Intelligence: Dogs vs. Cats

How smart are pets?

119 thoughts on “Intelligence: Dogs vs. Cats”

  1. Did you know that according to a recent metastudy, the average IQ of a cat person is almost as high as the average IQ of the lowest decile of the IQ of the dogs?

  2. Dogs are for people who like to keep slaves.

  3. Actually a well breed dog such as a German Sheppard, can have an IQ of 60 which is the same as a ten year old or your average Trump supporter.


  5. Cats can not be tamed.. Cats are way too smart to be categorized.. In fact if you want to compare cats do it vs wolves.. Because dogs are wolves but wolves who were downgraded.. Like slaves.. Obey and can not survive out in the wild by themselves…. Cats know better and will not submit their will.. Cats are majestic creatures like wolves


  7. You just showed your lack of intelligence. Enjoy 4 more years…

  8. So butthurt you can’t even let a cute animal meme stand. Good luck with your sheepish torch fest.

  9. It’s the same with people, too…

    You have smart ones…

    And dumb ones, like that Yarra person in the comment above…

  10. If not a fact now & your over 7yr’s , continue without love U may need when others U do know R caged or tied up; Male whench !

  11. Don’t you just love the way the Trump supporters respond. At lease it gives them practice at putting together sentences.

  12. Which is way superior to the averarge of a demorat…

  13. Proof that cats are smarter than dogs. You’d never in a million years get 8 cats to pull a sled across a frozen tundra. They’d just look at you and say, “You want us to do WHAT?”

  14. Dogs have masters, cats have hired help.

    Dogs have been domesticated for at least 50,000 years, and are all decended from one pack of Siberian wolves that still exist in the wild.

    Cats have been visiting humans for only about 5,000 years, so you can understand that they still are really all part wild.

  15. Cats bury their poop so it doesn’t bother anyone. Dogs leave theirs on the ground for others to “enjoy”.
    ….. And yet people say that dogs care

  16. Don’t insult the dog like that…they are MUCH smarter🤣

  17. I find cats are quite misunderstood & more intelligent than we give them credit for. They are capable of independent thought rather than followers (which I guess places them far higher up the food chain than Trump supporters). I’ve had a couple of cats, although mostly outdoors, as I don’t believe animals should be in a confined space, although when inside I’ve taught them to not jump on furniture or beds & to confine themselves to the mat by the backyard door. My dad isn’t too strong & when he goes on a walk around the block the cat follows him, on dad’s return when he’s metres away, the cat bolts to the back door meowing, pretty much informing my mum that dad is ok & coming home.

  18. A decile is 10 centilitters. Or: a litter holds 10 deciles.

  19. 😂😂

  20. At least Trump supporters can spell shepherd.

  21. Well personally I hope Trump gets elected again. The world is in deep trouble and we need a good laugh. Who better than Bozo the clown to fill the world with laughter? For the sake of the world Bozo the Clown for US President.

  22. So interesting that all these intelligent??? humans act and talk like the have real conversations with these stupid animals. Perhaps it’s the mentality of putting Beast Before Man or perhaps it’s just lack of Real intelligence of both Man and Beast.

  23. Dogs have owners.

    Cats have staff.

  24. Cats are such ********! They’re awesome. I just hate fur on everything

  25. Nobody cares, Anonymous. Surely you can find some other trump troglodytes to play with in your mothers basement?

  26. Use common sense dogs are not wolf’s there has always been wild dogs just like wild cats

  27. Dogs and cats are both intelligent. They show more intelligence than other mammals because they are so often domesticated (and therefore observed by humans). I own both. The only major difference I’ve noticed in their behavior is how dogs shower most humans with love and attention while cats only show love and affection to the person they most trust.

  28. Dogs eat shit

  29. The supporters that responded weren’t all to hostile, Yarra ye just up and insulted them on a cat meme. Can cats not escape the politcal bickering?

  30. This is just another way of saying that they’re self-cleaning.

  31. Don’t see Service cat’s Do ya’ !
    Dogs RULE…cats DROOL ! Prosecution rests !

  32. They have services cats in China, except they call them dinner

  33. Wolves

  34. Dogs are awesome! Cats are awesome! Quit being crybabies about either one because that shows you dont know anything about furbabies!

  35. These comments just prove dogs and cats are smarter than most humans.

  36. Yup!

  37. That why if my cat Trusts you, I will too. My cats run away, his or just sit and state at you? I’m proceeding with extreme caution. If I have to protect myself, any one of my cats will warn me. Can’t always count a dog to warn you. A cat will if you know them and their warning signals.

  38. Haha haha!

  39. Any animal who hangs out with Trump is INSANE…

  40. I have a dog and a cat. They are.both very talkative and intelligent.

  41. I have two cats that understand the meaning of 5 words, okay, not as many as dogs. But there is the possibility of understanding more than we think. But once again, a post that has absolutely nothing to do with politics has some ass come along and insert something about either political party. In this case, it’s obvious he/she has a bias against Democrats. It’s too bad he/she can take any discussion and turn it into a political rant instead of staying on the subject. Tells me they are obsessed with only one thing – themselves.

  42. You don’t need conversation to communicate with animals? You must be one of the soulless animal hating ***** of the world no doubt?

  43. Hahaha! Dogs eat shit! Hahaha! That’s very funny and so true!! Haha!! 😄 😆

  44. Cats won’t give you up to the cops for being stoned? 😄 😆 😄

  45. Having a 60 IQ wears better on a dog than 60 IQ wears on a Trump Supporter.

    If a dog OR a cat could vote, they would vote for the human who’s kind to them and loves cats and dogs. I’ve seen videos where dogs and leave the room, hiss and growl.

  46. My cats come when called the first time. My dog? Not so much.

  47. OK people. Listen up…This is an amusing post that is not meant to be taken seriously. Get a life if you can’t just enjoy a little laugh.

  48. I had a service cat for 16 years that would alert me before a seizure. She saved my life 3 times and also when there was a fire! My cats walk on a leash and are very intelligent. Cats are my passion and my heart!

  49. Which is still higher than your IQ!!

  50. I think it’s sad that a cute meme about pets has turned into an insultfest

  51. At least a trump supporter is smart enough to think for themselves, something you liberals don’t have an idea of what to do. Talk about dogs being slaves, just wait, after being told you will get the free stuff you’re begging for if you vote for those idiots who made you believe free stuff is actually free 😂 you will see who becomes slaves. Since the demoncrates have a low I Q. And considering they pulled the wool over your eyes what single digit I Q. Are you.

  52. If you think you’re hired help for a cat then I have no other choice but to believe you’re a liberal 😂😂😂

  53. So you think cats higher up on the food chain then Trump supporters, well tell me how low on the food chain are you liberals who are begging the socialist demoncrates for free stuff 😂 and actually believe you’re going to get it 😂. I got to give credit where credit is due, you liberals sure are funny.

  54. Just like liberals 😂😂😂

  55. Any creatures that believe in the socialist demoncrates is stupid with a capital S

  56. You commenting on the people being bias about the demoncrates but you’re to afraid to speak up against the ones who talk trash about the Republicans which makes you a racist and liberal because you socialists stick together like stink on crap.

  57. It will tell you a lot if you go back to the beginning and see who started the insults, just saying 😂.

  58. Well that’s Trump supporters for you. And to think ‘International Day of Disabled Persons’ isn’t until December

  59. Here you go, the one who started the insults and as usual it’s a liberal. To bad they don’t have the mentality of a cat 😂.

  60. Yarra, you’re the one who started the insults and as usual it’s from a liberal. To bad you have to be an ass during a friendly conversation about cats and dogs. Grow up and get over it because no one want to see you cry for another four years.

  61. Cats are smarter, better in every way.
    That’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it.

    There is a reason we vote by secret ballot.

  62. Me and my cat are better than you.

  63. Funny, no one discussed politics until a liberal posted. Seems they just can’t enjoy life without insulting someone. It’s a friggin webpage intended for humor. Get a life!

  64. Typical of the state of our nation. A amusing story/photos and it turns political. I have three (3)purple hearts and as a member of less than 8%of our legal population I can stand the venom I now see. By the way I’m 80+ and was burn in England came here when I was 7and I love the old America when there wasn’t such rudeness or venom in our talks. 🚁🪂🚁🪂

  65. My cats are so much smarter than dogs!!!!!

  66. Wow, silly Dog/Cat meme is all it takes to trigger some people into insulting each other. Humanity at its finest I suppose. I don’t think they animals care who gets elected. I also know some of you should not reproduce nor vote.

  67. It’s gotten very very much more ugly in the past four years. Wonder why?

  68. To Anonymous who asked WHAT IS A DECILE:
    noun: decile; plural noun: deciles
    …each of ten equal groups into which a population can be divided according to the distribution of values of a particular variable.
    “the lowest income decile of the population”
    …each of the nine values of the random variable which divide a population into ten deciles.

  69. I’ve had 4 cats and 1 dog. The dog was a standard poodle that was very intelligent. One of the cats was very smart, figuring out how to open doors (the little shit) and the like, and was also very loving. That cat’s littermate was a numpty who at one point decided that shitting underneath my parents’ bed instead of in the litter box was a fantastic idea, as well as being highly antisocial. The 3rd cat is very smart but only trusts a select few. The 4th cat plays fetch, but I think he’s got more skull than brain sometimes.

    Personally, I prefer cats, as they are independent, and if they trust you then it’s definitely something you’ve earned. I was spoiled by my dog, and have never had the desire to get another since. The only type of dog I’m vehemently against, is toy dogs and miniatures. Those dogs are annoying.

  70. I prefer to have both. Cats can be quite useful keeping mice out of the feed and garage and whatnot. They are also nice for a good scratch when you are feeling down and need a little cuddle. The dog is great at protecting the house and children. He is quite good a catching snakes and makes a great deterrent for people chasing our home. Plus he is also nice to cuddle with and keep you warm when your are sick and stuck at home. The real trick here is to find value in what you have. Treat your animals well and they will do thier duties around the home as needed.

  71. ^Casing not chasing…sorry

  72. The stupid demorats are still looking for them Russians under Trump’s bed, even after the Meuller report, the IG report, and the FISA report exposed the ones you parroted for 3 years as LIARS, and you still think he did something wrong. Trump plays chess while you fake news zombies play checkers. You havent even figured out that the fake news is run by the demorat party yet after every one else has. RSBL-Former DHS-USCIS, way above your pay grade and a 140 IQ thank you very much…try learning about those you try to insult, try learning facts before you speak, have fun when the indictments for sedition and treason come down on your party and its media after the Durham report. Better get a dog, so you have something in common with someone of your stature.

  73. LMFAO

  74. Don’t say that, next thing Trump will be claiming that even dogs like him

  75. Well Trump supporters are way smarter than Obama his mama and muslims.

  76. Is it amazing how many people take this post seriously considering the human “race” domesticated so many species for companionship, food and in modern times animal testing for our own scientific gains. Calm down.

    Dogs and cats has different uses and benefits, neither is better than the other.

  77. Agree 100%.

  78. You give the Trump supporters too much credit, as is evident by the replies.

  79. Cats bury their waste so as not to alert prey to their presence in the area. They are predatory animals and still have that natural instinct. Dog are opportunist (I didn’t use the word scavengers, because some A-hole on here will use that to belittle them), their waste doesn’t scare off other animals. If you don’t believe me, try putting cat feces around the perimeter of a garden, you won’t have to worry about rabbits or deer eating in it. And if you don’t think K-9s are smart Google service animals and watch a few videos.

  80. Why is everything always turned into a political debate? It’s just a cute meme that should actually make us laugh and take our minds off of such things rather than arguing about them.

  81. I’d like you to meet my GSD in the dark one night. He could educate you with his 60 IQ.

  82. Yarra, every text that I saw you post had a misspelling in it. Are you sure you aren’t secretly a Trump supporter. Your display of intelligence is extremely lacking. There are not too many things worse than a smug liberal. You are one of those smog liberals.

  83. Good one

  84. What’s IQ

  85. Dogs are stupid and needy, idiots like their mommys and daddys who faithfully pick up their crap behind them… LOL 😾😾😾

  86. Ha! The Trump humping moron posting here is just the same as all the rest. Has zero grasp of even the most basics of spelling, grammar, and syntax. It’s “too many” or “too much.” Not “to.”

    Have you losers found that pizza parlor sex ring yet? Idiots.

  87. Cats are smarter then dogs. It has been proven.

  88. First of all I have grown up owning dogs and cats. And right now me and my fiance are raising 1 young cat and 4 kittens all different ages. Cat basically have a mind of their own and do what ever the hell they want while dogs are man’s best friend and loyal and do whatever their owner tells them to do. Seconds cats if they are strays know how to fend for themselves and survive on their own while dogs if the get lost don’t know what to do or what it takes to survive in the wild there’s a major difference. Cats can’t be trained or tamed and dogs can and even do tricks for their owners my 5 cats are lazy as hell and don’t do crap. Everyone has their own opinions on this but I believe cats are smarter based specifically on what I’ve seen with my own eyes and the facts I stated and I’m not a dog hater at all I love dogs and cat the same!!!!!!

  89. A comment from Auatralia, wow, I thought it was a fun comment about cats and dogs. But as I read the political comments for and against Donald Trump, and Republican and Democrat supporters I came to a conclusion. You take our Priminister and we’ll have your President. We need a political leader with courage, not just one looking to how to win the next election.
    By the way I agree with the earlier comment Dogs have masters, Cats have staff.

  90. Thanks auto correct, it’s Australia

  91. Yeah, you’re a genius. Learn how to spell first.

  92. I’m here for the comments.
    *eats popcorn*

  93. There are a whole lot of idiots on here including the Drumpf troll. It has nothing to do with masters and slaves. Cats are solitary for the most part and don’t have packs as a way of life in the wild, dogs do, that has a lot to do with how dogs follow a leader and cats don’t. You don’t want your dog being alfa male in your home, that’s your position. Oh yeah, Anonymous, you’re an idiot.

  94. Everybody thinks they know everything. Now that’s what keeps this country going! One solution, you don’t like it leave! We will not cry over the loss!

  95. Cats are *******, but that’s ok. If you enjoy having a self centered self serving narcissistic jerk around get a cat. And then when you piss him off instead of using the litter box hell shit in your shoes and spray your furniture ENJOY.

  96. Yup about right

  97. But we’re in charge so that makes you an imbecile.

  98. Hilarious

  99. You all have too much time on your hands

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