See this guy? This you commenting here how everything sucks and all the content is stupid. This is basically not a meme, this is a mirror.
74 thoughts on “Typical Internet Commenter: Her Nose Is Too Big”
Looks like a young Donald. Look how he grasps the remote,
just like Donny boys grasps his pee pee. His tiny hands make
His pee pee look large, well it isn’t.
incel 101
Wait! It’s Bob!
If you’re looking for anything of substance online, it’s you who is misguided. This is the land of nerds and trolls, not Carealot. One doesn’t simply walk in here. The very air is thick with sarcasm and BO…
Then gets on eatliver and posts political comments.
Bob is sad.
Looks like an overweight Zach Braff
Miss Spain.. Mmmmm…
We need to cook Frog fries in beef tallow instead of seed oils to make USSA healthy again.
Who is looking at the nose?? Seriously.
Vote Trump to make America RUssia again.
Looking at these absolutely stunningly beautiful women, and all you can think about is Trump. You poor, poor deluded sick puppy.
Ok, Traitor Bob.
I think all these women use teeth whitening. I like my
women all natural, even if that means unwanted hair,
the odd pimple, yellowish teeth as long as she does
not smoke or vape. Also I like a bit of beef around the
thighs, or as I say a built in pillow. Under 5’4” should
be no surprise. NO RUNTS pleeeeeeease!
Race or colour not important, but no muslims, these
chicks seem to be allergic to bathtubs or showers.
I am not fussy, just discernible.
Just remember, they all enjoy a good licking a few times
a week.
Dear “Mr. Diddy,” You won’t need to worry about women with oddly white teeth, unwanted hair or pimples, their smoking habits or religious affiliations. Where you’re currently living, and for the rest of your life, you’ll be surprised to learn they aren’t actually women.
So are all of the Diddlers fellow perverts Democrats or Republicans? You know they are all Democrats! It’s always Democrats HaHa.
More news on Trump’s rapist career. A new victim of him and his best buddy Epstein came forward.
We have to protect women from such animals.
“And then Trump came in naked and single handedly started rape ing the 100s of people at the party. Everyone. Men, women, children even the pets. It went on for hours and hours. I still have nightmares.”
– Anonymous Kamala Zealot
No. He obviously raped just one woman (on that occasion). And you applaud him for that. Because that’s what you want for yourself. Otherwise you’ll never be near a woman.
Who praised him? Why do you want to rape women? Are you from the Middle East? India maybe? Talk about rape culture Oh Vey!
Conservative culture is rape culture.
Ever been to the middle East, Egypt, India, Africa? No one on earth rapes at the rates these people do. Just look what happens when you let them into civilized countries. Suppose you will deny that happens as well. Don’t waste your time. It’s a well known fact and you know it.
No, I don’t go there for the same reasons as I don’t go to the US – Disease and crime.
This country here has refugees. And it has never been safer in history. Like most countries, btw. The US might be an exception though. You mostly enjoy killing each other, right.
Statistics show that the illegal immigrants are better behaved than the Americans that fear them.
That actually also true. I remember reading about that study.
Yes. LEGAL immigrants. That study is often used by the Left as a talking point but they never mention the study was done on legal immigrants NOT illegal immigrants.
Trump will make corrections. Biggly.
Miss Spain.. again.. Mmmmm..
Will never happen. You are too ugly.
.. it’s true 😢. But I can dream can’t I! She is perfection.
Bobs are forever alone. Which is a good thing. Makes it harder for them to procreate. But that’s also the reason many Bobs are rapists. Well, like many conservatives are. Raping your own wife is still rape.
“An NIJ-funded study examining data from the Texas Department of Public Safety estimated the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested for committing crimes. The study found that undocumented immigrants are arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for violent and drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property crimes.”
Bob won’t answer on that or insult you. Then he’ll claim the study is faked by leftist overlords. That solves the “fact problem” for his damaged brain.
Tell that to the murdered and raped little girls. Or the people under threat by violent Venezuelan Gangs in Colorado, New York, Chicago etc.. Many countries emptied their prisons and mental hospitals and bused them or flew them into the US with the help of US taxpayer funded NGO’s. The Biden Administration let in millions of unvetted illegals. They have blood on their hands. It’s the #1 reason The Cackling Knob Gobbler is getting her as# handed to her. But no borders is the big Maoists dream right..
“ The FBI acknowledges some Venezuelan criminals have migrated to the U.S., but there’s no indication they were purposefully released from prison to come to this country.
When Trump makes such an explosive and sweeping claim — and makes it a hallmark of his case to return to office — the onus is on him to provide evidence. He hasn’t. (His press office did not respond to our inquires about it.) And the argument that Venezuelan crime is down is not the proof Trump suggests it is.”
Right. Because illegal immigrants only help countries. It’s good for the country, any country to be flooded with millions of unvetted illegal immigrants Right? Please do make a list of the positive effect of illegal immigration. Please proceed. I’m sure it’s a long long list of positives. And I’m sure it will outweigh all the rapes, murders, school and hospital over crowding. And don’t forget the billions of taxpayer dollars that could be used to help hurting people in their own countries.
Confronted with facts the rightard defends his position with fake facts, made-up horrors and fear mongering in a futile attempt of whataboutism. Once again asking for a “list”. Yet, several users are still waiting for HIS lists which he never provided and never will.
A pathetic scene to watch. A ruined and terrible form of life.
Ask anyone in a US city flooded with illegals how much their life has improved. How safe they feel especially for their wives, daughters and sisters.
How great their schools have become now that class sizes are doubled and must accommodate ESL teaching and security ahead of all else.
How they feel about struggling to pay their bills and taxes while others get a free pass or better.
Why do they seem to have more rights than a US citizen.
Where are all the Mexican Grandma’s they said were coming over the boarder?
It’s all just the usual lies from the Left. Destroy Western Civilization on purpose then blame the victims. You know, the usual.
Where’s the list, Bob?
I am not pro illegal immigrants but against fact-free fear mongering by populists.
Every normal person is against illegal immigration. That’s why it is illegal. Populists won’t stop it though. They need the peoples’ fear against a blown-up phantom threat.
The left has to import votes. They have even resorted to flying them in directly from their home countries to where they need them.
The left cares nothing about the future. They never look past the next election, tossing all their promises to the people aside after they get in office.
Hoooooh, c o n s p i r a c i e s. Where are those mystic votes? In Trump’s butt? Do they use black ops planes to bring the people in? Or do they use flea powder and pop up in the chimneys of the election offices?
What a pile of BS. You disqualified yourself. 🤡😂
They use NGO’s, (non governmental organizations), using tax payers money to fly illegal immigrants all over the US. They used FEMA funds to do it as well. These aren’t conspiracy theories. It’s in the Biden Administrations budget. With AI replacing millions of jobs in the immediate future why else would you import uneducated and unskilled workers by the millions. Is it to control the population of stray cats and dogs in Springfield Ohio maybe.. You tell us why.
Yeah, sure. NGOs everywhere. Mhm. – Someone call the guys with the jacket. Hurry.
Don’t know why anyone is worried about immigration anymore. Either side this time will make things so bad, nobody would be looking here for a better life. It’s Canada and Mexico who will be building border walls.
A realistic scenario should Trump win. Many Americans fled to Europe during his last term and found a life of freedom and highest living standards there they haven’t known before. Realising they have been slave their entire life before they left the US.
Fled to Europe and got arrested for Facebook posts after complaining online about the shabby illegal immigrant covered streets and not being able to keep their daughters, wives or even young boys safe from being raped. So they moved back to a sane country that allows legal self defense. We’ve all been there and have been deeply disappointed. You Europoors are ridiculous.
I don’t no what place do you describe there, but you’ve never been to Europe. Good, I guess. No one wants you there.
“Europoors” says the guy living from paycheck to paycheck eating synthetic mac’n’cheese on a plastic plate on sunday out of his microwave. 😂
And sitting at a card table under a bare bulb in a single wide trailer right? We used to vacation in Europe every year. It’s not like that’s a real achievement. Millions do it. Viking river cruises were our hobby for years. But not for along time now. You can’t deny that the major cities in Europe are shi# holes now. Just like in the US. The Government pumping in illegals has destroyed them. And I didn’t coin the phrase Europoors. It’s a well known saying that is becoming more true everyday. When Biden blew up the Northstream Pipeline it only made it worse. And they still support Warhawk Democrats. Go figure.
I don’t know where you have been. But it wasn’t Europe for sure.
Are you sure you left the country? Well, many U.S. cities share names with old places in Europe. Maybe that’s where you have been as a kid and your parents were ashamed that they couldn’t afford a vacation to real Europe.
The blown-up pipeline was a blessing for Europe. From that moment on Ruzzia couldn’t extort the European with natural gas countries anymore and politics shifted. Those energy costs were a small price for freedom.
And there are no sh*tholes here. Europe doesn’t have an army of homeless drug addicts living in tents like the U.S. We get healthcare and can afford painkillers. No Oxi zombies here.
Mississippi is the poorest State in the US. Their medium income level is higher then anywhere in Europe. So is their standard of living. Europoors is accurate. I think it’s you who have never been to the US.
“the cost of living in the United States is significantly higher than across Europe on average. Basic expenses for a single adult with no children in the U.S. is $2,508, compared to an average $1,746 per month in Europe.”
We earn less, but keep more than the Americans. In the end we can save money. That’s the trick. The American concept of living from paycheck to paycheck, eating junk to safe money and praying to God the car or washing machine won’t break is basicly unknown in Europe. Most people have adequate saving.
As I said, I don’t think you have ever been to the US. You take anecdotal information and think that ALL Americans live like that. They don’t. We’ve been to Europe. We’ve seen how they live. We’ve smelled the British people because they have third world plumbing and are not frequent bathers. We’ve seen the horrific British smiles because they can’t afford good dental care. Poor kids in the US still get braces. You were great countries at one time but that time passed long ago. America will go the same way someday. Don’t feel bad Europoors.
Maybe newly elected President Trump will help you out.
Britain isn’t really “Europe”. They are odd. Don’t know why they don’t care about their teeth. The country has been run down by conservative economic politics. Like the U.S. the UK has a 2-party system. It’s a preview what the U.S. can expect from Trump’s economic politics.
Other European countries have excellent dental care.
If you only have been to Britain you haven’t really been to Europe.
I’ve been all over Europe. I’ve been, done and seen. Many parts are wonderful. Many parts have great leadership. For example the countries that have refused to take refugees, (a deceptive name for illegal immigrants), are still great and will still get our tourist dollars. But sadly countries like France and many others are ruined. And no one wants to visit. America is similar. The large once beautiful cities, (all run by Democrats), have been decimated. But the interior of the country is still beautiful. I’m sure this is true in Europe and everywhere else I’d bet. Didn’t mean to be so negative. Just tired of people trashing the US on here and I’m not even an American. No worries. Have a great day mate.
So, you hit your head on a wall. I see. Get well soon. Sleep a bit, mate. So you won’t be that tired. Then we will continue the trashing. Even if you are “not an American”. 😉😉😉
Yes. The usual Leftist hate. Only it doesn’t matter anymore. Your ideology is and always has been a dumpster fire. Did you learn nothing from the election? Not just Trump winning but an entire country moving away from the madness of the Left. Trash away. But it’s just meaningless unfocused hate now. You know, the usual.
What’s you idology? Oh, right. You don’t have any.
My ideology is that Miss Spain is absolutely gorgeous. I mean she is just stunning. And I don’t mean that in a creepy sexual way. She’s truly beautiful. That’s my ideology in a nut shell. And it trumps yours. Get it.. Trumps yours.. hahahaha.
You are still ugly and will never get near her. Loser.
Never said I could. Just appreciate beauty in all its forms. So much negative energy around it’s nice to just stop and smell the roses. To be positive about life. You should try that.
I would. But your ugliness destroys the idyllic picture. Not your face. I can’t see you… obviously. But your ugly character ruins the scenery.
Negative Nelly taking their daily dump. We should pity not scorn folks like this. We’ll pray for you.
Latin men bad, latin women good. Conservative pervs.
Looks like a young Donald. Look how he grasps the remote,
just like Donny boys grasps his pee pee. His tiny hands make
His pee pee look large, well it isn’t.
incel 101
Wait! It’s Bob!
If you’re looking for anything of substance online, it’s you who is misguided. This is the land of nerds and trolls, not Carealot. One doesn’t simply walk in here. The very air is thick with sarcasm and BO…
Then gets on eatliver and posts political comments.
Bob is sad.
Looks like an overweight Zach Braff
Miss Spain.. Mmmmm…
We need to cook Frog fries in beef tallow instead of seed oils to make USSA healthy again.
Who is looking at the nose?? Seriously.
Vote Trump to make America RUssia again.
Looking at these absolutely stunningly beautiful women, and all you can think about is Trump. You poor, poor deluded sick puppy.
Ok, Traitor Bob.
I think all these women use teeth whitening. I like my
women all natural, even if that means unwanted hair,
the odd pimple, yellowish teeth as long as she does
not smoke or vape. Also I like a bit of beef around the
thighs, or as I say a built in pillow. Under 5’4” should
be no surprise. NO RUNTS pleeeeeeease!
Race or colour not important, but no muslims, these
chicks seem to be allergic to bathtubs or showers.
I am not fussy, just discernible.
Just remember, they all enjoy a good licking a few times
a week.
Dear “Mr. Diddy,” You won’t need to worry about women with oddly white teeth, unwanted hair or pimples, their smoking habits or religious affiliations. Where you’re currently living, and for the rest of your life, you’ll be surprised to learn they aren’t actually women.
So are all of the Diddlers fellow perverts Democrats or Republicans? You know they are all Democrats! It’s always Democrats HaHa.
More news on Trump’s rapist career. A new victim of him and his best buddy Epstein came forward.
We have to protect women from such animals.
“And then Trump came in naked and single handedly started rape ing the 100s of people at the party. Everyone. Men, women, children even the pets. It went on for hours and hours. I still have nightmares.”
– Anonymous Kamala Zealot
No. He obviously raped just one woman (on that occasion). And you applaud him for that. Because that’s what you want for yourself. Otherwise you’ll never be near a woman.
Who praised him? Why do you want to rape women? Are you from the Middle East? India maybe? Talk about rape culture Oh Vey!
Conservative culture is rape culture.
Ever been to the middle East, Egypt, India, Africa? No one on earth rapes at the rates these people do. Just look what happens when you let them into civilized countries. Suppose you will deny that happens as well. Don’t waste your time. It’s a well known fact and you know it.
No, I don’t go there for the same reasons as I don’t go to the US – Disease and crime.
This country here has refugees. And it has never been safer in history. Like most countries, btw. The US might be an exception though. You mostly enjoy killing each other, right.
Statistics show that the illegal immigrants are better behaved than the Americans that fear them.
That actually also true. I remember reading about that study.
Yes. LEGAL immigrants. That study is often used by the Left as a talking point but they never mention the study was done on legal immigrants NOT illegal immigrants.
Trump will make corrections. Biggly.
Miss Spain.. again.. Mmmmm..
Will never happen. You are too ugly.
.. it’s true 😢. But I can dream can’t I! She is perfection.
Bobs are forever alone. Which is a good thing. Makes it harder for them to procreate. But that’s also the reason many Bobs are rapists. Well, like many conservatives are. Raping your own wife is still rape.
“An NIJ-funded study examining data from the Texas Department of Public Safety estimated the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested for committing crimes. The study found that undocumented immigrants are arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for violent and drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property crimes.”
Bob won’t answer on that or insult you. Then he’ll claim the study is faked by leftist overlords. That solves the “fact problem” for his damaged brain.
Tell that to the murdered and raped little girls. Or the people under threat by violent Venezuelan Gangs in Colorado, New York, Chicago etc.. Many countries emptied their prisons and mental hospitals and bused them or flew them into the US with the help of US taxpayer funded NGO’s. The Biden Administration let in millions of unvetted illegals. They have blood on their hands. It’s the #1 reason The Cackling Knob Gobbler is getting her as# handed to her. But no borders is the big Maoists dream right..
“ The FBI acknowledges some Venezuelan criminals have migrated to the U.S., but there’s no indication they were purposefully released from prison to come to this country.
When Trump makes such an explosive and sweeping claim — and makes it a hallmark of his case to return to office — the onus is on him to provide evidence. He hasn’t. (His press office did not respond to our inquires about it.) And the argument that Venezuelan crime is down is not the proof Trump suggests it is.”
Right. Because illegal immigrants only help countries. It’s good for the country, any country to be flooded with millions of unvetted illegal immigrants Right? Please do make a list of the positive effect of illegal immigration. Please proceed. I’m sure it’s a long long list of positives. And I’m sure it will outweigh all the rapes, murders, school and hospital over crowding. And don’t forget the billions of taxpayer dollars that could be used to help hurting people in their own countries.
Confronted with facts the rightard defends his position with fake facts, made-up horrors and fear mongering in a futile attempt of whataboutism. Once again asking for a “list”. Yet, several users are still waiting for HIS lists which he never provided and never will.
A pathetic scene to watch. A ruined and terrible form of life.
Ask anyone in a US city flooded with illegals how much their life has improved. How safe they feel especially for their wives, daughters and sisters.
How great their schools have become now that class sizes are doubled and must accommodate ESL teaching and security ahead of all else.
How they feel about struggling to pay their bills and taxes while others get a free pass or better.
Why do they seem to have more rights than a US citizen.
Where are all the Mexican Grandma’s they said were coming over the boarder?
It’s all just the usual lies from the Left. Destroy Western Civilization on purpose then blame the victims. You know, the usual.
Where’s the list, Bob?
I am not pro illegal immigrants but against fact-free fear mongering by populists.
Every normal person is against illegal immigration. That’s why it is illegal. Populists won’t stop it though. They need the peoples’ fear against a blown-up phantom threat.
The left has to import votes. They have even resorted to flying them in directly from their home countries to where they need them.
The left cares nothing about the future. They never look past the next election, tossing all their promises to the people aside after they get in office.
Hoooooh, c o n s p i r a c i e s. Where are those mystic votes? In Trump’s butt? Do they use black ops planes to bring the people in? Or do they use flea powder and pop up in the chimneys of the election offices?
What a pile of BS. You disqualified yourself. 🤡😂
They use NGO’s, (non governmental organizations), using tax payers money to fly illegal immigrants all over the US. They used FEMA funds to do it as well. These aren’t conspiracy theories. It’s in the Biden Administrations budget. With AI replacing millions of jobs in the immediate future why else would you import uneducated and unskilled workers by the millions. Is it to control the population of stray cats and dogs in Springfield Ohio maybe.. You tell us why.
Yeah, sure. NGOs everywhere. Mhm. – Someone call the guys with the jacket. Hurry.
Don’t know why anyone is worried about immigration anymore. Either side this time will make things so bad, nobody would be looking here for a better life. It’s Canada and Mexico who will be building border walls.
A realistic scenario should Trump win. Many Americans fled to Europe during his last term and found a life of freedom and highest living standards there they haven’t known before. Realising they have been slave their entire life before they left the US.
Fled to Europe and got arrested for Facebook posts after complaining online about the shabby illegal immigrant covered streets and not being able to keep their daughters, wives or even young boys safe from being raped. So they moved back to a sane country that allows legal self defense. We’ve all been there and have been deeply disappointed. You Europoors are ridiculous.
I don’t no what place do you describe there, but you’ve never been to Europe. Good, I guess. No one wants you there.
“Europoors” says the guy living from paycheck to paycheck eating synthetic mac’n’cheese on a plastic plate on sunday out of his microwave. 😂
And sitting at a card table under a bare bulb in a single wide trailer right? We used to vacation in Europe every year. It’s not like that’s a real achievement. Millions do it. Viking river cruises were our hobby for years. But not for along time now. You can’t deny that the major cities in Europe are shi# holes now. Just like in the US. The Government pumping in illegals has destroyed them. And I didn’t coin the phrase Europoors. It’s a well known saying that is becoming more true everyday. When Biden blew up the Northstream Pipeline it only made it worse. And they still support Warhawk Democrats. Go figure.
I don’t know where you have been. But it wasn’t Europe for sure.
Are you sure you left the country? Well, many U.S. cities share names with old places in Europe. Maybe that’s where you have been as a kid and your parents were ashamed that they couldn’t afford a vacation to real Europe.
The blown-up pipeline was a blessing for Europe. From that moment on Ruzzia couldn’t extort the European with natural gas countries anymore and politics shifted. Those energy costs were a small price for freedom.
And there are no sh*tholes here. Europe doesn’t have an army of homeless drug addicts living in tents like the U.S. We get healthcare and can afford painkillers. No Oxi zombies here.
Mississippi is the poorest State in the US. Their medium income level is higher then anywhere in Europe. So is their standard of living. Europoors is accurate. I think it’s you who have never been to the US.
“the cost of living in the United States is significantly higher than across Europe on average. Basic expenses for a single adult with no children in the U.S. is $2,508, compared to an average $1,746 per month in Europe.”
We earn less, but keep more than the Americans. In the end we can save money. That’s the trick. The American concept of living from paycheck to paycheck, eating junk to safe money and praying to God the car or washing machine won’t break is basicly unknown in Europe. Most people have adequate saving.
As I said, I don’t think you have ever been to the US. You take anecdotal information and think that ALL Americans live like that. They don’t. We’ve been to Europe. We’ve seen how they live. We’ve smelled the British people because they have third world plumbing and are not frequent bathers. We’ve seen the horrific British smiles because they can’t afford good dental care. Poor kids in the US still get braces. You were great countries at one time but that time passed long ago. America will go the same way someday. Don’t feel bad Europoors.
Maybe newly elected President Trump will help you out.
Britain isn’t really “Europe”. They are odd. Don’t know why they don’t care about their teeth. The country has been run down by conservative economic politics. Like the U.S. the UK has a 2-party system. It’s a preview what the U.S. can expect from Trump’s economic politics.
Other European countries have excellent dental care.
If you only have been to Britain you haven’t really been to Europe.
I’ve been all over Europe. I’ve been, done and seen. Many parts are wonderful. Many parts have great leadership. For example the countries that have refused to take refugees, (a deceptive name for illegal immigrants), are still great and will still get our tourist dollars. But sadly countries like France and many others are ruined. And no one wants to visit. America is similar. The large once beautiful cities, (all run by Democrats), have been decimated. But the interior of the country is still beautiful. I’m sure this is true in Europe and everywhere else I’d bet. Didn’t mean to be so negative. Just tired of people trashing the US on here and I’m not even an American. No worries. Have a great day mate.
So, you hit your head on a wall. I see. Get well soon. Sleep a bit, mate. So you won’t be that tired. Then we will continue the trashing. Even if you are “not an American”. 😉😉😉
Yes. The usual Leftist hate. Only it doesn’t matter anymore. Your ideology is and always has been a dumpster fire. Did you learn nothing from the election? Not just Trump winning but an entire country moving away from the madness of the Left. Trash away. But it’s just meaningless unfocused hate now. You know, the usual.
What’s you idology? Oh, right. You don’t have any.
My ideology is that Miss Spain is absolutely gorgeous. I mean she is just stunning. And I don’t mean that in a creepy sexual way. She’s truly beautiful. That’s my ideology in a nut shell. And it trumps yours. Get it.. Trumps yours.. hahahaha.
You are still ugly and will never get near her. Loser.
Never said I could. Just appreciate beauty in all its forms. So much negative energy around it’s nice to just stop and smell the roses. To be positive about life. You should try that.
I would. But your ugliness destroys the idyllic picture. Not your face. I can’t see you… obviously. But your ugly character ruins the scenery.
Negative Nelly taking their daily dump. We should pity not scorn folks like this. We’ll pray for you.
Latin men bad, latin women good. Conservative pervs.
Diddy and all his Democrat pals disagree.
Diddy’s imaginary pals. You got your own too?