Is 40 Years Old Still Young? Well… It Depends…

Is 40 still young? It depends who you ask. You may think that you are living the best years of your life and there will be many more to come, but sports broadcasters will destroy your silly delusion.

I'm only 40, I have my whole life ahead of me. I feel great. Here comes the oldest player in the league. He's 37. A miracle.

4 thoughts on “Is 40 Years Old Still Young? Well… It Depends…”

  1. At 54 he has bopped his dead brother’s wife, fathered his father’s 7th but illegitimate grandchild for whom no Christmas stocking hangs. Has phr0n videos of his exploits all over the internet from his misplaced laptop. Secured funding for the family by acting as an undocumented foreign agent to a former client state of the Soviet Union and has an insatiable cok3 habit for which he gets personal delivery to his place of residence in a USSA government facility.

  2. Are you refering to Eric or to Donald?

  3. Make Trump king then Eric can follow after him.

  4. Panel 1, you need to go to your handler and get the latest Putin talking points. Those were staler than last week’s black bread.

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