How Dad Are You? Take This Quiz To Find Out!

Even if you love dad jokes, you still might be wondering if you are dad enough. No more guessing and wondering! Finally you can find out how much of a dad you really are! Each checked box gives you 1 point. Let us know in the comments how many points out of 20 you got!

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

Do you ever make this joke? Are you dad enough?

37 thoughts on “How Dad Are You? Take This Quiz To Find Out!”

  1. All legit statements. And I’m not even a dad.

  2. So.. Joseph Robinette Biden, (Robinette 😂), has now refused to do the sit down interview after the Super Bowl. It’s a traditional interview for Americans. He won’t do it because he CAN’T do it. Listening to him lie, once again about talking to people who died before he became President while he’s President combined with his other multiple bald faced lies he spews every time he speaks are getting old. He can barely finish a sentence. It’s ridiculous. His approval ratings, (the lowest in history), continue to drop. Not many Americans want to vote for Rump, but Biden is unelectable. Period. So, who should be the write in candidate? I say Dr. Phil.

  3. Doesn’t everybody say these things? So everyone is a dad? I guess it is 2024 where you can just choose what you are with no basis in reality, so ya i guess we can all be dads!

  4. He can’t do it because there are more pressing matters than football. Like the GOP/Kremlin coalition trying to bring down the American democracy. And a war where Russia endangers freedom in a global scale. Something an entertainment zombie like yourself isn’t able to comprehend. It’s easier for you to feed on nice, pre-cut propaganda bits from Putin’s agents.

  5. Dear Anonymous

    We don’t care. Please keep your provincial squabbles to yourself. We have more important things to worry about.

    Thank you!

  6. I just farted. Make a Political statement about tha you strange Americans.

  7. Poignant Peter: You da man!

  8. Farts suck! Ban all farts! Farts are unconstitutional! Fart is an offensive word! How’d I do at being an American?

  9. The difference between a fart and a pun? A pun is a shift of wit…..

  10. Francey pants!: Finally a debate that matters!

  11. I guess their saying I got a dad?

  12. If you Anons and Eurotards don’t behave I’m going to slap you into orbit.

  13. Low earth or geo stationary?

  14. @Francey pants
    In British slang a fart is referred to as a trump. As in “who trumped?”

  15. Wow! There’s a lot of people on here very sensitive about anything bad being said about Biden. I guess I’d be sensitive too if I had been clueless enough to vote for him and now would have to try to defend him when there is no defense. The man is nothing but a senile, lifetime liar and plagiarist, who is nothing but a ventriloquist dummy. He keeps saying he needs congress to stop illegal immigration. He doesn’t. All he would have to do is reinstate the Trump border policies that he got rid of! Don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen. On second thought, every liberal who voted for Biden SHOULD hold their breath waiting for that to happen! A lot of our problems would be solved in a few minutes.

  16. Well, I got 17 points and am not a dad…
    Is this good or bad?

  17. Spoken like a true Russian bot, Anonymous.

  18. It’s so true. They hate and hate on America and Americans but if anyone dares criticize Biden or Trudeau, people who are indefensible, then it’s Reeeee! These are Globalists. Hands down the most evil humans in history and they LOVE them apparently. Read Watership Down. That’s you under globalization. Not that the Left reads. These zombie zealots may already be lost forever. Vaxxed into obedience.

  19. These dad jokes are poking fun at me. I am the greatest father of all time.

  20. I like my children, I’m a great father,nobody is a better father then I am! Just the other day I was petting my daughter and because I’m such a good dad, I let her brother pet her too!

  21. Stop it. Everyone know Joe Biden took inappropriate showers with his daughter. She wrote about in her diary and has talked about it publicly. His son Hunters nickname for Dirty Joe in their now public emails was Pedo Pete. It’s all in the public domain. Your getting Trump. And it’s your own faults. You did it to yourselves.

  22. You shouldn’t project on the internet like this, it’s kinda creepy!

  23. Can you tell me which page in the diary that is? Nobody has found those lines yet, nor did she ever confirm it.

  24. …oh fer God’s sake…

    Who ever owns this site needs to delete all off-topic “rants.”

  25. Wouldn’t they have to delete your comment? It’s quite off topic! Unless the topic is people being off topic.

  26. The postings of the MAGA-religion on this site will be part of future history lessons to prove how synthetic food destroyed peoples’ minds.

  27. Even if she personally handed you her dairy and told you to your face that it happened, which it did, you STILL wouldn’t believe it. You know how we know that? Your still taking the jabs. So, you canot be taken seriously on anything. That level of dumb is disqualifying, obviously.

  28. The diary was never confirmed to be hers, nor does it contain what you think it says. Keep reading the Flatland Chronicle and wonder why people call you dumb.

  29. Yupp, he’s dumb.

  30. Right.. and the laptop was all fake and Joes not corrupt and he’s sharp as a tack and not the drooling moron we see every time he speaks. That all fake to! But again, why is Canada SO F’ing obsessed with another countries elections? It’s obvious this is just a propaganda site. Why else would it be so anti American 🇺🇸 and why the push for one candidate over another? It’s sad and creepy cause you know it’s fake. China so sneaky. People so honor less.

  31. Show me the evidence Biden is corrupt — you can’t, you merely echo unsubstantiated stories from the Flat Earth Chronicle.
    You confuse anti American with anti fact-free Americans; your type that is.
    If I had been anti American, I would recommend to vote Trump to make the country self-destroy.

  32. Your right. Biden’s perfect. To bad you can’t vote for him. You can vote for Trudeau though. Same corruption less dementia.

  33. So you can’t prove it to him. Just like the MAGA crowd couldn’t. You better shut up. And no one cares about your Trudeau fetish.

  34. I heard Biden and Trump like to make butt babies together. Then those butt babies flock to the internet and complain about which one of their butt baby daddies is better!

  35. Trudeau was convicted three times for ethics violations. Convicted. Three times. And people STILL voted him in. So no one cares about your Trump fetish. Your just going to look dumb when he wins. 86% of Americans now believe he is not fit to be President. But Canada loves Biden. The more corrupt and senile the better. Says alot about the Canadian mind set and explains Trudeau.

  36. I got 12. I guess you can call me dad… oh yeah

  37. I’m at 11, and I’m in middle school :(

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