What is she even doing there? Why waste doctor’s time when she is feeling fine? Why waste her own time? Some people are really weird.
15 thoughts on “Get Out, Stop Wasting The Doctor’s Time!”
That underwhelming. Not funny at all. What moron made this?
Mental healthcare in a nutshell…
He obviously voted Republican, blunt with no pu**y footing.
But the health care is free. Yes it’s terrible and yes people die waiting but it’s free! You get what you pay for so pay nothing, get nothing.
I never had to wait. For non-urgent matters a few days for a specialist appointment maybe.
Last time they put me into a CT-Scanner right on the spot. Saved my life.
Don’t believe all that BS about free healthcare. It’s just propaganda by your “healtcare industry” and bribed politicians. They just want to keep on stealing your money by fantasy prices.
No one dies in countries with free healthcare from waiting. – Except in Britain maybe. Their NHS has always been horrible. But that’s another, very British problem.
The NHS is the UK isn’t free – We pay for it from our taxes. However it’s free at the point of use.
The people who die waiting are mainly people needing organ transplants where the supply of donor organs is very limited.
The overall tax burden in the UK is comparable to the USA but we don’t have to pay massive amounts of money for private health insurance. There are no insurance companies making massive profits. There are no copays and no paperwork.
Nobody loses their medical care because they lose their job.
Nobody goes bankrupt because they can’t afford medical care.
People don’t put off going to their doctor because they’re afraid of the cost meaning that many medical condition are caught at an early stage where treatment is easier and cheaper.
Retired people, children and people of certain classes of benefits don;t have to make any payments.
Compared to the UK and other western countries, the USA has lower life expectancy, higher levels of obesity and a far higher proportion of treatable diseases, especially now that anti vaxers have reduced the proportion of people being vaccinated.
The USA had more deaths from covid than any other country.
Food in the USA has vastly more additives, hormones and antibiotics meaning that most American foods are banned in Europe as they don’t meet European food safety standards.
Women in the USA are more than twice as likely to die from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth than in any other western country.
The number of teenage pregnancies in the USA is at least double that of most European countries due to the lack of effective sex education and lack of access to contraception.
Of course! Everything is perfect. Propaganda supporting a failed collapsing system. The EU will destroy every country in it with mass immigration over whelming an already stressed system.
He tells the truth. You are the one who is lying. There is no “mass immigration”. There are no foreign hordes flooding the streets. There are refugees like there always have been and they are dealt with in the system. “The immigration problem” is bloated by the right-wing parties who need it for their propaganda while real problems are ignored. As the right-wing parties in Europe are connected with the regime in the Kremlin – just like the Trumpists in the U.S. – it’s just an attempt to destabilize democracies in Europe and other parts of the world. As in the U.S.
“Divide et impera,” seems to be the Czar’s motto.
USSA Amerikan doctors are busy learning important lessons in university about DIE and ESG. Since they so busy learning these important lessons we need to hire H1B’s from overseas who only study doctoring.
You blame immigrants for even saving your life. You are so stupid. 😂
The truth upsets the illegal invaders more then anything. Why don’t you join the other scum in the slaughter of innocent people like in New Orleans. Mindless violence is their brand. That and lying 🤥.
What does that has to do with healthcare? I’ll tell you: Nothing. Don’t change the subject, moron.
Lying is Trump’s core business.
Especially lying that the New Orleans maniac truck driver was an illegal. He was born and raised in the U.S. and even served in the military.
But the truth spoils Trump’s narrative and his minion’s that comment here.
Also the common complaint about socialized medicine is the long wait to see a doctor. I have to wait a month to even see my family doctor for a physical and have waited over a month to see a specialist. And I have good insurance.
Until America becomes predominantly white with a just few native
Americans the bull s&#t from the likes of Trump will continue.
Make America white again is the true slogan of the Republican
That underwhelming. Not funny at all. What moron made this?
Mental healthcare in a nutshell…
He obviously voted Republican, blunt with no pu**y footing.
But the health care is free. Yes it’s terrible and yes people die waiting but it’s free! You get what you pay for so pay nothing, get nothing.
I never had to wait. For non-urgent matters a few days for a specialist appointment maybe.
Last time they put me into a CT-Scanner right on the spot. Saved my life.
Don’t believe all that BS about free healthcare. It’s just propaganda by your “healtcare industry” and bribed politicians. They just want to keep on stealing your money by fantasy prices.
No one dies in countries with free healthcare from waiting. – Except in Britain maybe. Their NHS has always been horrible. But that’s another, very British problem.
The NHS is the UK isn’t free – We pay for it from our taxes. However it’s free at the point of use.
The people who die waiting are mainly people needing organ transplants where the supply of donor organs is very limited.
The overall tax burden in the UK is comparable to the USA but we don’t have to pay massive amounts of money for private health insurance. There are no insurance companies making massive profits. There are no copays and no paperwork.
Nobody loses their medical care because they lose their job.
Nobody goes bankrupt because they can’t afford medical care.
People don’t put off going to their doctor because they’re afraid of the cost meaning that many medical condition are caught at an early stage where treatment is easier and cheaper.
Retired people, children and people of certain classes of benefits don;t have to make any payments.
Compared to the UK and other western countries, the USA has lower life expectancy, higher levels of obesity and a far higher proportion of treatable diseases, especially now that anti vaxers have reduced the proportion of people being vaccinated.
The USA had more deaths from covid than any other country.
Food in the USA has vastly more additives, hormones and antibiotics meaning that most American foods are banned in Europe as they don’t meet European food safety standards.
Women in the USA are more than twice as likely to die from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth than in any other western country.
The number of teenage pregnancies in the USA is at least double that of most European countries due to the lack of effective sex education and lack of access to contraception.
Of course! Everything is perfect. Propaganda supporting a failed collapsing system. The EU will destroy every country in it with mass immigration over whelming an already stressed system.
He tells the truth. You are the one who is lying. There is no “mass immigration”. There are no foreign hordes flooding the streets. There are refugees like there always have been and they are dealt with in the system. “The immigration problem” is bloated by the right-wing parties who need it for their propaganda while real problems are ignored. As the right-wing parties in Europe are connected with the regime in the Kremlin – just like the Trumpists in the U.S. – it’s just an attempt to destabilize democracies in Europe and other parts of the world. As in the U.S.
“Divide et impera,” seems to be the Czar’s motto.
USSA Amerikan doctors are busy learning important lessons in university about DIE and ESG. Since they so busy learning these important lessons we need to hire H1B’s from overseas who only study doctoring.
You blame immigrants for even saving your life. You are so stupid. 😂
The truth upsets the illegal invaders more then anything. Why don’t you join the other scum in the slaughter of innocent people like in New Orleans. Mindless violence is their brand. That and lying 🤥.
What does that has to do with healthcare? I’ll tell you: Nothing. Don’t change the subject, moron.
Lying is Trump’s core business.
Especially lying that the New Orleans maniac truck driver was an illegal. He was born and raised in the U.S. and even served in the military.
But the truth spoils Trump’s narrative and his minion’s that comment here.
Also the common complaint about socialized medicine is the long wait to see a doctor. I have to wait a month to even see my family doctor for a physical and have waited over a month to see a specialist. And I have good insurance.
Until America becomes predominantly white with a just few native
Americans the bull s&#t from the likes of Trump will continue.
Make America white again is the true slogan of the Republican