Cat Therapist Always Delivers Valuable Advice

Move over, Freud! There’s a new therapy sensation in town. Cat therapist doesn’t waste time by talking about your mother or your childhood. Cat therapist gives real solutions to your psychological problems.

Have you tried pushing a bunch of shit off of the table?

7 thoughts on “Cat Therapist Always Delivers Valuable Advice”

  1. Yes, yes I have. And though I found it highly CAThartic, it really pissed-off the waitress at Olive Garden…

  2. I rubbed my yeast infection on a rude customer’s breadsticks. Enjoy!

  3. That’s actually personal injury and become manslaugther if the costumer has a weakend immune system and dies of that infection.

  4. This is why you never eat bread sticks.

  5. Filthy hussy

  6. Tail as old as time, stank and drooling slime, booty and the yeast…

  7. Thanks!! Now I’m hungry again.

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