“Can You Explain The Gap In Your Resume?” Meme

Don’t you just love that Microsoft Word has survived as a leading document editing app since 1997 or whatever despite being a total shitshow?

Can you explain the gap in your resume? I spent 2 hours formatting it in Google Docs and you've opened it in Word.

19 thoughts on ““Can You Explain The Gap In Your Resume?” Meme”

  1. Real manly men format their resume in 12pt Courier with hard spacing and no tabs as they don’t know what system their resume will be presented in, and the LLM and search engines only care about clear text.

    DIE girly girl trans and Sodomites format use Google Office or u$ Word.

    My work is done here, carry on.

  2. Real men don’t need a resume. Their reputation, their word and manly charisma is enough to get the job, Mr. Snowflake Bob.

  3. Real men don’t need jobs! They can just ask Daddy for a small loan of 14 million dollars so they can start another SPAC to advertise to middle class folk that the vaporware works and then clean out the pockets of all those who invest! Only a real man makes their money through sleazy tactics!

  4. Speaking of real men what has happened to Americas assassins.
    Two failed attempts, come on!

  5. Both were Republicans. What did you expect? Competence?

  6. I wonder if trump would revisit some of those gun laws the liberals were talking about if he gets elected?

  7. Why would he? He gave the order to shoot himself.

  8. It’s official. The Republican party killed a helpless American woman on the operating table. Talirebublican Murder.

  9. I find it hilarious how everyone grabs their tinfoil hats when something obvious happens! Trump doesn’t need to hire people to shoot him …..Occam’s razor you silly goons!

  10. Please explain what new gun laws would have prevented the latest attempted Trump assassin?
    Laws only apply to law abiding people. People intent on doing criminal acts, don’t care.

  11. You need more guns. If every bush had a gun the assassin could have hid in the bushes. All it needs is a good bush with a gun. Freedom. America. Bald Eagle. Flag.

  12. could not have hid

  13. Making guns harder to get makes illegal guns way more expensive as demand then increases whilst supply decreases……yes bad people follow economic laws…just not social laws!

  14. The latest attempted assassin was previously charged with possessing a “weapon of mass destruction” not to mention other serious crimes.

    No new laws are needed. Start applying the ones we have first.

  15. Did somebody say “Good bush”?

  16. Bob Jr., Were those “weapons of mass destruction” like those that Saddam Hussein had? A big box of Wrist Rockets and a few empty tennis ball containers.

  17. No, he was caught with a fully automatic rifle. That was the “charge”.

  18. Maybe he was just a harmless collector. He didn’t fire any shots. They should free him.

  19. Ok

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