If you like the retro newspaper look, David Kramer’s cartoons will right up your alley. Some might even call this “boomer humor”, but we think it’s “great boomer humor”. Scroll down and have a laugh!
If you enjoyed this post, don’t forget to check out our cartoon archive. It’s full of good stuff.
Bahahaha! 🤣
At least it’s not about US politics. For once.
Extended warranty calls claim they’re from “the auto warranty center” but usually they’re made by “Affordable Auto Protection LLC” of Boca Raton, Florida. The dude running that place is a certifiable sleazebag.
The dude running that place is a certifiable sleazebag?
Must be owned by Trump!
There I did it.
I will sue.
I am the smartest man in the World.
I can be rude to anyone & you will lick my ass!
I will sue.
I am the smartest man in the World.
I can be rude to anyone & you will lick my ass!
Trump signs executive order making English the official language
of the U.S.
Great, when are the Americans going to speak and spell in English,
and not that guttural garbage called American English?
Ya’ll tell me now.
Will there be fines for not speaking proper English? Most of his own voters can’t spell or mess up grammar.
The auto insurance robocalls have been run by a dude named Gustav Renny. Look him up. Upstanding individual, that guy
The US will also no longer print Government information in any other language then english. Not voter pamphlets or ballots etc.. That was the purpose of making it the official language of the US. Now everything is only in English. Saves money. Solid move.
I would have made the official language Python. 🐍🤓