Medieval manuscripts and paintings were loaded with murderous illustrations, however for some strange reason many people look as if they were bored with life anyway and their killer did them a service. Scroll down to see funny examples of medieval art where people are getting stabbed but just don’t care at all.
ANTIFA justification.
Most have no comprehension of 3d, the 2 pictures that do I have to assume a ghostee coming back for the haunt after sporting the instruments of their demise as protoplasmic relics of the last life. Assumption being the painter had mastered facial expressions by the time they got the hang of 3d projections.
At least they had fun.
This is actually original, raw conservative justification. This is the Lord showing his love before he decided to give America to the White Man. America is carring on the tradition. Not with swords but with attack rifles.
I’m sure this is somewhere in Europe as the US had not been founded yet. China was further along in art renderings and Africa was further behind so we can rule them out.
If you have any further questions please post them.
Expert, as I throw paper wads across the cubi wall at the graphic “artists”
A lot of the pictures look like they’ve been photoshopped to add the blades and blood.
Nope, that’s how they did it. Not the bleeding, the depiction of it. One can assume many of the artists, living in the safety of a monastery, were lucky enough not to see such a massacre in real life.
Most of these look either happy or slightly annoyed. Considering the living conditions at the time, either would be appropriate.
These are the 2nd panels. The first panels involved all of these people being asked if they would rather read political trolling comments or be put to the blade. That’s why they’re so happy.
Trump kills.
Mean while in America the Left is getting their a@#es handed to them in elections. The Right is flipping seats all over. Big referendum on Biden and a glimpse of the blood bath next year. Let’s go Brandon right..
A win for the GOP has always been a loss for America and freedom.
GOP powered by Russia. After GOP tampering with voting rights and gerrymandering another steal is complete.
Awww are you butt hurt because the Lefts ideas were refuted. CRT, socialism, authoritarian mandates. Americans say NO!
Stupidity is the only sickness that hurts others. Yes, you hurt all of us. Left, right, foreigners and Americans.
You have a wolf problem and vote wolfs to help you with it. Sheep.
Biden and the Left are the wolves. Wolfs 🤣😂
you mean dumbasses?
Better a dumbass than a nazi.
The only Nazis I see today are the Government’s of Australia, New Zealand and Canada etc.. Don’t believe you understand what Nazis were. The National Socialist German Workers Party, (Nazi for short). You have to be a socialist to be a Nazi so Trump couldn’t be one. Bernie Sanders maybe but only socialists can be true Nazis. Sorry. Just a fact.
Maybe you need glasses. And a book. The “socialist” in NAZI was just a marketing trick to lure in more voters. Nothing the Nazis every did had to do with socialism. They hunted down communists and socialists, gave religion special rights, fetished the military, took away the rights of “lesser races” and spread fake news about their opponents. Sounds more like the GOP in 2021. Trump showed all signes of megalomania like a fascist leader in office. Sorry. Just a fact.
Nazis were also pro-life. More soldiers for the fuhrer. GOP planning the next coup attempt.
Nazis also thought vaccines were bad Jewish medicine. They favoured homeopathy, essential oils and such. Well, until their patients died off like flies.
Wow.. you’d think if Trump was that evil and powerful he’d still be President. It only took one election to remove him. Seems like American politics worked just fine. Kind of like this weeks elections there.
His incompetence killed him.
He built the greatest economy in US history but ok 👌
The economic growth during his first three years was almost identical to that under the last three years of his predecessor. The economy grew more under previous presidents.
If I say it, it’s true, just because I say it. Or, How to lie with statistics.
It’s hard to lie with Trump’s statistics. They tried anyway. Remember all those spectators photoshopped into Trump’s inauguration? That should have been a giveaway that his presidency was fake.
I like how the Left did nothing but push a Russia collusion story for two years and now we find out it was all BS but the phizer media is silent. Kinda like Hunter Biden’s laptop and Ashley Biden’s diary.
It was certainly not BS, but a crime that should have landed him in jail. The media are quiet because he has since committed a number of more serious crimes.
I can tell you know nothing about it. It was all lies. The whole thing. Trump derangement syndrome again. That psychosis is serious. Get some help little Buddy.
I can tell you still trust the biggest liar in recorded history.
You mean Biden? Nope. Proven liar pedo
😆 lol!