Melania Is The Real Victim of Donald Trump’s Assassination Attempt

Everyone is talking about the recent shooting where Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt with just minor injuries, but why does nobody talks about Melania? She is the real victim!

This is not the first time I've been disappointed by a couple of inches.

50 thoughts on “Melania Is The Real Victim of Donald Trump’s Assassination Attempt”

  1. Where are all the Chinese sock puppets to tell us how amazing trump is for surviving this?

  2. Unfortunately this just means that the Orange will win. He will get a lot of sympathy votes as a result of this.

  3. And so it begins…

  4. Too bad the assassin to be was such a poor shot.

  5. I am all for jokes and dark humor, but come on. Love him or hate him, the dude was nearly murdered. Is your partisanship so strong that you’ve lost your own humanity?

  6. So very distasteful, guys. Seriously. What are you thinking?! We’re talking about a human life. Please take this down. Your site is generally funny, but don’t make me unfollow you

  7. Melania is just a paid *****.
    Her opinion is simply ignored.

  8. Leftists are really showing everyone what horrible people they really are with this incident, aren’t they?

  9. If you think this is funny.. you’re not … and.. you’re likely part of the problem. You’re just a sad, pathetic waste of human flesh

  10. This is hilarious! You can act all enlightened but your just a virtue signaling hussie! You’re all racist douchebags but when the orange guy gets hurt your all humanitarians??? Pleeeeease!! Try wiping your own asses for once!

  11. Lol look at all the butt hurt trumpies!!! George Floyd was a human too, oh but he wasn’t white, my bad!

  12. Ya gotta admit, all the comments about other people dying and it’s fine, make a joke about gay people, fine, George Floyd? Fine! Make a joke about their profit the trump???? Oh boy you crossed the line! Sensitive snowflakes indeed!

  13. *lol* Fake assassination attempt. They found the perfect scapegoat.

  14. It will probably never be revealed all of the truth behind this incident. but one thing for sure Trump and his cult will play it to the hilt.
    “Donald Trump was so brave that he still encouraged his people to “fight” by pumping his fist will his ear hung by a thread and he bled like the chocolate fountain at Merde-a-Lardo or one of his fine other hotels.”: Trump or his supporters.
    I wonder if Melanie and his kids, when they heard the news, were already getting ready to fight over the spoils.

  15. Trump always talks about so and so who should be executed. It is difficult
    to offer sympathy to such a jerk.

  16. That’s nothing compared to rightards showing everyone what horrible inhumans they are every day.

  17. The attempt was fake. The “shooter” was a hardcore Republican. Suddenly he donates money to the Democratic Party and tries to assassinate his candidate? Sure. That’s so transparent. He missed for obvious reasons and Trump cut himself so he would bleed properly for the cameras. Showman.
    Bystanders warned the security forces minutes before the “attempt” about a man with a rifle on the roof. They did nothing. – Because he was part of the plan.
    The “shooter” might have been terminally ill or something. Or wanted to die “for the cause” (of a conservative dictatorship) as a martyr. Someone he cared for might get money for this show.
    Follow the money.

  18. Funny how the people that complain about violence, abuse of rights, fascism, discrimination, abuse of power and the law are the ones who actually commit it. It’s like the morons that call for the law abiding people to give up their legally owned guns and ignore the criminals with the illegal handguns.
    It’s sad that for the RIGHT that “I’m rubber, you’re glue” is an effective defense, but it is.

  19. If “law abiding people” would look after their guns properly and “non-law abiding people” couldn’t pose as “law abiding people” so easily there wouldn’t be that many “illegal guns”.
    Less legal guns, less illegal guns. But logic isn’t a conservative trait.

  20. People who complain about crime……are the ones who commit it???? So Donald Trump is the one actually raping people? Cause that’s what he and you guys say the Mexicans do! Got caught in your on web dumbass!

  21. Works to 100% in other countries
    Law abiding people abide by the law. Criminals don’t. The most dangerous places have the strictest laws and in the past few years, those who break the law, don’t pay. More kids are shot by some idiot with an illegal handgun getting mad at a back yard BBQ in a single weekend than all the legal AR15s in a decade.
    Take the guns out of the criminal’s hands or at least have a plan before you come after the people that follow the law. Hint: The laws already exist, apply them.

  22. Yes, Trump is known for molesting and raping women. Female voters should think twice if they want someone like that as a “leader”.

  23. “Take the guns out of the criminal’s hands or at least have a plan before you come after the people that follow the law. Hint: The laws already exist, apply them.” 😂😂😂 Your idea is so easy. It blew our minds. 🤯
    Sure. Hey, criminals! I order you to give up your guns. The law and an Eatliver-User demand it! Stop hiding them from the authorities. Especialy Republican ones. Geez.

  24. Are you a Facebook mom or twelve? I can’t tell with all the emojis!

  25. Gun nuts are like pit bull owners, they clearly see a problem but choose to ignore it because its an inconvenience to them! Doesn’t matter who’s dying, it’s inconvenient don’t ya know?!

  26. I’m your middle aged facebook daddy, boy. 🤣 You have much to learn.

  27. Cookoo – Where’s your logic? You are proving the point you are trying to contradict. Take away the guns from the people who obey the law because you can’t do anything about the criminals. Your name is appropriate.

  28. Cookoo, that’s some Biden level intelligence you got there.

  29. Rightards are convinced all happened because the Secret Service employes women. 🤪👈😆
    Every woman that votes for the GOP should move to IS countries. That way they can have their patriarch paradise much sooner and live in traditional female roles.

  30. Biden is losing. The left thinking they can stop that is same as people on the Titanic thinking they could stop it from sinking after it hit the iceberg by rearranging the deck chairs.

  31. All the loony-lefty comments on here prove one thing. They are simple-minded enough to be brainwashed. That’s exactly what the goal of the main stream media was and it worked perfectly.

  32. Now it happened. Assassination attempt by Republicans on the U.S. president. In a sinister plot they infected him with covid.

  33. The Conservatives killed millions of American citizens with the virus. Why not a president. Makes sense in a wicket way.

  34. The left knows the ship is sinking, but the right is trying to tell them that the captain they want to run the ship is doing a great job and is awesome and no one is as good as a captain, as he is….you know it…I know it…..everyone knows it!!!

  35. Weird how a Connie will tell you covid is a hoax and then go on to call YOU brainwashed lol!

  36. Conservatives will tell you the world is flat, covid was a hoax, sandy hook shooting was fake and Elon musk has it all figured out………………….

    But if you think the Donald Trump assassination attempt was staged……you’re just silly!

    Jeepers creeper you clowns have no leg to stand on but think you can run!

  37. With all this hate you would think this site was based in the US and not Canada. The shooter killed and innocent Father while he protected his two daughters. Some of you people are scum bags. Serious scum bags.

  38. The website seems to be trolling everyone again, and the baiting continues!

  39. Trump killed that fireman and left those two girls fatherless. Either because he staged the fake assassination himself or because he spreads hate among the people. Book of Hosea: “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: [..]”

  40. All NRA-gun-loving-fetishist Republicans should be reminded of Jesus’ own words: ‘He who takes up the sword, shall die by the sword.’ – Matthew 26:52

  41. If only there was a law that prevented just anyone from owning a gun…….right republicans? That firefighter might still be alive! Cause you guys care about lives right? Riiiiiiiight?

  42. Only about their own. Me, me, me.

  43. The American people will never disarm voluntarily. The Government has allowed the country to become far to unsafe to NOT carry protection. Gun sales have gone up every year since Obama took office. And the border being open and millions of illegal immigrants pouring into the US has only increased sales yet again. Democrats are buying guns at a record breaking amount. Even the Left understands what they have done and their scared. Stop with your antigun BS. You just sound weak. And if you haven’t noticed, now isn’t the time to be weak.

  44. All I read is:
    The government has the country to become far to unsafe not to carry weapons because American people will never disarm voluntarily. And they bought more weapons because a former president was black. And suddenly someone noticed immigrants that have always been there. Let’s buy more guns to protect rightards from harvest workers. Democrats are buying weapons to protect themselves from rightard militias. That’s why Rightards need to buy more weapons or they couldn’t kill all democrats. Just in case. The government has the country to become far to unsafe not to carry weapons because many criminals have formerly legal weapons. American people will never disarm voluntarily. [cycle]
    You are being played man.

  45. No, he is not!

  46. I checked and would you guys be surprised to know the Republican lied? 60 precent of those who identify with the right own a gun and less than 20 percent of those who lean left own a gun! More than 80 percent of Democrats want some sort of firearm restrictions put in place and less than 20 percent of trumpies want the same thing, which lines up with the previous data! So no, Dems are not buying more and more guns, you’re just a hose bag!

  47. Natural Republican lying.

  48. So be a victim. It’s you’re right after all.

  49. I’ve seen you guys shoot, if I stand still there is very little chance I’ll be a victim!

  50. You’ll lose an ear, at least. 🤣

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