What are you looking at? To put it frankly, anthropomorphized deer butts, also known as an assquatches and taxidermists are actually making and selling these things. Scroll down to see the best (worst?) examples and let us know if you’d like to put something like this on your bedroom wall.
Oh deer.
Rump voters… 🙃
NO respect for wildlife. None. Humans are the worst animals of all.
I’m sure I’ve dated at least one of these
You dated my ex?
Stop talking about the site admins sister like that or you will be censored. Oh wait.. this is Europe. You already are.
Go away Trumpy
In 2024
Bad breath? I wonder what the sasquatchs mouth originally was. One of them have a weird orifice in its forehead. Probably not an anus though. Right?
Trumps head would be a nice pice for this gallery
How do I buy one of these?