Some people have really strange ideas about beauty. Well… to each their own. The pictures featured below have been taken by German photographer Martin Schoeller and full collection of portraits can be found in his book “Female Bodybuilders“. What’s your take on this? Do you find them attractive? Leave your opinion in comments!
No thanks.
Really quite beautiful. Women at their full potential.
Blokes with tits. – end of.
You are Stevie Wonder, and I claim my $5.
Oh good lawd
just different pictures of Iggy Pop
Winning post
2/10 Would not tap.
If your kegels involve crushing Volvos…no thanks.
Why do they have to be so tanned? I really don’t understand the entire sport though! I don’t find it attractive on either sex.
You’d be tapping out
Do trannies count as female?
They look like overtrained men with bra and makeup. And way too much spraytan. And I guess the photographer asked mainly older people.
But if they feel good about looking like this, all power to them. Personally, I wish I could unsee these pictures.
Because it shows muscles better.
I’m torn really. They have worked hard to get strong bodies so good for them, but I can’t stop thinking about photoshopped women’s heads onto muscly men’s bodies.
The collective mass of clitori would equal that of a 1974 VW beetle
Well put! I’ve been working out several years and I got nothing compared to them — they’ve really put some serious effort for their bodies. And yet, I can’t feel attracted to them. Probably they don’t care the opinion of general public, just their peers.
I’m sure I went to school with one.
The photographer is not that good or is just sinister. Very unflattering use of lights, bad engagement with subject. Ok job for police mug shots at best.
Funniest observation ever…!
Are they all wearing colored contact lenses?
And I thought I had seen everything .
They loom like trannies
These women all use illegal steroids.
Their lives will be cut short as a result.
The pics are digitally processed.
Someone please rinse my eyes out with Franks Louisiana Hot Sauce
Dr. here’s got it right. This is not a result of hard work, it’s a result of doing roids. Loads of ’em.
Appropriate typo.
Nothing like pecks bigger than breasts and popping veins to bring out the beautiful image of the female body. I imagine that they scream in bed like they are curling a 150 lb dumbbell.
This comment made me laugh so hard. Thanks. :D
Hulky women for my harem of female bodyguards.
It’s your own screams you are hearing once your mind has nearly shut down and carried you to a better place to endure the suffering, weakling.
Talk about a misogynistic headline. Why is it when women do this they are weird but when men do it it’s not? Just because they do not conform to the false standard society has set for women does not make them any less of a woman. You go girls
Perhaps these women are bodybuilding for themselves and not for male gratification.
It’s also weird when men do it. It’s always weird.
Now there is a person id’e like to meet! just not in a dark alley.
Steroids have done their damage.
Effects of Testosterone at this level are usually irreversible. In early contests I was told that a judge would put his hand to his eyes and if he couldn’t tell if it was a man in there he would disqualify them Things change..
So, do you like movies about gladiators?
Yeah definitely steroids.
I would have one of them as my girlfriend
Mind your own business. Don’t body shame others.
Nasty. For everyone that does this. Just gross!
womans with mens hormones
I love these kind of ladies. Why is it okay for women and gay men liking muscle men. But guys like us, who enjoy seeing these ladies are Ostracized? The many negative comments on here are disgusting. These women work their asses off. Only to get negative comments….I believe this is why fbb competition, is being demonized
They look very masculine because of the PED’s they use.
Their beautiful to me🥰😘. Everyday all day
Beautiful beautiful women heck I would date them
Do I find them attractive?
If attractive means repulsive, then absolutely.
Roids are bad kids 👎
A whole lot of no thank you
Steroids or no steroids, these girls had to work so hard to build these muscles. I choose muscles over fat any day! Those who left negatives comments here must be fat and ugly!!!
everyone giving bad comments are sounding childish..grow up. women do not base their appearance off of your turn ons :3
I do not understand ever wanting to look like this, but therefore have no room to judge. But I will say, it it is almost disturbing to me… but hey to each their own! Get it, just not for me!
I feel bad these (women?) To be that messed up in the head has to be a torturous existence. This is horrible
Why weird?
They are all exceptional athletes!
They are accomplished and happy and they do it for themselves. They do not care what the average men or women think of them