Halloween is right around the corner. It’s the scariest time of the year (apart from getting electricity bill), but it’s also funny so here’s a list of hilarious tweets to entertain you while you try to come up with a clever costume idea for this year’s Halloween party. For those who doesn’t live in the greatest country in the world and doesn’t celebrate Halloween – we feel sorry for you. U S A! U S A!
My favorite part is that you can say, “Want some candy, little boy/girl” and not get into trouble.
Why’s that… do you normally get in trouble when you do it outside of Halloween?
Halloween should be banned. Encourages kids to become fat slobs
just like their parents. Encourages kids to be little felons if they don’t
get a treat. I could go on, but you get the picture.
Encourage kids the only way to have fun is to have
the shit scared out of them.
All of the Tweets were tons funnier than the pictures
Well they certainly won’t have any fun around you, Captain Killjoy.