criação de fatos de trabalho!

  17. These pictures show how sick our society is.

  18. Criações para “artistas de circo”….

  19. Good night nurse.

  20. I dropped all of these pieces off at Goodwill last week. Good to see them so quickly recycled.

  21. I guess male modeling is a tough business and they will do anything for a paycheck.

  22. Mentally highly instable !

  23. questa è moda per i trans una moda specializzata… stupida inutile non sexy non bella non intelligente non ha design all’interno non è confortevole non serve a nulla… forse per l’esibizionismo in un party privato vestendosi nella stanza affianco senza poter nemmeno uscire per strada… o semplicemente chi disegna tutto ciò vuole farsi soltanto notare attraverso la provocazione… tanto il gioco delle menti limitate è solo la recita di un mantra che fa: “Io Io Io Io Io” fino a che gli si spacca la testa e ti viene il desiderio di farti ammazzare (vedi ultimo abito)…

  24. Straight from Hell…

  25. LOL!!! Ugly for human boys, human girls, ets, ghosts… poor models!!! 😅

  26. What in the Gay, fuxkery is this. It is clear that the fashion industry has ran out of actual ideas.
    You call this Fashion! Open your eyes Designers. I think they’re blinding you with Gayshiit

  27. Burn all

  28. what planet is this?

  29. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

  30. Amen I never saw any men

  31. ناس معقدين الله يشفيهم ويحررهم
    من براثن ابليس

  32. Who is the nut job who “designed🤮🤮” crap? I can only hope that the “men” who modelled this shit got paid big…but really can any amount of money justify wearing this shit?


  34. No. No amount of money should have been acceptable to wear this crap as clothing.

  35. No. No amount of money should have been acceptable to wear this crap as clothing.

  36. And that one is the only costume you might even think you could wear if there is nothkng else left in North Pole.

  37. Qué piensa de este esperpento Ágata Ruiz de la Prada.

  38. Arkham Asylum Trans Fashion Show

  39. Freak show

  40. Let me guess, Donald Trump is not their president?

  41. WTF is wrong with them?

  42. Pure shit

  43. quel gachie tant d’argent pour des horreurs !!

  44. Mankind has senteced himself to death.

  45. Ha ha ha!! “Right, that was fun, now let’s see what else we can make these silly sods do”

  46. I’m guessing these males are being trafficked, held as sex slaves or they are just pop culture zombie survivors of child molestation. This is purely demonic, just like the traffickers and molesters are demonic.

  47. Artistic licence run amok. What a waste of resources: fabrics, creativity, and most of all – human dignity. So sad.

  48. These poor models get paid a lot of money for this. I don’t feel sorry for them. They make a quick buck on the side.

  49. I’ll just stick my jeans and T-shirt thanks.

  50. This is just perversion for all the sick lgbt freaks to perve over. They are not men this is not fashion
    God made Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve. You must be a freak and need psychiatric treatment if you think any of this is acceptable.

  51. If it comedy. It’s hilarious. Just goes to show that truth is stranger than fiction. Cultural value or real significance? Nope. Entertainment for clowns…i.e. idel rich? Yup.

  52. Look like a bunch of queers eat hot dogs lol

  53. This is what’s wrong with the world today

  54. I seen most of these on the I love Lucy show. Lmao

  55. Hell Planet😜

  56. Pretty close to the truth!

  57. Allah hi. AKHBAR!! Allah hu Akhbar!!!💥💥💥

  58. Our poor children…

  59. Straight to landfill.

  60. Where are these shows taking place on what planet

  61. Y’all are cracking me up. This is not what fashion is. Its a show .. meant to bring attention to the industry. Its hilarious and I actually liked one of the designs ! Have fun .. stop being so serious

  62. How stupid, burn that garbage 🧐

  63. Men have always been better women 😂

  64. Yuck

  65. clearly a lack of talent in the fashion industry. On a woman or man this stuff is ridiculous!!! they do this for attention because they can’t design anything better to WOW the crowd

  66. There’s not even a shirt lifter amongst them. They’re all pillow biters. Imagine the size of their well-oiled bungholes. Reminds me of the sad old joke:
    Now clap.
    I can’t.
    Tight aren’t I?

  67. A crazy world, crazy, crazy. The return of Jesus Christ is near …

  68. This shows our world is slowly going to f hell

  69. How utterly ridiculous. These talentless idiots need to lay off the drugs. Whats with the gloves one? Must have been high on some shit to put that on a cat walk. Even gay men wouldn’t wear this rubbish

  70. Fashion designers are the most warped on the planet.

  71. OMG
    You mean someone actually gets paid for this 💩
    The only thing that kept me scrolling were the swimsuit ads which had the only class in the whole article

  72. Men?😂😂😂 FFS!🤬🤬🤬

  73. Very creative. Clearly going for a negative response and from above comments was successful. Remember art is about making people think and not necessarily aesthetically pleasing

  74. I’d sooner buy secondhand stuff and modify it myself. That would
    1. Cost less
    2. Protect the environment
    3. Look a whole lot better than this unbelievably crap “fashion”

  75. The demasculine of our men continues

  76. Hányingert kaptam a fenti képektől! Van még hová süllyedni? Megérett ez a világ a pusztulásra!

  77. Sick people.

  78. Even my gay friend’s wouldn’t wear this crap

  79. Thats not a fashion, thats diagnosis! Best proof of demence for designer. No need further tests. Bed ready!

  80. OBviously not fashion. but a huge parade of the sick f*cks who roam this earth.
    why is this even being shown?

  81. Somebody is having a laugh!

  82. Interesting how hostile these responses are. But I see the designs as a commentary on what is considered fashionable for women–pointed toes, spike heels, attire that restricts movement or suggests empty-headedness. This is a ‘think piece’, not a serious fashion exhibit. And it’s ironic humor. Relax, boys; nobody’s asking you to wear these designs.

  83. Can you imagine how embarrassed their mothers are?

  84. Awful!! Men don’t need anything more to demasculize them. They look possessed and ridiculous. I see no art anywhere in these. Jesus is soon to return.

  85. The twenties. I was hoping for something different. Great Gatsby style. But ok I’m gonna wear the dishwash gloves together with the Micky mouthwasher?

  86. If anyone can call this ART then they have quite a few marbles loose.
    Keep that lot caged up for goodness sake, do not let them loose.

  87. Is this a Horrror Show?

  88. Lack of talent has these designer.

  89. I’m really offended they don’t have any plus size models I’m available for your next show ,

  90. “Very creative. Clearly going for a negative response and from above comments was successful. Remember art is about making people think and not necessarily aesthetically pleasing”

    WRONG – Art , if it is true poetic art turns off the thinking mind and knocks you out of your ego to a transcendent place beyon words , time . gender . etc . This Schlock is not true art -sorry

  91. I’m gonna need a refund on the time I just loat here. I cant die knowing I wasted 10 seconds on this. The horror.

  92. A great criticism to what is the fashion made for women nowadays! fantastic!

  93. Is these comeing w man tampons ?

  94. i think I saw one midevil times and 2 others that looked different

  95. 🤮🤮🤮

  96. these are not men or Homosexuals these are real Fags

  97. Where seen the men?

  98. #vaccinessuck
    serious brain damage.

  99. omg!! get over it!! IT’S FASHION, MEANT TO PROVOKE. You Pseudo Christians brought Trump to this Country & you bitch about THIS!!???

  100. Welcome to the Satanic cult we call Hollywood..

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