Awkward Family Photos, Generated by Artificial Intelligence

What happens when you ask AI to create one of those famous awkward family photos? It inserts pugs, fictional creatures, creepy uncles and little girls with a mustache. Scroll down and enjoy the finest examples!

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

Awkward family photo, generated by AI.

49 thoughts on “Awkward Family Photos, Generated by Artificial Intelligence”

  1. Artificial, yes. Intelligence, not so much, no… 🙄

  2. Welcome to Alabama

  3. Typical American families. That’s what you get from inbreed of criminals and religious nutters in a penal colony. No intelligence involved in those pictures.

  4. The children of these goofs should be sterilized at birth.

  5. The last one is creepy.

  6. The picture with the mud actually is quite ok. The situation is awkward but the fake people look ok and as if they have fun. Something you can’t say about the other creepy pics…

  7. Wow. Actual people. Scary.

  8. You’re thinking Australia.

  9. Meh…

  10. These plagiarism machines will destroy intellectual property. The WEF will take the rest. You will own nothing and be happy wasn’t a mistake. It’s the predictable out come.

  11. In general, AI generated is looking at the art of one artist who just reproduced 60 paintings in one day. They all look basically the same.

    Eatliver you can do better, please stop those AI posts, or are you also …. nah

  12. “or are you also..” Please explain. I think everything online is curated and pretty much propaganda. AI will just distort everything. Making it impossible to know ANYTHING for sure. It’s not going to be good.

  13. That’s why evil will win in the end.

  14. pugs suck.

  15. Yes….AI will distort everything ….no way humans haven’t already done that!

  16. US people voted Trump. What’s more to distort?

  17. Many in the US despise their over reaching corrupt Government so much that they will vote for President Trump. The more the Godless Left pushes to keep him out, remove him from certain States ballots etc.. the more people will vote for him. It’s not about him really, it’s about punishing the current regime. For example, if the Left takes him off the ballot in Colorado then the Right will take Biden off the ballot in Texas, Florida etc.. it a joke on both sides and it’s pretty sad.

  18. It would be great if Trump and Biden are taken off the ballot everywhere.

  19. Sure. Vote for a more corrupt Trump to get rid of a corrupt Government. Stupid American logic. No wonder they needed Naz… Germans to take them to the moon. Without others taking charge now and again that country would just implode into a black sh*t hole.

  20. Republicans lack logic. They still haven’t realized that the guy claimiing he lost the elections by fraud actually was caught committing election fraud himself.

  21. Lalalalalalalalalalala

  22. Yes, I remember Canadas space program. Oh those heady days of successful space travel. And that moon landing, breathe taking. Canadians must have been so proud of their country. I know the rest of the world was. May we never forget those glory days.

    – Justine Pierre (Castro) Trudeau

    So… Proud 🥲

  23. Who cares about Canadians? We are talking about you loser.

  24. This has nothing to do with Trump, but it’s Funny how no one in the US on the Left or the Right wants Biden to run in 2024, but all of the people who re-elected Justine Pierre Trudeau want Biden to run. This is very interesting. Meaningless, since they have no say in American politics, but it shows an incredibly dysfunctional thought process. They honestly believe that Trudeau and Biden have done a good job when they both provably have not. Yet they support them unequivocally ignoring the facts and the mountain of evidence of corruption. It’s as if they want these two countries to fail.

  25. Don’t expose that mountain to sunlight, for it will melt away.

  26. Maoists Maoists everywhere. Time to open hunting season again. No limit.

  27. Not even the Chinese are maoists anymore. Mao is living rent-free in your head.

  28. No.. Maoists are alive and well inside Antifa, The Trans movement, BLM etc.. basically most Left wing movements.

  29. Nuts. Take your pills.

  30. Truth. Take your 9th jab.

  31. Only got 3 so far.

  32. But our antivaxxer friend got braindamage from his first infection and more.
    Everytime he posts here trying to rant against logic, facts, women, people of colour, LQBTQ+-*/$%&§, Canadians, Europeans and other normal users, more of his brain dies from exhaustion.

  33. This post is a good example of propaganda. The list of things they claim were posted against tells you everything. It’s so transparent and has been used so often that it’s almost ridiculous now. The Leftist prodeath party needs to do better or Trump will win and have them skinned and hung on the white house fence. That will not happen of corse but watch what these zealots do with it.

  34. “have them skinned” “hung on the white house fence” Who’s prodeath now? Hypocrit. Typical Trump worshipper.

  35. “this won’t happen of course, but watch what these zealots do with it”. So predictable. Now go out and protest for Hamas.

  36. Everyone in his right mind is pro-Ukraine and anti-Russia, anti-Hamas and anti-Israel. The latter had it coming.

  37. So you’re leaving to to fight in Ukraine right? Right…? Thought so.

  38. One does not have to fight there to be pro-Ukraine.

  39. Coward. Just as we suspected. All talk.

  40. How are you “supporting Ukraine”? Putting a flag in your bio really doesn’t count as support.

  41. By donating money.

  42. To Zelinski’s coke fund no doubt. He out lawed a religion, arrested his opposition, (just like dirty Joe), and is refusing to allow elections. He’s a dictator now. He’s been kidnapping 60 year old disabled people off the streets and forcing them to be bullet catchers while he spends most of his time at his multiple homes around the world. Mostly the one in Florida. Save your money.

  43. How many potatoes does a Russian chill like you get per week? Or is it just onions and carrots?

  44. Pretty sure Putler is on more drugs than any Ukrainian politician. Putler is afraid of aging. Has his own beauty salon on his armoured train.

  45. Yes but Ukraine is full of actual Nazis. Real black sun wearing Nazis. But hey, support what you like.

  46. So is the US. Lots of Nazi movements and tattoos. Free speech, right?

  47. Pretty sure there are more Nazis in Russia than in Ukraine.

  48. Ukraine has entire battalions wearing the black sun. Ukrainian refugees have difficulty finding places to live because they hate blacks. Literally racist Nazis ruled over by a little dictator whose coked out of his head. These are the people you are supporting. You must be so proud.

  49. Were your parents alcoholics too? I mean, aren’t all you Russians alcoholics?

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