Boat Trails: It’s Time To Wake Up, Sheeple!

In a world where the tides hide secrets and fish gather for top shadowy meetings, a watery conspiracy emerges to rival the legendary chemtrail paranoia. Behold the enigmatic phenomenon of boat trails! The ever-mysterious THEY are putting dihydrogen monoxide in our water!

In a world where the tides hide secrets and fish gather for top shadowy meetings, a watery conspiracy emerges to rival the legendary chemtrail paranoia. Behold the enigmatic phenomenon of boat trails! The ever-mysterious THEY are putting dihydrogen monoxide in our water!

21 thoughts on “Boat Trails: It’s Time To Wake Up, Sheeple!”

  1. Dihydrogen monoxide is why you get wrinkly hands after they have been wet for a while. It can penetrate the epidermis and lingers in your system for life. You will never get rid of it! Your body will try to get rid of it through your urine but it continually accumulates in your body.

  2. Put a human body into Dihydrogen monoxide and he will die after a while. Makes you cough if breathed in, clogs your lungs and blocks the exchange of O2 and CO2 in your body. No chance to survive.

  3. *wake*
    I see what you did there…

  4. Intake of dihydrogen monoxide can cause acute hyponatremia which can lead to kidney failures and in some cases cerebral damage.

  5. Around here, who would notice… 😆

  6. People still fighting over it.

  7. Sorry, but Chem Trails are real. Weather modifications tests are going on all over the world. In the US the Bill Gates Foundation is doing it in every State. It’s not a conspiracy theory, or rather like most conspiracy theories lately it’s true.

  8. Dihydrogen Monoxide caused my hands and fingers to loose all sense
    of touch making it nearly impossible to play with the family jewels. Very

  9. Biden.

  10. Trump.

  11. Sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G….

  12. “like most conspiracy theories lately it’s true”

    Oh boy, we have some morons here. I suppose the earth is flat too?

  13. I apologize. I was trying to get people riled up with my pathetic trolling attempts.

  14. So noone is doing weeather modifications. Okay Sparky, nap time. Don’t forget your helmet.

  15. Like boats are real.

  16. Boats aren’t real!!! How can something heavier then a piece of wood float? If that was the case then sand which is clearly lighter then a “boat” would float! Goodness people! They are aircraft! Plane and simple!

  17. If she’s heavier than a duck she’s a witch!

  18. If she’s heavier than a compact car, she’s probably shopping at Wal-mart.

  19. Or was it really a commentary on how every post here results in Biden/Trump comments, regardless?

    We non-Americans are so bored.

  20. Don’t blame you. This is a Canadian site and they are obsessed with US politics. It’s weird because they pay zero attention to their own. Their like zombies. Orange Man bad. Biden good. Aaaagggghhh.

  21. It just dawned on me that I should just stop visiting this site.

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