As you have probably heard, Elon Musk did a nazi salute during Trump’s inauguration. What the hell is happening? Have we slipped into some kind of a weird parallel reality?
As you have probably heard, Elon Musk did a nazi salute during Trump’s inauguration. What the hell is happening? Have we slipped into some kind of a weird parallel reality?
Looks like he is giving Trump the Nazi salute. Or as Trump
would say, “ A career enhancing opportunity “.
Old habits die hard. We have to keep in mind he’s a white South African. Some of the most racist people on the planet.
He’s feeding the people who get off on pretending to be offended.
I think you overestimate his thoughts.
Looks like he’s pitching, but clearly has no balls.🤔❓ 🥎🥎
No repercussions there. He has Orange dude sucking his hard drive.
People get offended when Nazi’s come out in the open. Except the Nazi’s themselves. And here we thought they got wiped put in 1945 but they were just biding their time under a rock until they got a new Führer. But the Musk and Trump Reich partnership won’t be the same after Trump emulates Hitler and gets rid of Rōhm (Musk) for getting too powerful and popular to the wannabe Fascists.
There is still hope they will all kill each other.
That is what happened to Rohm.
Musk came in on a H1B. This proof we need to do away with the H1B program and keep Africans out of America
Not only that. He also violated the regulations and worked while being a student.
Meaningless Liberal tears. Oh how we enjoy them. Here’s something more to whine about.. seems Biden’s preemptive pardons are not constitutional. You have to be convicted first, then pardoned. So the house is now investigating all of them. Dr. Fauci’s pardon that goes back 10 years is first. So it all backfired. The Left can’t even protect itself. Glorious!
Not sure if a peasant like you is allowed to post here. I mean, isn’t this site Canadian? Better ask your owner if you are allowed to post outside the Kingdom of America.
“Vengeance is mine.” Sayeth the Lord god Trump while cheered on by the MAGAmorons. too stupid to know that they will be in pain too.
Life’s more painless for the brainless.
They should rename this site We hate America. Gee.. why is America putting tariffs on us 😭 hahah
America hates itself. I doubt Canadians hate Americans. Pretty sure they ususaly don’t even think about America. Like most people. America isn’t that important it thinks it is.
Then why all the whining about the US stopping financial aid to all countries for 90 days? Guess that American taxpayers money was more important then they thought it was. Parasites gonna miss it.
Others would call it investments. But we all know Trump has the tendency to bankrupt his companies.
But on the other hand this might be a chance for the U.S. to pay their debts.
Investments in what? Corrupt incompetent leadership like in Canada and from the EU? Thank God the world is moving on from the Leftists suicidal ideology.
Trump fired all anti-corruption watchdogs in U.S. government offices and institutions. He made the way free for his corrupt minions to roam free and steal taxpayer money.
And you idiot fantasize about imaginary leftists, Canada and the EU. You are the donkey and Trump holds the carrot on a stick.
Yes, because they were corrupt. But hey you just keep voting blue no matter who like a good little commie.
Yeah, sure. 👌Your stupidity is unfathomable. Well, what do I care? It’s your money stolen by Trump and his buddies. 🤣
Well we will see. But Leftist ideology is dead. The US, Canada, France, Germany etc.. nobody wants that garbage in their countries anymore. Watch and learn.
Sure. 👌 “Leftist ideology” aka freedom. Such evil.
Yes.. because freedom to a Leftist is like holy water to a demon.
That response doesn’t make any sense. Fail.
Demons hate holy water like Democrats hate freedom. It’s in their nature.
You seem too stupid for reading comprehension. Otherwise your post don’t make sense.
I have a lot of innovative ideas for working from home because, as you know, it’s really hard to be a person these days due to the
high rate of inflation.➤
Take in this flatulation.
Okay my smooth brained friend. Whatever you say. Just know that you are pitied.
Hail Musk
Hail Xi, your Master.