Extra slutty olive oil is olive oil that has slept around a bit and earned itself a bad reputation. It is the polar opposite of extra virgin olive oil and it claims to have a better time.
62 thoughts on “Finally! Extra Slutty Olive Oil!”
First to comment is going to prison
That type of olive oil has a higher smoke point and is better for cooking. Save the EVOO for colder applications.
Unless you have a degree in chemistry, you’re in big trouble, boy
I’ve been cooking for about 40 years. If you want a chemist is your kitchen, you already have thousands. Look at the the labels on your food. Grandma was right. Don’t waste the good, expensive olive oil on frying.
Extra slutty, I’s like a bottle or two for ME.
Enjoy my OO
I’ve heard olive oil has health benefits and can prolong live. People should inject it.
Thanks for the tip, Donny. I injected it on my salad.
The gonorrhea gives it that extra kick.
Antivaxxers in the US are breeding new pandemics right now. Monkeypox and Parvovirus-B19 are their new projects.
Is antivaxxer a new slur for the alphabet people?
The big problem is that after the Covid debacle, people will never again trust the agencies recommending vaccines, especially those rapidly deployed. It’s a more extreme version of “The boy who cried wolf”. They had the people’s trust even though it was never earned, and wasted it in a money and power grab.
Oh, you got 6 jabs, masked and social distanced religiously and still got Covid 3 times and still blindly nod you head and say this is good for us….
We need the ability to question what is presented as “authority”.
Your not you. – damn this keyboard
Rocuronium Bromide is a great one-time alternative treatment for all ailments antivaxxers have.
Extra virgin always sounded creepy, like a Republican Christmas party, someones getting their pussy grabbed!
You might have gotten covid thanks to the antivaxxers. But you are still here to tell the tale thanks to the vaccine.
Take this vaccine, that will not prevent you from getting Covid or transmit it.
No, you are not allowed to ask questions. Yes, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll loose you job if you don’t comply.
Where’s your booster card?
You, with your questions again….. Yes, for this version of the booster we tested it on only 6 mice before insisting millions get it.
If you have more questions, we will throw you in jail.
The scientists and the producers never said that the vaccine would prevent you from getting covid or transmitting it.
Some politician did because they are simpletons like you with less than marginal understanding of science and medicine.
And the booster was not just tested on 6 mice. Spare us from your idiotic BS. No one takes you serious here.
Ahhhh no. That is what was jammed down our throats (and in our arms). Never a retraction from MSM sources.
You are literal Hitler if you have questions.
Hm, no. I don’t know on what planet you lived during the pandemic but it was not earth. Were you drunk the whole time? Or high on drugs?
“Take this drug…no it won’t cure you but it will stop the disease from killing you!” This sounds like a reasonable thing to do, ya! Only an idiot would say no and pray Jesus saved them instead!
That’s the point. They are idiots.
And there is no real historical prove the man named Jesus from the Bible book even existed. All “proof” they will show you is reffering to that one book and books and reports of people who couldn’t have met him – reffering to that one book instead…
So, Harry Potter is real. I’ve read about him in a book. 😂
Well, many rightards think magic and ghosts are real…
Well they think Trump’s smart so we know they have abstract thought!
Yes, everything main stream media said was true.
Are you still under the belief that you get Covid from birds?
Masks prevent more than large particle contamination (spit, phlegm) ?
6 foot distancing is effective because even they admit it should be 30 feet for respiratory illness?
You obviously caved on the “vax will prevent Covid and prevent transmission of the illness” part.
Did this all start from a person eating turtle soup near the Wuhan virus research facility?
Yep, that all holds up.
They got the new Mrna Monkey Pox jabs ready to go since the 4 cases of Bird Flu didn’t panic people enough. Wasn’t the last outbreak limited to “men who have sex with men”? You don’t think they will seal everyone up and close down every store except the ones they hold massive amounts of stock in, violate the Nuremberg Codes by making it mandatory and close all the voting down right before the US Presidential Election so they could control the results with electronic voting machines like they did last time do you? No, of course not. That would never happen. Again.
Did you come up with all that homophobic antivaxx conspiracy BS yourself or did you copy&paste it from another site?
No. I lived it. We all did. Apparently you have the attention span of a goldfish if you can’t remember the lockdowns and mandatory experimental jabs. Or are you claiming none of that happened? Mandatory Experimental medical treatments do indeed violate the Nuremberg Code. Go read them. Also, repeating what the media told use about the Monkey Pox isn’t homophobic. You’re identity politics propaganda doesn’t work anymore like “my body my choice”, (unless we need to depopulate), and don’t forget my favorite, “We don’t even know what a women is, now go vote for Kamala because she’s a woman”. You live in Clown World. Thank heavens you can’t vote in the US. They are full up with nut bag folks like yourself.
Please cite the passage of the Nuremberg Code you are talking of. I’ll do a check then if you are correct. If you can’t we all know you are a liar and make BS up.
Goldfish have larger attention spans than you think…..youre just relying on an education from the sixties!
Neremburg codes state that human testing is not a violation if it is for the betterment of mankind. Covid was threatening vulnerable members of our society and the noble and dignified ones stepped up to protect them! I already know you’ll attempt to belittle this argument through an ad hominem attack so I’ll stop you right there and pretend youre right….what does it matter? People stepped up because they believed it would help others….you didn’t because you were afraid, so you divulged in all the information you could find on the internet to validate your poor response to the pandemic! Proceed with your slew of fallacies in an attempt to distract everyone from how fractally wrong you are!
People dying? Yikes. I’ll go playing golf.
That would probably end up saving more lives then if you did something!
Everyone who can vote in the upcoming Presidential election in the US post “I can” below. Those that can’t vote in the US need to get a life or spend their energies on their OWN countries. This is how you know most of these anti American posts are just bots from the Philippines. Why else would they post about another countries elections constantly. Beep Bop.
The only anti-American bot here is you. American sources told us Americans are tolerant, smart and friendly people. You are neither of that.
He’s a bot from St. Peterburg. He doesn’t get to vote neither in the U.S. nor in Russia. 😂
I’m not an American. I’m Canadian living and thriving in the US. I do head to Canada often for medical reasons. Oh and most Bot Farms are in the Philippines or Ukraine now. Russia could careless. And I noticed no one said “I can”, so I guess we won’t have to listen to diatribes about US politics by non US citizens anymore right? Good thing too. How stupid would you have to be to comment on a country you don’t even live in. Pretty F’in stupid.
Above comment will be censored in 1,2..
Woah…..youre wrong! Like usual!!! Paranoid idiot! Guess we know not to trust you now!
Still there!!!
I responded.. but it got deleted.
Okay grandpa! Lol we believe you!
“deleted”. Sure. *winkwink* Bad admins, bad. 🤣🤣🤣
What, no Popeye jokes?
What’s Popeyes favorite chicken? Spinach!
Spinach Bob.
Bob derangement syndrome has taken root here. Man these people are pliable. No wonder Socks got reelected. Not a working brain in the bunch.
The Bob virus. Transmitted by trolls. Makes you fall asleep. 💤
Bob. Bob. Bob. That’s all I have to say and I win any debate. Because.. BOB! You’re cult is wacky my friend. Maybe get some deprogramming some place.
There is no debate. There has never a debate with you, Bob. You just want to troll and always abandon a thread or begin to insult users when people proved you wrong and debunk your stories. It’s easy to spot your frustration even in writing. You are not as smart and cunning as you think you are. You pretty suck at trolling. And that makes you boring.
Lol bobs mad! Keep doing it!
Bob is just Trump and Trudeaus butt baby!
Bob derangement syndrome. Sad.
Ya, but hopefully he gets help and Bob gets back up on his feet!
All Bob wants is to live on his knees and kiss the King D’s butt cheeks.
Hey Bob!
Bob’s back! But wait…..where is the anti vax, flat earth theory?
First to comment is going to prison
That type of olive oil has a higher smoke point and is better for cooking. Save the EVOO for colder applications.
Unless you have a degree in chemistry, you’re in big trouble, boy
I’ve been cooking for about 40 years. If you want a chemist is your kitchen, you already have thousands. Look at the the labels on your food. Grandma was right. Don’t waste the good, expensive olive oil on frying.
Extra slutty, I’s like a bottle or two for ME.
Enjoy my OO
I’ve heard olive oil has health benefits and can prolong live. People should inject it.
Thanks for the tip, Donny. I injected it on my salad.
The gonorrhea gives it that extra kick.
Antivaxxers in the US are breeding new pandemics right now. Monkeypox and Parvovirus-B19 are their new projects.
Is antivaxxer a new slur for the alphabet people?
The big problem is that after the Covid debacle, people will never again trust the agencies recommending vaccines, especially those rapidly deployed. It’s a more extreme version of “The boy who cried wolf”. They had the people’s trust even though it was never earned, and wasted it in a money and power grab.
Oh, you got 6 jabs, masked and social distanced religiously and still got Covid 3 times and still blindly nod you head and say this is good for us….
We need the ability to question what is presented as “authority”.
Your not you. – damn this keyboard
Rocuronium Bromide is a great one-time alternative treatment for all ailments antivaxxers have.
Extra virgin always sounded creepy, like a Republican Christmas party, someones getting their pussy grabbed!
You might have gotten covid thanks to the antivaxxers. But you are still here to tell the tale thanks to the vaccine.
Take this vaccine, that will not prevent you from getting Covid or transmit it.
No, you are not allowed to ask questions. Yes, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll loose you job if you don’t comply.
Where’s your booster card?
You, with your questions again….. Yes, for this version of the booster we tested it on only 6 mice before insisting millions get it.
If you have more questions, we will throw you in jail.
The scientists and the producers never said that the vaccine would prevent you from getting covid or transmitting it.
Some politician did because they are simpletons like you with less than marginal understanding of science and medicine.
And the booster was not just tested on 6 mice. Spare us from your idiotic BS. No one takes you serious here.
Ahhhh no. That is what was jammed down our throats (and in our arms). Never a retraction from MSM sources.
You are literal Hitler if you have questions.
Hm, no. I don’t know on what planet you lived during the pandemic but it was not earth. Were you drunk the whole time? Or high on drugs?
“Take this drug…no it won’t cure you but it will stop the disease from killing you!” This sounds like a reasonable thing to do, ya! Only an idiot would say no and pray Jesus saved them instead!
That’s the point. They are idiots.
And there is no real historical prove the man named Jesus from the Bible book even existed. All “proof” they will show you is reffering to that one book and books and reports of people who couldn’t have met him – reffering to that one book instead…
So, Harry Potter is real. I’ve read about him in a book. 😂
Well, many rightards think magic and ghosts are real…
Well they think Trump’s smart so we know they have abstract thought!
Yes, everything main stream media said was true.
Are you still under the belief that you get Covid from birds?
Masks prevent more than large particle contamination (spit, phlegm) ?
6 foot distancing is effective because even they admit it should be 30 feet for respiratory illness?
You obviously caved on the “vax will prevent Covid and prevent transmission of the illness” part.
Did this all start from a person eating turtle soup near the Wuhan virus research facility?
Yep, that all holds up.
They got the new Mrna Monkey Pox jabs ready to go since the 4 cases of Bird Flu didn’t panic people enough. Wasn’t the last outbreak limited to “men who have sex with men”? You don’t think they will seal everyone up and close down every store except the ones they hold massive amounts of stock in, violate the Nuremberg Codes by making it mandatory and close all the voting down right before the US Presidential Election so they could control the results with electronic voting machines like they did last time do you? No, of course not. That would never happen. Again.
Did you come up with all that homophobic antivaxx conspiracy BS yourself or did you copy&paste it from another site?
No. I lived it. We all did. Apparently you have the attention span of a goldfish if you can’t remember the lockdowns and mandatory experimental jabs. Or are you claiming none of that happened? Mandatory Experimental medical treatments do indeed violate the Nuremberg Code. Go read them. Also, repeating what the media told use about the Monkey Pox isn’t homophobic. You’re identity politics propaganda doesn’t work anymore like “my body my choice”, (unless we need to depopulate), and don’t forget my favorite, “We don’t even know what a women is, now go vote for Kamala because she’s a woman”. You live in Clown World. Thank heavens you can’t vote in the US. They are full up with nut bag folks like yourself.
Please cite the passage of the Nuremberg Code you are talking of. I’ll do a check then if you are correct. If you can’t we all know you are a liar and make BS up.
Goldfish have larger attention spans than you think…..youre just relying on an education from the sixties!
Neremburg codes state that human testing is not a violation if it is for the betterment of mankind. Covid was threatening vulnerable members of our society and the noble and dignified ones stepped up to protect them! I already know you’ll attempt to belittle this argument through an ad hominem attack so I’ll stop you right there and pretend youre right….what does it matter? People stepped up because they believed it would help others….you didn’t because you were afraid, so you divulged in all the information you could find on the internet to validate your poor response to the pandemic! Proceed with your slew of fallacies in an attempt to distract everyone from how fractally wrong you are!
People dying? Yikes. I’ll go playing golf.
That would probably end up saving more lives then if you did something!
Everyone who can vote in the upcoming Presidential election in the US post “I can” below. Those that can’t vote in the US need to get a life or spend their energies on their OWN countries. This is how you know most of these anti American posts are just bots from the Philippines. Why else would they post about another countries elections constantly. Beep Bop.
The only anti-American bot here is you. American sources told us Americans are tolerant, smart and friendly people. You are neither of that.
He’s a bot from St. Peterburg. He doesn’t get to vote neither in the U.S. nor in Russia. 😂
I’m not an American. I’m Canadian living and thriving in the US. I do head to Canada often for medical reasons. Oh and most Bot Farms are in the Philippines or Ukraine now. Russia could careless. And I noticed no one said “I can”, so I guess we won’t have to listen to diatribes about US politics by non US citizens anymore right? Good thing too. How stupid would you have to be to comment on a country you don’t even live in. Pretty F’in stupid.
Above comment will be censored in 1,2..
Woah…..youre wrong! Like usual!!! Paranoid idiot! Guess we know not to trust you now!
Still there!!!
I responded.. but it got deleted.
Okay grandpa! Lol we believe you!
“deleted”. Sure. *winkwink* Bad admins, bad. 🤣🤣🤣
What, no Popeye jokes?
What’s Popeyes favorite chicken? Spinach!
Spinach Bob.
Bob derangement syndrome has taken root here. Man these people are pliable. No wonder Socks got reelected. Not a working brain in the bunch.
The Bob virus. Transmitted by trolls. Makes you fall asleep. 💤
Bob. Bob. Bob. That’s all I have to say and I win any debate. Because.. BOB! You’re cult is wacky my friend. Maybe get some deprogramming some place.
There is no debate. There has never a debate with you, Bob. You just want to troll and always abandon a thread or begin to insult users when people proved you wrong and debunk your stories. It’s easy to spot your frustration even in writing. You are not as smart and cunning as you think you are. You pretty suck at trolling. And that makes you boring.
Lol bobs mad! Keep doing it!
Bob is just Trump and Trudeaus butt baby!
Bob derangement syndrome. Sad.
Ya, but hopefully he gets help and Bob gets back up on his feet!
All Bob wants is to live on his knees and kiss the King D’s butt cheeks.
Hey Bob!
Bob’s back! But wait…..where is the anti vax, flat earth theory?
Bob’s mom loves that oil.