Kermit The Frog Meme: If I Can’t Have Her, No One Can

Divorce is never easy. It’s even more challenging if your wife is Miss Piggy and your favorite breakfast food is bacon. Kermit will do fine in prison, though. He’s already used to have a human hand in his butt.

If I can't have her, no one can.

21 thoughts on “Kermit The Frog Meme: If I Can’t Have Her, No One Can”

  1. Eat liver nuked the comments here!

  2. Man that was quick. Censorship is operating at light sped on Eatliver today. They even nuked the new comments! Say something true about Kamala not having been primared by the US voters and boom! And you guys bitch about Russia. Look at yourselves once in a while. Sad.

  3. They did the same to the dentist pic comments. Maybe they are going to jail the sites owner’s now if someone states “unacceptable views”. It would be the next logical step in silencing decent. That and freezing peoples bank accounts. We are so screwed in Canada. Sad.

  4. Better get your tin foil hat bub! Wouldn’t want the lizard folk to steal your brain waves!!!

  5. Or freeze your bank accounts, or jail you for Facebook posts and retweet’s. Don’t pretend you live in a free society when the world knows you do not. Test it yourself if you dare. Being a political prisoner sucks though I hear. Better not.

  6. Oh look the troll forgot to change his name!

  7. You can literally read his comments with a sobbering voice and it sounds accurate. 😥😂🤣

  8. You know those guys with the sandwich boards yelling the earth is gonna end!? That’s what he reminds me of!

  9. So he’s a troll, but you guys posting over and over about an election you can’t vote in isn’t trolling and is completely normal and not crazy at all. Got it.

  10. Is the troll sad? Is it being……trolled too hard?

  11. Troll tears. Show us on the doll where the users hurt you. 🤣🤣🤣 I’m dying.

  12. Well.. we were banned from going to church. Had our bank accounts frozen for “unacceptable views”. Got stomped by horses during a peaceful protest with bouncy houses and pizza ovens. Then we were harassed by the Nazi storm troopers and eventually put in jail for Facebook posts or retweets or holding a sign on the street. Basically any decent from the authoritarian Government or Free Speech activity. Theirs lots of us that got hurt. You just want it forgotten and covered up.

  13. Can’t imagine how many minorities you just offended with your post. Maybe this should really happen to you. Would teach you some decency.

  14. The post doesn’t mention any “minorities”. Nice try though. Kind of dishonest but that’s the Lefts Brand. And everything listed happened to people and is well documented. Good job trying to cover it up though. You should see if the Trudeau people have a job for you.

  15. Yikes. Such bad response. You can’t do better. Disgusting and sad at the same time, Bob.

  16. Bob was put in jail with a criminal charge……but some how moved to America legitimately? Youre either lying or an illegal immigrant in the US!

    My vote is on lying since you guys really enjoy that! But then again you guys also love hypocrisy, so being an illegal might be your thing too!

  17. Which is it Bob? Try and pull yourself out of this stinky hole!

  18. So if you know that what’s his real name? More manufactured BS. You really need to work for the Canadian Government. You’d be the perfect hire.

  19. Why do I need to know your real name I’m just repeating what you said! Bob!

  20. In other words it was all lies. Typical Trudeau voter.

  21. We knew you were lying but as I said….I was just repeating what you told us Bob! Are you okay? Do you need assistance?

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