Classical Paintings Cleverly Mashed With The Modern World

Have you ever thought how unusual would those characters from classical paintings look if they suddenly started living amongst us? Featured below is an ongoing project by Ukrainian digital artist Alexey Kondakov who decided to show exactly that.

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

When a classical painting meets the modern world...

4 thoughts on “Classical Paintings Cleverly Mashed With The Modern World”

  1. So… how many of these can you make? Because it gets boring after second or third…

  2. modernity destroys everything.

  3. When you look on the environment and society you’ll pretty much come to the conclusion that conservatism destroyed everything.

  4. These are good. 😊

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