Weird Instagram Beauty Trend: Girls With Hairy Legs

Instagram is a famous for various awkward beauty movements and trends. Featured below is a gallery of girls who are really, really, proud of their hairy legs. Scroll down, enjoy, and don’t forget to use high-quality bleach afterwards to clean these photos out of your memory!

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

Girls with hairy legs is a real Instagram beauty trend.

…but what to do if you are a guy? How to get Insta-famous by using your very own body hair? Well, you should consider turning your chest hair into art!

114 thoughts on “Weird Instagram Beauty Trend: Girls With Hairy Legs”

  1. No no
    No no no…

  2. HELL NO

  3. What is this. 2018? We’ve seen this gallery several tlmes on Eatliver :/

    Post more cats instead! Cats > Harry Lex

    – CatMan

  4. Not weird. Sexy. Nice to see au naturel making a comeback!

  5. No Playmates here

  6. How utterly human of them!

  7. Nature. Gross for some degenerated people.

  8. Shaver industry is in panic. The market is collapsing.

  9. 🤮

  10. I am gay and this turns me on.

  11. Best method of contraception

  12. What’s with all the PC feedback?
    Women are free to not shave their legs.
    Men are free to not find that attractive.

  13. Some of these are clearly not “her” legs.

  14. Jap. Just as if all men would wear beards and everyone would have very long hair, because it is unnatural to cut it. Actually, it is rather unnatural to wash. And everyone would have rather long nails. Clothes in general are pretty unnatural, too, totally inhumane.

  15. Washing yourself is unnatural. Please, don’t show us your teeth, because nature, you know.

  16. Women started shaving in the first place for a reason – because that’s just gross.

  17. u 2

  18. So why are you here? Your mom wasn’t shaved when we made you.

  19. Shaming is wrong though. That’s the difference between not caring about and mobbing.

  20. Women started shaving because the industry created a demand by shaming. They couldn’t sell more to men as most men were shaving at that time. Remember what happens when all women were basicly shaving? Suddenly men were expected to shave their whole body for no reason. With special shavers of course.
    Hygiene as a reason is fake advertizing btw. Washing will make clean no matter if you are hairy or not. And most shaving of private parts is related to the p*rn industry.

  21. Gross is demanding women to shave their body hair so they look like minors. American perversion.

  22. There it is. People have been grooming themselves for thousands of years, but it’s Americas fault. Just go live there already. Your obsessed with them and we don’t need you.

  23. Hot chicks are still hot even with hairy legs. But ugly chicks get even uglier.

  24. There is a distinct line between shaming or declaring your dislike.
    Making fun of someone because he/she/it has hairy legs is not ok.
    Saying you don’t like hairy legs is perfectly ok.

  25. I will take a wild guess they would vote Hillary, even if she straight up murdered their parents in front of them.

  26. Lads, we just solved the BIG GAY problem.
    We take all the hairy and/or buff girls and engage them with the gay guys.

  27. Shaving, much like caring for your odor, nails, hair etc. is a sign of having personal standards. Like being educated or having good work ethics.
    Being unshaven simply shows you are careless and do not care about yourself. Unhealthy individuals, who have physical or mental problems usually don’t or can’t take care of themselves – e.g. retarded animals or humans will poop where they stand and not wash themselves.

    Being clean and in this case shaven is rooted in our instincts, and it is not unnatural to perceive individual who does not care for themselves to their best as sick/ unhealthy.
    E.g. I presume that women would find unkempt beard rather disgusting as well. Or an unwashed butt.

  28. You are projecting your behavior onto others.

  29. Trump would kill all your parents. He already tried by doing nothing about the pandemic.

  30. A lot of good marketing training there. Good boy.

  31. If someone makes something good America steals it and claims it has invented it. Take all or nothing.

  32. I think it’s The Governor of New York killing people but we won’t talk about that because he’s one of our Lefty’s.

  33. women: men look gross with a jungle of hair out of their noses, and all that bush out of their ears
    men: okay *men trim and take care of their appearance without complaining*

    men: women don’t look sexy with hairy legs
    women: it is natural! I don’t do it for you! misogynist! you should love me as I am…blah blah blah.

    Sweating is natural and it becomes smelly. We take showers and use deodorant.
    Beards are natural, yet you don’t see all men with belly long unkempt beards.
    Brushing teeth, combing our hairs, using toilets is not natural. Yet we do it.
    Contraception is not natural, fake nails, hair extensions, fake lashes, shape wear and makeup are Not natural. Yet women do it (and some men too). Oh my, the hypocrisy!

  34. Girls need to start braiding that leg hair

  35. You talk a lot of BS, incel.

  36. Trump killed those people when he did nothing to stop the pandemic. Remember, he told everyone it was harmless. New Yorkers will disagree.
    You are blaming the governor for Trump’s failures.
    It is reasonable that they had hidden the numbers. Every state administration would have been overwhelmed wwith that. Would Trump have helped? No. He would have blamed the governors, ate a burger while golfing and told his halfwit followers not to wear masks so more people would die.
    Trump murdered more than 500,000 Americans so far. By incompetence and laziness.

  37. gross!

  38. Just like those two anti-vaxxers Biden and Harris killed all those people who didn’t and won’t get vaccinated because they came out during the campaign and said they didn’t trust the vaccine because it was developed during the trump admin.

  39. sascooch

  40. Right, Trump killed all the people in the New York nursing homes just like these pictures of Canadian women aren’t accurate. Oh you guys..

  41. Um, Biden is vaccinated. Don’t take your Fox drugs.

  42. Not just New York. Trump is directly responsible for the death of over 500,000 Americans. And a Capitol Police officer.

  43. So is Dirty Joe responsible for all the deaths since he took office? Is Justine Pierre responsible for ALL Canadian deaths? Your derangement syndrome has made your mind mush. Seek help.

  44. Maybe Long-Covid fried his brains. Being a Covidiot, not wearing a mask, getting Covid, virus mushing his brain, ending up as a pro moron.

  45. China, and China alone is responsible for all Covid 19 deaths globally. Everyone knows that. Come live in the real world. Its great.

  46. Like the “Spanish” flu? Which originated in the U.S. Maybe Covid-19 also originated there. Brought to China by an American tourist.

  47. Eh. I’ll pass.


  49. Hairy women are super sexy. Yum Yum. I LOVE BUSH

  50. You’re behind the times to continue to associate the natural growth of body hair with being gross. Very childish. I bet your mother wasn’t shaving her cooch when she popped you out

  51. You clearly don’t know the difference btw good hygiene and letting things be natural. Grow up and stop trying to turn everything into an argument

  52. Ugh, that’s disgusting!

    As a man I’d be happy to shave my leg hair if that so would be desired, yet my female partner wouldn’t want that. Only a select few of women would do this and we all know who’d that be.

  53. So what if yall think its gross. What??? So its now illegal for women to grow hair?? How bout we ask men to shave their legs too??? Hair is NATURAL. Deal with it. And just to spite you people, I’m not shaving my legs for the rest of my life.

  54. yeah i almost puked

  55. grosssssse almost vomited

  56. you’re so dumb lmaoooooo that’s really nasty

  57. THANK YOUUUUUU for some common sense

  58. it’s just all these lame social justice warriors. they just want attention any way possible lol, we can all see that’s nasty af. was gagging on my puke scrolling down to get to the comments. revolting, leg hair on women. shave.

  59. lmaoooooo they wanna be “all natural” and stuff it’s just gross.

  60. yeah you couldn’t pay me enough to clap her cheeks it’s just so grosssss and revolting

  61. lol you’re so dumb. probably a “woke” gen z loser, posting pointless videos on tik tok. you’re not special. also, if we’re looking, and gagging, we’re not “behind the times”. we can just realize it’s revolting. like you can choose to think we’re behind the times and we can choose to think it’s absolutely disgusting. freedom of speech lol. also, it’s leg hair not the bush. sooo what does that have to do with anything? some people like a bush, others prefer shaved. but legs? it’s just sickening. like i’m gonna puke.

  62. hahahahah no one’s gonna want you with your nasty legs. guys SHAVE. like beards, for instance. if no one shaved, a lot of guys would have these massive unkempt greasy beards. you people would be like “ew shave that nasty beard” and we’d do it. also some guys shave their legs, and chests as well, and most shave their balls. have fun being alone with your revolting legs

  63. wow! so.. just normal legs. Literally normal. Ya’ll men are dumb hair is natural.

  64. Why is it disgusting? It’s actually more hygenic to have hair. Men are dumb LOL

  65. ? what do you mean

  66. more like

    Men: have leg hair, nose hair, eyebrow hair, arm hair, chest hair, ball hair, back hair. These are all socially acceptable and nobody cares.

    Women: Have to shave every patch of hair under their eyelashes to fit the beauty standard.

    Literally you’re so dumb. LMAO I don’t even understand what you’re talking about. Hair is clean. Poop, bacteria on teeth, and knotty hair is not clean. Learn some common sense jesus.

  67. But you can clearly see all these women are clean and kept. Leg hair itself is not dirty at all. It’s natural, grows there, and removing it is actually less clean than keeping it.

    Leg hair on women is the same as leg hair on men and should be socially acceptable.

  68. Women grow hair just like this. You’re just so used to seeing us shave it all off you’re dumb enough to think these aren’t women.

    Men are idiots haha

  69. Makes me so happy to see how women are comfortable doing what is right for them.

  70. Razor industry shamed us women into shaving.
    Though I’m not fond of any facial or chest hair on a woman,hairy legs,thighs buttocks and pubes are very hot if the girl has a pretty body and face.

  71. I am very hairy and my wife and boyfriend both love how I look.

  72. I’m of the mind that a lady can never have to much hair.

  73. I’ve never understood shaving.

  74. I don’t shave my legs and I still get plenty of cock. I choose to stay single and have friends with benefits as men annoy me long term they often try to take control. No thanks I can pay my bills just fine without you.
    Often the men I see will say it isn’t their preference but they don’t mind. So many men stoke it after the sex as it’s something they aren’t used to; it’s a new sensation.
    These men are attracted to my face, body and personality so these flaws can be overlooked. Just how when I like someone I can overlooked the bacne, backhair, jungle ass crack etc.
    However there are hair fetishists out there who rub their faces along my leg hair. I’m sure many will reply thinking I’m lying. But I’m having too much sex and saving too much time and money not shaving to care.

  75. Im a woman and I am often lazy to wax my legs for literally two hours, and too annoyed at the idea of shaving my legs every two days because they would get thick as cactus needles. Too broke to afford getting a painful laser removal procedure.

    I feel ashamed of my leg hair and dont like it, so I cover up with clothes till I take the time to wax. Fortunately, I met a man who loves body hair (something I dont understand). But guess what? I am so relieved I dont need to stress myself out and think in advance about doing any of the above. Takes off a big burden!

    Body hair may be gross for some ( including me) but Id never shame anyone about it.. I HAVE IT too! I applaud these women for not hiding it and living free from that stress! I still dont understand its charm.but to everyone their taste.

    How is hygene related to leg hair though? Beats me.

  76. before covid i was a hot girl, with nice legs. when the pandemic began and i was stuck at home home for several weeks, i didn’t bother shaving. guess what? i was still a hot girl, with nice legs! what a surprise! haven’t bothered since. no one has ever had anything bad to say about them, at least to my face, and what other people think of me is not my business and not my problem!

  77. Not a lesbian. Married with a kid. My husband loves me and sex. I don’t shave my legs. I wash, I put deodorant on, and I dress up sometimes. I am not trying to be lazy or progressive. I just think that I should get to do with my body what I want. Many cultures plucked or shaved women for centuries. It isn’t new but that doesn’t mean beauty and worth should be found in whether or not your legs are shaved.

  78. lushious I love natural women

  79. Absolutely gorgeous- so natural. I love women who don’t shave and are proud of their body hair-sooooooo sexy!!

  80. Natural and hairy is better then shaving. We love hairy

  81. I am so attracted to natural women. it began for me while living on St Maarten many years ago
    and met girls from Europe. It just felt right seeing them with full body hair, After those two sailing seasons down there I could not be with a women shaved, It felt like I was with a child, yuck!
    I hope to will meet a natural woman sometime soon. they are just more erotically appealing!
    Real secure men prefer real secure women!

  82. If ur seeing this and if ur insecure about being hairy and seeing these disrespectful comments
    ….I think being hairy is beautiful it’s natural..please don’t think ur lonley cuz there’s alot of other people that have hairy legs,arms,armpits,etc you all beautiful :) (but the people that think natural hair or any other insecurities are disgusting ..they can just die in the most painful way ^^…)ily💗

  83. Hairy lex are the best!

  84. Love em all haired all over………..soooo sexual

  85. Love the hair, the more the better !!!!!!!!!

  86. Yesss! I love them. Hairy pits, hairy pussies and hairy legs. Beautiful, and just sooo sexy.

  87. Hairy legs means no shaving products, means less consumerism, means less pollution. It’s a statement. And that’s what sexy about it.

  88. women with unshaved legs are the sexiest, prettiest, and the most desired women on this planet.

  89. The only thing I want to bleach from my memory is your idiotic attitude toward women’s shaving habits. If you don’t like hair, that’s fine, but your assumption that everybody thinks like you do is just ignorant. Your views come from the norms that have arisen, which makes you more or less a mindless follower of what others determine for you is attractive.

  90. Not actually what I expected. But as advertised. I still prefer smooth legs.

  91. I love it, more hairy photos from girls.

  92. These are some beautiful women need more current photos

  93. I am a hairy legged girl…and I used to be very self conscious about it. Yeah lots prefer smooth legs but just because a girl doesn’t fit the stereotype or beauty standard..doesn’t mean she isn’t beautiful!!💜💜💜💜

  94. I don’t know if you are joking but, What if your parents /guardians don’t let you shave. Those people are stuck with hairy legs and are self conscious about it because of people like you that think is not normal. I think it is wrong to not let your child shave when they want to but, some parents/guardians do that. And when people like you don’t know the actual struggle and weird looks they get when they are walking in the park or going to school, it makes them feel like they are not beautiful, and don’t fit the beauty standards. Sometimes, girls start to self harm, or even try to take their life because the bullying got so bad. So please , a least try to see from the hairy girls point of view.

  95. I think it’s fine to be naturally sexy !!!

  96. Arrghhh… it’s gross yet this is what natural women look like.
    Women have given up on nylons so get a tattoo, grow your arms and legs pierce your nose.
    I gotta go barf.

  97. I’m a totally unshaven woman and I’m never touching a razor.
    There’s no reason to. And letting it grow is healthier and more hygienic than shaving. People need to rationalize these feelings of disgust toward women with body hair, because that’s just the result of aggressive promotion.

  98. Repulsive.

  99. Why would any girl want hairy legs,they are so lucky to be able to shave them. They look and feel so good . From a smooth legged man.

  100. love women that have hair everywhere way a real woman supposed to look like and its way way more sexy


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