Funny And Terrifying Futuristic Cartoons by Futurism

Instagram account @FuturismCartoons publishes futuristic cartoons that who their vision of the everyday life of tomorrow. You can also get a printed book on Amazon with their best single-panel comics. The fact that they sell it on Amazon is kinda ironic because they are making fun of Jeff Bezos and Amazon in their cartoons. Anyways… please scroll down to check out our favorites!

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.


This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

This is our future.

If this is your kind of humor, check out their book on Amazon. Please note that this site is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate affiliate we earn from qualifying purchases.

12 thoughts on “Funny And Terrifying Futuristic Cartoons by Futurism”

  1. The only thing I like about future is that Effendi will get old and become ugly.

  2. Stop picking on Effendi. Old yes, ugly no. Maybe a bit hard to
    look at, but not ugly.

  3. Ignore that homunculus. I’m sure Effendi laughs about his sorry attempts.

  4. OH NO! Speaker of the house tossed. No more money for Zelinsky to steal. What’s the thieving little troll going to do now?

  5. I think Macron’s wife is hot. She reminds me of my Mum.

  6. Being French she has hairy arm pits, legs, and probably
    has a facial hair to challenge the family cat.

  7. That’s manlier than you.

  8. Biden just waved 26 Federal Laws in order restart construction on the border wall in south Texas in an attempt to satisfy members of his own party who are calling for him to resign over the illegal immigration invasion. Maybe he should put his dog on the border. Haha.

  9. Americans are obsessed with that wall. Yet it’s proven walls don’t help. It’s all propaganda for right-wingers. Which would be the whole American government and opposition.

  10. You don’t know anything about Americans because don’t live, work or vote their. Your just an anti American troll bot. Beep Boop 🤖

  11. Never stopped some “Americans” posting their unsolicited opinions about the Rest of the World despite never having traveled outside of Dogd1ck county, USA.

  12. Ohh.. so the comments on this site are solicited? Having traveled all over the world this is what I would expect to hear from 3rd worlders. Some things never change.

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