If you are following the rules of the quarantine responsibly, you probably only leave your house when you really have to. Soon enough people began to realize that the only time they can enjoy a little bit of fresh air guilt-free is when they are taking out the trash. To honor this precious moment, Australians decided to properly dress up when they are handling their bins and crated a Facebook group Bin Isolation Outing. Featured below are the best examples.
Pic 3 has it all wrong, Trump in the bin statue of liberty out to shine.
The Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong in this one…. 8-/
How many more years can the libs keep up their immature 2nd grade temper tantrums? You’d think they would at least have graduated to more mature 3rd grade temper tantrums by now!
What are you complaining about, they aren’t the one’s who elected a women molesting piece of cr@p.
Agree. Surely you’d put the rubbish in the bin?
@Eric. Mate that’s not nice. We know he apologised after he got caught on tape. I’m sure the women he groped felt much better about being sexually abused once he said sorry. Wouldn’t you wife, sister or daughter?
Perhaps poor Donald should have stuck to paying prostitutes instead of groping innocent women? But then again that didn’t work out too well for him either.
Why is Trump blasting and/or firing everybody who doesn’t kiss his ass? There are very many things the unfallable genius desperately wants to hide from his sheople.
Pic 3 is ok as it is, Trump is trashing everything the US stood for.
Joe Biden. Tara Reid. Oooo but thats different. Orange Man Bad! Idiot.
Efendi might hoped it would be the other way around.
Orange man not lesser evil. He devil. He grab your daughter *****.
I said the best sorry. Every woman feels good when I say sorry. Also they were glad I grabbed them. And my sorry is great, you know. Makes you feel good. Like being grabbed. Not by someone else. Because I’m a very good grabber. The best. Happy women. I like women a lot. If I was a woman I would me want to grab me. Women are great. I love women. Thank you.
@Sam There is not a shred of evidence — no recordings of bragging about grabbing them by the p***y, no 20+ accusations and no checks for hush money. On the contrary, there are tweets of her supporting Joe for encouraging men to intervene when women are being harassed.
Joe Biden cant beat Trump. He can barely complete a sentence. Like it or not Trump will be the U.S President until 2024. And your gonna whine for 4 more years. Haha. Its sad. Get a life.
If you have to complete a sentence to get elected how, on earth did that moron Bush get elected twice? Says more about the overall intelligence of Americans than anything else
Bush jr was a genius compared to the current dud, who can not finish a sentence without including a lie.
Not sure if Trump has ever formed a complete sentence. All we hear is confused structureless blabbering about things he obviously can’t understand and self-adulation for no reason.
Wow. It’s amazing that according to some of you our Presidents have been awful. And yet here we are, richest most powerful country on earth. We just throw aid money at almost every country in the world. Yeah we suck. Our leader sucks. Sour grapes. Your pathetic.
I think you need to open your eyes and check your facts.
@Tim, some of your presidents are great and some are less so. The current one is downright awful, as he cares about nothing but his ego. In monetary help to developing countries, the US is tight compared to western Europe.
Amazing how pics of wheelie bins can quickly escalate into an online debate. Probably because bins and politics are both full of garbage.