Nothing Much Has Changed Since Ancient Egypt

We still worship cats as gods. We have even invented the internet to exchange cat memes. All we can think about is cats and how to serve them.

Do they still worship us, child? Well, I shit in a box and they clean it. Good. Good.

37 thoughts on “Nothing Much Has Changed Since Ancient Egypt”

  1. Trump – America loves me.
    Kamala – America would love to bury you alive.

  2. That cat’s poop beats either candidate.

  3. A cat would be a better president than any American. Toys for everyone.

  4. Any American? I think you’re anti American hatred has rotted your brain. You need to get help ASAP or you’ll end up on a roof top somewhere.

  5. If you’re gonna comment on someone else’s supposed rotten brain, at least use the right “your”!

  6. Yes, “any American”. You conservative people couldn’t see satire even if it bites you in the balls.

  7. Always keep in mind there is a con in CONservative. Trump bribe from Egypt in 2016 revealed.

  8. Whose the Conservative? Oh that’s right, anyone who disagrees with you. Think as I think. Believe as I believe. What happened to the rugged individualism of the Canadian North. Now just a bunch of whiny cult members screaming into the void. Oh and sorry to hear about Justine Pierre Trudeau. He was such a great leader… hahahahaha. 🧦

  9. A doctor should look into your sock fetish. Oh, dang. You’d need a health system for that. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  10. Lots of gehboys.

  11. Sure, for a third world country. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  12. Why is it always the weak whiny little countries that hate on Americans? These feckless people couldn’t even survive without American aid and have no way to protect themselves militarily. They couldn’t even build an Army, Navy or Air force capable of self protection. They are dependent on the American tax payers for their survival. I guess they just bash the people who help them because they are ashamed that they can’t be self reliant. And they should be ashamed. Weakness is not a virtue in this world. Never has been. Anytime you want to stop taking American hand outs you just let America know. They would be happy to stop giving you their hard earned money. But you won’t. You need the welfare. You are parasites sucking off a very rich, powerful host and you don’t even have the human decency to be grateful for it. Pathetic.

  13. Sorry, boy. You overestimate your influence on the globe and in history. But, yeah, we know. It’s an American thing. Your education system didn’t tell you otherwise. You are living in a star prangled bubble. ‘Murica.

  14. Just keep taking their money and hating the fact that you’re not self sufficient. It’s their fault that your people are to cowardly to have their own military. And at least they are educated enough not to be a tick on a rich countries butt. Everything you say comes from your own jealousy of America and Americans. Get over it or join the party and go there. If you think you can handle it. It’s a tough country to live in. You can’t be a whiny, jealous wimp.

  15. If you think so. Still not reality.

  16. Jealous of what? 🙄
    Many countries have higher living standards, better infrastructure, more freedom of the individual and lower crime rates than the U.S.
    Look up the statistics, man. You are being conned by your elites.

  17. Ya but the US has more rich people! It’s all about how many rich people you have apparently! Doesn’t matter how the poor are treated, the American dream is to indoctrinate people into believing the rich are the good guys and the poor are just lazy! It’s working!

  18. That’s puritan and calvinistic philosophy. If you are rich it must be because God loves you. If you are poor God despises you and you deserve your misery.
    Ergo: If you are poor it’s your own fault. Not the guys who steal from you, undermine all your effort to come to wealth and status or don’t pay you enough to feed your family. The American dream is a lie.

  19. Ok

  20. It’s like his brain just shut off the moment people stopped talking about trump!

  21. That’s exactly what happened. Imagine someone mentions Trudeau.

  22. His hands are already blue from sitting on them. 😂

  23. 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤

  24. Richest most powerful country in history. You’re country will never be that. Just shut your pie hole and be grateful for the table scraps they are kind enough to send your countries. Because you can’t survive independently. Because you are worthless and weak. Everyone knows that. Do better.

  25. Other countries don’t even want that – being “powerfull”. Only warmongering countries like Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and other dictatorships want that. 21st century countries prefer cooperation. It’s much more profitable for the economy than war. And they are fine and have soveriegnity. If you mean “independent” from the world markets you are fooling yourself. Without international commerce, imports and exports, the US would fall back into the middle ages and be poor. Oh, wait, that’s 99% of the American population… Dang. You are such a 🤡.

  26. He’s the clown king of ⚜🤡⚜

  27. I’m not going to vote for Trump but if he said he would stop all financial and military aid to all countries, I and 90% of the country would vote for him in a heartbeat. Americans are tired of carrying your useless asses.

  28. 90% and one 🤡 for sure. 🤣🤣🤣

  29. Keep in mind the US also would lose all aid and cooperation in such a case. Trump already alienated US allies. That resulted in serious and dangerous situations for American agents, installations and citizens due to bad connections to other intelligence services. In the end the US lost the war in Afghanistan for example. Gifting the Taliban with valuable American equipment to sell to America’s enemies for evaluation and use themselves. Trump left Biden the foul egg to recall all troops. Biden executed it, but Trump gave the order. If you want that, say goodbye to your bases overseas. All your enemies will introduce themselves right at your doorstep.

  30. Trump gave secret information to Iran and Russia in order to brag. Now he tells the tall story how he has been hacked.

  31. America is able to stand alone. It needs no aid. It needs no cooperation. Once they closed every US base world wide and shut off the money to the ticks, deported all illegal immigrants, they could rebuild their failing infrastructure, have free college and full medical, dental and vision for all its citizens. Instead they don’t get that because defending the free world for ungrateful parasites seems to be the theme. But this to shall pass and our outstretched begging hands will be empty. Then we can be truly independent and free.

  32. Youre an idiot who doesn’t realize how trade works! What an ignorant muppet! Troll on Facebook, Karen’s are more your thing kid!

  33. It just shows Republicans want convert the USA into North Korea. With Trump as their fat beloved leader.

  34. The Democratic Party has been taken over by Maoist anti semits if you haven’t noticed. Of course since you don’t live in the US how would you know Right. Just propaganda for the Left. Sad.

  35. So, why do they marry Semites? You are an idiot and don’t even know what a maoist is. Trump is closer to Mao than you think. GOP politics, but same mindset.

  36. “if I don’t agree with you, youre from another country spreading propaganda about mine” can anyone guess which idiot I was pretending to be?

  37. The, the trolling idiot who’s boring everyone to death with multiple personalities.

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