DIY Solutions People Came Up With To Protect Themselves From Coronavirus

The coronavirus is spreading further and further each day, and has been declared a global emergency. So it’s understandable that people want to protect themselves. However, there is a shortage of masks, so they come up with their own DIY solutions which sometimes are quite ridiculous…

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

DIY protection from coronavirus.

9 thoughts on “DIY Solutions People Came Up With To Protect Themselves From Coronavirus”

  1. Well if anything it has certainly improved their looks

  2. I applaud for the inventiveness, but I can imagine that many people will die because of suffocation with those plastic wrappings around their heads. I guess it is control over chances.

  3. I think more than a mask is required for that

  4. If a “28 Days Later” plague hit Chicago I wonder if we could tell the difference?

  5. Or that anyone would care

  6. Funny looking masks, but some of those would work great if someone sneezes on you.

  7. I don’t understand what’s weird about it, I’ve been wearing plastic bottles on my head for years. It’s part of my life long dream to be a goldfish. Number 9 down is now my new years resolution, goodbye plastic, hello real bowl !

  8. Necessity if the mother of invention!
    You’d never make that up in any insane story – but in real life, it happens.

  9. Sneezing isn’t a symptom of COVID-10

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