DEI Meme: Now That DEI Woke Is Gone…

What high paying tech jobs will you be picking up now that DEI woke is gone? What will you buy with your first salary? Let us know in the comments!

Now that DEI woke is gone, I'm gunna get one of them high payin' tech jobs!

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105 thoughts on “DEI Meme: Now That DEI Woke Is Gone…”

  1. Better just focus on your own countries now. The US is obviously finished with providing free defense to Europeans. Good luck fighting in Ukraine. Hahaha. This is going to be epic to watch. People who haven’t been to war in generations going up against Russian troops. Not going to be pretty. Guess you should have been more grateful. To bad so sad. 🤣

  2. Do you come up with your texts yourself or do you get a template from the FSB bureau, my Russian friend?

  3. No need to keep posting the same thing. It just shows YOU can’t come up meaningful comments. Do better.

  4. The meaning is important. Your posts are rather hollow. That’s why it brings up the same question all the time.

  5. Thank you Admins. Your guys are always so accurate and fair about opposing views. Now start shelling for your Globalist Banker buddy Mark Carney. That’s going to go so well for us. Thanks so much!

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