Amazing Lifehack

6 thoughts on “Amazing Lifehack”

  1. This is the second time this week I see a different, reworked copy of a meme on two different sites. People have no shame. Lamers.

  2. I throw my cast iron cookery into the wood stove. I fetch it sometime after the fire goes out. A light rinse we are good to go.

  3. For cleaning cast iron pans, just wash it with a bit of water and let it dry using the residual heat of the pan. Absolutely no soap, as it ruins the seasoning of the pan.

  4. I don’t think stoves should be made out of wood.

  5. @McViticus
    Just a few years ago, we would both have a chuckle. But it’s now, so I must ask the question;
    “You aren’t in your 20’s with a degree from one of our ‘prestigious’ US universities are you?”
    Yes=your serious, we are doomed.

  6. That there is one of them cheap knock off lead frying pans from China.

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