Creepy Vintage Santas That Will Haunt Your Dreams

Christmas is supposed to be all about joy, happiness, and gifts. However, these Santas look like something that has creeped out of a nightmare. It seems that Christmas was much more scary in the past. Thank God we don’t live in those dark times anymore.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santas.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

Creepy Santas.

Creepy Santa is creepy.

If you enjoyed this gallery and would like get close and personal with creepy Santas, check out Creepy Christmas Coloring Book on Amazon. Please note that this site is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate affiliate we earn from qualifying purchases.

12 thoughts on “Creepy Vintage Santas That Will Haunt Your Dreams”

  1. Drunk Santa not creepy. Back in the 70’s Santa was allowed to drink all day, like our moms and dads (or grandparents if you are really that young). And to be honest to have smelly kids on your lap whole day, could you really blame him?

  2. Christmas was invented in WW2 to trick the Japanese into thinking the “fat man” was bringing them presents and joy!

  3. If you had kids peeing on your lap 6 times a day, you’d be grumpy too.

  4. Twas two weeks before Christmas, when all through Eatliver
    creepy Santas abound, they maketh me shiver…
    The children were hiding, and screaming, destraught,
    from all of the chaos said santas did wrought.
    Traumatized now for life, their parents are suing.
    Santa memes, Eatliver, will be your undoing…

  5. Of course it’s an Amazon shill

  6. Hohoho take your ai using ass somewhere else!

  7. You’re right, no HUMAN BEING would stack books like this…

  8. Some children are hella ugly.

  9. Yes. We’ve all seen your school pictures. You were so ugly you’re Mom had to tie a pork chop around your neck so at least the dogs would play with you.

  10. Santas should be drunk. It’s more fun.

  11. I’ll get them conservative traitors.

  12. So is Santa going to be skinny now? The ozempic Santa. Might as well make him skinny and a POC. Reality and heritage be dammed right..

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