Never Forget

Never forget.

45 thoughts on “Never Forget”

  1. I’m not buying it without a reference

  2. When surveyed 87% of anti-trump supporters accepted without question that 41% of Trump supporters were in favor of bombing Agrabah: the fictional country from the Disney film Aladdin

  3. Was the survey conducted in all 57 states Obama campaigned in?

  4. I thought Will Smith made Agrabah bomb. 🤔

  5. Oh, very good! Well done! 😂

  6. @Whatever, the poll was in 2015 and the vote in favor of bombing was 30%.
    @Cogito sum, that is the logical consequence if one foolhardily continues to support that idiot.

  7. Best comment I’ve seen all week

  8. Whether this is true or not it really wouldn’t surprise me. After all these are the same supporters who voted in Bush – twice. Now that is dumb on an industrial scale.

  9. @William.
    alas not so logical.
    Fake news is insidious for both sides if not careful.

  10. Wakanda is a suburb of Agrabah and I will never forgive them for giving a head nod to bombing Barracks homeland.

  11. Pure lib BS

  12. when surveyed 85% of Democrat party supporters were still living off their daddy’s paycheck

  13. Look up the “Obama Is Not A Keynesian, He’s An American!” video on youtube.

  14. Ya know, Instead of just insulting people, you could just look this up. Just took me a few seconds to find a great article on it on Can’t post a link apparently….

    This did actually happen, but the democrats didn’t look all that smart either.

  15. Same survey claimed 120% of Americans don’t know how percentages work.

  16. … and 100% of liberals thought HIllary had a 95% chance of winning. Talk about dumb and gullible!

  17. Whatever and Cogito Sum: You’re both far too bright for the atheists’ sandbox. But right you are.

  18. ” Can’t post a link apparently…”
    Yeah… hoooooo conspiracy.

  19. Which she did. American election aren’t about real votes though. You got a fake president out of a fake election.

  20. Robbing old ladies in the park doesn’t make up for ” living off their daddy’s paycheck”, meow. Get a real job.

  21. Bomb, Hell !

    We need to close the Genie Gap and find our own magic lamp!

  22. and 100% of the people Mark Dice interview in California

  23. We can’t forget about the college students that signed a petition to do away with women’s suffrage.

  24. Anon, you need to go back to junior high and retake history class. Pay attention this time.

  25. Or the guy in San Diego that got mindless rubes to sign a petition to have Karl Marx on the 2016 ballot, “since Obama’s working with him”.

  26. Or the college students at GWU in DC signing the petition to have the white stick figure at crosswalks removed because the image is oppressive.

  27. Or the University of Texas students that signed the petition supporting the “Post-Birth Abortion Act”.

  28. Did you notice the pattern?

  29. Both sides are morons

  30. You have sold your souls to the devil. And he has, predictably, misused your trust.

  31. The presidential election system is a blatant violation of the principle idea behind the constitution that all people should be treated equally before the law.

  32. Let’s not forget the people that voted for a big mouth with no brain. Do you get their common denominator?

  33. 0bama violated the War Powers Act when he invaded Libya.

  34. @William.

    This is after the law, all bets are off.

  35. They can sign petitions?

  36. The presidential election follows the Constitution as it is written. Your lame, impotent whining about Clinton losing the election is irrelevant.

  37. @Haha. Sure.The writers of the constitution wanted all states to appoint the electoral college by a winner-takes-all mechanism so they write that down…. No, they left the states some freedom in the appointment process because they simply did not foresee this grose abuse.
    And lame impotent whining about having won the election is Trump’s trademark.

  38. Bush jr illegally invaded Iraq.

  39. Awww, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

    Hillary lost fair and square according to the rules of the past 230 years. If I were you I’d be more upset how the dem leadership pushed her candidacy over anyone else and then she blew it. Her arrogance and slithery history worked against her as well as assuming all of Obama’s supporters would automatically vote for her. I prefer to think of it as she helped bring out the “deplorables” vote in what she would consider fly over states that Obama had taken to elect America’s first troll president.

  40. The way the president is elected might have been modern 230 years ago, but has turned into a anachronism since. And that troll president did a way better job than the orange clown.

  41. As usual you are a little slow. Trump is the first troll president. Obama tried trolling a few times but like everything else he did it was weak and ineffective.

    But you can certainly thank your dnc leadership manipulations on pushing for Clinton to be the candidate for getting Trump elected.

  42. If it’s on the internet it must be true.

  43. You lefties love your fake polls… remember election night 2016…I sure do. Lulzzzz

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