When a Dadjoke Backfires…

I just got the results of the DNA test and I am shocked. Hi shocked, I'm dad. No, you're not.

18 thoughts on “When a Dadjoke Backfires…”

  1. Biden(D) said of Robert Byrd(D) at his funeral;
    “To me…for a lot of us, he was a mentor and a friend, and for a lot of us, he was a guide,”

    Robert Byrd(D) was an Exulted Cyclops, the highest ranking state official of the KKK and who founded the West Virginia KKK.

  2. Byrd referred to his membership in a 2005 memoir: “It has emerged throughout my life to haunt and embarrass me and has taught me in a very graphic way what one major mistake can do to one’s life, career, and reputation. Paradoxically, it was that same extraordinarily foolish mistake which led me into politics in the first place.”

  3. @anon
    The Klu Klux Klan(D) was formed by The Party(D) as a paramilitary resistance wing, much as Antifa(D) is now or in the Irish case the Irish Republican Army is to Sinn Féin. Being an apologist for evil and it’s leadership is reprehensible.

  4. Antifa= Anti-Fascist

    I guess republicans prefer Fascists now. That’s what Trump has become. Remember what we fought in WWII. Stick with the constitution and the democratic republic and dump Trump!

  5. @cat, times have changed. These days the racists vote GOP (R).

  6. Fascism and conservatism go along well. Did so in Germany too back in 1936. The Nazis always stood for the traditional values (so they said at least), family, god and country. Sponsored by American conservatives abroad. “America first” was their mantra.

  7. Nazis were socialists. If you don’t like Nazis you have to hate socialism but love communism. I wonder if Hillary Clinton’s mentor, Robert Byrd, taught Joe Biden how to rig and steal an election. The big switch where racist Democrats became RINOs is a Big Lie. It’s why Al Gore Sr. voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act, and why Joe Biden voted against school busing over fear his kids would be raised in a “racial jungle.”
    rumble com /vjvvx1-arizona-senate-election-audit-briefing-and-update.html

  8. Libs cannot make intelligent arguments using facts and logic. Facts and logic annoy them. To avoid such embarrassing situations, they call whoever disagrees with them a racist and hope that makes them go away. It spares them the terror of possibly having to use their chipmunk brain power and god forbid…common sense. The liberal sheep herders know that their followers are too busy streaming Netflix or watching TikTok videos made by narcissists to actually take the time and search for real news instead of the propaganda that is spoon-fed to them. They would rather just agree with their clueless friends just to be popular. The main stream media just follow Joseph Goebbels’ method that he used as Hitler’s propaganda minister. “Repeat a Lie Often Enough and It Becomes the Truth”.

  9. Foolish. That “socialist” in the Nazi-party’s name was just marketing to get votes from the working class. They pursued socialists and communists and killed them in the camps like everyone else who stood against them.
    America can be lucky that Biden didn’t had to steal the election. There are still more Americans with brains than without. You orange leader just got kicked in his pampers by the voter. Sore loser.
    There will be no proof for a stolen election. Because there is none, none has been presented, no one has found any, no court, no council, no investigation. Except Republicans find a new low and forge proof. It wouldn’t be a surprise – 3 thirds of Trump troops are criminals.
    Hindering people to vote is the first step. The Nazis did the same. American Republicans are on the fascist road.

  10. Trumpists don’t get much ground on this site. The audience is too international. Most Non-Americans are better informed about international affairs and even US-politics.
    Their votes on their postings are fake btw. There is a trick. It’s probably just 1 or 2 guys, alt-right incel trolls – frustrated because no one takes their bait. All they get is boring facts and logic. And a little bit of pitty.

  11. If you want Joseph Goebbels quality on media watch Tucker Carlson. Poor copy though.

  12. “Repeat a Lie Often Enough and It Becomes the Truth”.

    Excellent example of this is Trump’s lies about the election. He’s been telling them since 2016, and his faithful still believe them.
    Fact – His own investigation into voter fraud in 2017 found so little evidence they had to give up looking for any.
    Fact – Trump lost all his court cases about voting problems because THERE WAS NO FRAUD.
    Fact – Barr investigated and said it was a fair election. Trump’s own election official in charge of election security said it was the most secure in history!

    At least we’re sticking with law and order and FACTS. You are the one following the propaganda.

  13. AZ and GA alone can decertify this entire election.
    The question now isn’t whether election fraud occurred, the question now is how many people will the Democrats kill to try to stay in power.

  14. @Bringer of Lies, the question isn’t whether Trump is lying non-stop, but how long it takes his sheep to finally figure that out. They killed 5 on January 6 to stay in power.

  15. For Fecks sake! Are you ‘Merkins all on Crack?

  16. America might see more Trump murder squads terrorizing the American citizens in the future. His sheep want to die. He makes them think they are martyrs for “the cause” like every terrorist leader does. Get rid of him as a symbol and the problem will disappear. He won’t stop lying until he’s buried. And even then his gravestone will tell one or two lies for sure.

  17. One can’t be in a sane state of mind to vote a candidate like Trump. So you might be right.

  18. Stupid fvcks

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