Finally Explained: How Babies Are Actually Crying

The man can send rockets to space, but when it comes to feelings, he’s still on dial-up. Elon Musk is the world’s biggest man-child crybaby.

The man can send rockets to space, but when it comes to feelings, he's still on dial-up. Elon Musk is the world's biggest man-child crybaby.

1 thought on “Finally Explained: How Babies Are Actually Crying”

  1. I smell…..a rat!

    To the cult that defends this clown, how is your hyperloop? Your FULL self driving car? How about your cheap solar roof tiles? How about your electric jet? How about Mars? Is it okay there this time of year?

    Oh but he did make the reusable rocket…..oh no….that idea has been done before too ……the DC-X back in the 90s……

    The FAA is the only thing keeping another starship from exploding!

    I’m sure he’s done something….like invent PayPal? Oh no…he didn’t…..he was fired from PayPal for being a terrible CEO!

    He made lots of babies, then refused to father them!

    Oh you know what….he did organize his children by numbering them! It’s about his only accomplishment!

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