The Funniest Cartoons by Ellis Rosen

Ellis Rosen is a talented guy who creates single-panel comics in the iconic style of The New Yorker cartoons. He is also an author of Send Help! and Dink! books. Featured below are our favorites.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

If this is your kind of humor and you wish to see more, check out Send Help! and Dink! books on Amazon. Please note that this site is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate affiliate we earn from qualifying purchases.

16 thoughts on “The Funniest Cartoons by Ellis Rosen”

  1. The author of all these is obviously delusional, and warped.
    In other words, “ typical American “.

  2. At least not a perv like Donald, Ron and Canada freak.

  3. yeah.. but.. Trump/Biden (pick whichever), eh?

  4. Biden. He’s at least not a fascist. Trump obviously is according to his own wording.

  5. I see what you did there!

  6. yes, yes, your d.bag is so much better than their turd sandwhich. Go team!

  7. They approach it from different places, but there’s plenty of goose stepping to go around in both political parties these days.

  8. Both American parties are far-right. But only one – the GOP for those who didn’t saw it – tried to overthrow the government on Jan 6.

  9. These are comics, not the Op-Ed page. Why can’t you people just give it a rest and stop with the polemics already. Enjoy the comics and shut the hell up!

  10. Why don’t you go back to reddit where you can find a safe space to hide your wittle feelings?

  11. Oh come on, don’t be a whinny bitch. I think you just want to yap
    to get even with your dad who refused to put up with you peeing
    the bed when you were still a teen.

  12. No sir that was YOUR dad and he shouldn’t have pushed so hard on my bladder if he didn’t want me to wet his bed!

  13. These are great! Gave me a chuckle or two. Thanks.

  14. I think all the comments are posted by the same person. Including this.

  15. Yes, you posted all comments yourself. We know.

  16. Users outside the US and Canada can see the IP on the postings. Different privacy rules. Sorry guys. 👅

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