Please be warned: this is a troll post. We expect you to fight in the comments. Trump fans must be angry, anti-Trumpists must be delighted, you know how it goes.
To become a true Republican, you should get yourself a Trump toilet brush so you can take advantage of the Trump power every time you take a dump. It’s available on Amazon. Please note that our site is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Why is there never any representation of muslim or jewish faith on here? It’s extremely anti muslim and anti semitic to ignore these faith completely as is done here repeatedly.
* Child mutilation(D)
* Child trafficking(D)
* Trannyism(D)
* Sodomy(D)
* Illegals(D)
* DIE(D)
* Wars(D)
very good my children
True. A list of most Republicans crimes. But why is there a D behind every topic? Ah, for Donald. Of course.
People whose familiarity with the bible, is limited to sleeping next to the free one, in their hotel nightstand, shouldn’t really lecture on religious dogma.
It’s not anti anything if they choose not to play.
George Floyd has not committed a crime in over 4 years now.
He’s not playing anymore either.
George Floyd was a loser.
Oh yeah. He lost it all.
Did it to himself.
“People whose familiarity with the bible, is limited to sleeping next to the free one, in their hotel nightstand, shouldn’t really lecture on religious dogma.”
People not familiar with proper grammar and sentence syntax shouldn’t share their incoherent thoughts on public forums.
so many people still crying in their parent’s basement over the loss to DJT suffering from TDS…
@orangeman2024– no, we are crying because of the display of idiocy by the American public who voted for the king of the imbeciles. We didn’t think the education system had failed us this badly. Also, we’re grieving for the country the U.S. USED to be before you christo-fascists crawled out from under your rocks.
What is with Trumps sudden fear that our children are being
lead away from Christian values. Spoken by a convicted felon,
convicted sex offender, and thief.
Hey Joe you forgot to mention Trump is a notorious con man,
liar, adulterer, and has a sick attraction to his daughter.
Ironically, it seems that the ones that actually read the bible – fully. Are the ones that are least likely to believe what’s written in it ;o)
Definitely an interesting part of human history. But so is Islam, Hinduism, Judaism – and the list goes on.
They can’t all be true – maybe none of them are. Who truly cares, and who truly knows?
All I’m interested in, is to live peacefully, and to not have so-called “believers” try and kill me, in their pursuit of a given personal religious belief.
We already have plenty to deal with, when it comes to politics – haha.
Reading the last pathetic whines from dying Leftist Radicals is music to the ears. Cry harder losers. It’s not even your own country and still it’s Reeeee! Everyday.
What I find most perplexing is that a group of people who were so passionate about democracy, the constitution etc appear to be sitting back rubbing their hands as their chosen leader dismantles democracy, subverts the constitution and behaves like a complete dictator. I have to ask whether they would be equally accepting if Kamala Harris had started off in this way. Somehow I think not but the rules should apply equally or it’s not a country that can be happy with itself. It’s got more in common with North Korea and Russia. Hardly good modles for the “land of the free”.
As a foreign reader I can assure you all that Donald Trump, his vice Vance and the weirdos of ministers have already achieved making the U.S. a laughing stock again. Sad, but true.
Swing and a miss. I’m an agnostic and a Republican. Because of that, everyone of my close friends who is Republican has NEVER brought up religion as a reason they are Republican. I don’t even know any who are anti abortion!
We know how you libs love to lump everybody into one group though. That’s what bigotry is. Congratulations.
The above comment is by far one of the stupidest things I’ve read on the internet. “My immediate friends and I have never brought up religion as a contributing factor to our republicanism, so you’re all bigots”. Um, your orange cult leader just set up a prosperity gospel grifter as the head of the “faith office” to “protect Christianity”… Remember when he had protesters violently cleared to do a photo op in front of a church holding a bible? Pepperidge farm remembers. Your comment is either idiotic in not recognizing the purposefully reinforced link between christianity and republicanism, or it’s one of the most dishonest things I’ve ever read. So, are you an idiot or a liar (or both?).
Pretty obvious it’s both, the dude is the poster boy for bone heads.
Why are there so many recipes for egg dishes on the
internet when they have reached record high pricing
In the good ole’ Amarica?
When making the recipe just substitute thoughts and prayers for the eggs. It works so well for so many other problems.- Mike Johnson, with some help from Paula White
Dear Librul Bigot—The truth hurts doesn’t it? When protesters are nothing but people with 2nd grade mindsets throwing temper tantrums, sometimes they have to be spanked. Protesting is one thing. Inciting a riot is another.
Enjoy the next 4 years! I now I will, just thinking about your head exploding! It’s a good thing it’s only filled with hot air!
People! We have to stop insulting one another. Just because
half of you are wrong at any given time doesn’t give an excuse
to ridicule their stupidity.
Republicans have become addicts for populism. And addicts will kill you if you take away their drug.
Trump and co is literally draining the swap. Bombastic idiots resort to ad homien arguments instead of valid arguments. You don’t have to like your boss so long as he’s running a tight ship and you get a paycheck every week.
We must embrace the Democrat narratives fully.
If the baby can’t be killed in the womb, we must ensure we sterilize it before it can reproduce! That is the only way we, as a society can continue to flourish into the next century. Also, so that we end racism, we must tell generations of young white icky males that they are the reason everything bad has happened in the world throughout history and they should live a life of shame because of it.
That will fix everything.
The swamp king draining the swamp. You are either delusional or very naive.
See you in 4 years. Told you so.
I’ve been following your blog for some time now, and I’m consistently blown away by the quality of your content. Your ability to tackle complex topics with ease is truly admirable.
That’s a bot.
Fat chocolate man has nothing to say.
Simonis, is that not a common Belgian surname meaning suck-up?
It’s a spam bot. It took its name somewhere from the internet. There is no hidden message for you there. 🙄
Why so libs assume every Trump supporter is a Christian? That’s called bigotry! I’m not religious at all and I support him. I guess it’s okay to be bigot, as long as you’re a leftist.
Read the definition below, particularly starting with the word ‘especially’.
Bigot- a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
Because most of them are christians. Now go back to your prn sites.
It’s definitely okay to be racist and bigoted against Christianity to those on the Left. You see it on here all the time. It’s as though other religions don’t even exist. The Left worships deviants and anti white movements. Anything that disrupts normal peoples lives and destroys order will always be a Leftist movement. It’s always been that way. It’s why Trump won in the US. People got tired of their stupidity.
All religions are evil. Tolerating religion of any kind will lead to violence and misery. Religion, like christianity or islam, is basicly devine fascism.
“anti white movements”
Boy is angry because he can’t be racist against other people therefore it must be anti white movement. It’s not about you being white. It’s about you being an a-hole.
Have the meme tariffs already kicked in? We’re only getting like one a week now. Quick, everyone click on an ad, so they can afford a new one. 💰
Musk controls Earliver. Bought it for $89.00 Canadian.
Trump can add another deed to his list of illustrious labels,
Hey I can make the Russians go away if you me, opps I mean
the U.S 50% of your rare earth.
He prefers you call it whitemaleing…
Watching Trump and Putin decide what a European country will do without any European representation and leaving the dictator Zelinski out of the discussion shows the weakness of European leaders. That and watching Christoph Heusgar cry after VP Vance says some hurty works in Germany. Then you have 60 minutes broadcasting a devastating report on Germanys Orwellian fascist war on free speech exposes what Europeans have lost. Their minds.
Trump thinks he can decide without Europe in Europe. Well, that will be another of his many fails he’ll blame others for. Because that’s not how the world works. Except he plans to lose against Putin and bow down to him. Losing without a fight. It wouldn’t be the first UNamerican thing Trump did. And we know deep inside that narcissistic poser is a little coward.
60 minutes of fake media you mean. Otherwise I don’t know what you are talking about. I follow German politics and the only ones dreaming of Orwellian conditions are the Trump/Putin fans on the far right spectrum because they lose one political debate after another. Like Trump they have slogans and repetitive phrases but no answers, concepts or solutions to problems.
Because that’s what populists do. You vote them, they burn your house down, blame strangers for the mess and make you pay for it. Then they leave and say you just didn’t want them to succeed.
I don’t know why they wouldn’t give you a seat at the grown-up table. I’m sure those 5,000 surplus helmets were the backbone of the war effort…
Europe is responsible for the military defense of Europe. Since they can’t be responsible, reasonable people will make decisions for them until they can. Obviously. More people have died in this fake war then both WWI and WWII combined. And yet the EU according to Queen Eurasia wants it to continue with little to no European involvement. Not gonna happen under Trump. Period. And that’s a good thing.
Always the same babble mixed with insults but no arguments. Iguess all oxygen is used up in that American bubble.
That’s why you bore everyone to death. More people have died by your posting than in the SMO.
Peace talks without Ukraine. That makes sense… Once again Trump proves his incompetence to the world.
Trump isn’t dangerous per se. Except for female personell in the White House. But his incompetence and inability to understand politics leaves a mess. Trump is a narcissist. That means he is driven by emotional insecurity and a need of external approval. A trained agent like Putin will play him like a balalaika.
“More people have died in this fake war then both WWI and WWII combined.” LOL, you are off by a factor 100.
“… little to no European involvement.” The European countries have donated more money to the Ukraine than the US.
You evidently have no idea what you are talking about.
He never had. Neither about wars nor women.
And yet the Europeans and Zelinski will not be involved. It will all be decided by the US and Russia and Europe and Zelinski will just do as they are told. And Europe will do nothing. As is their nature. Sorry, but it’s true. It’s happening just like that. Whine all you like but if you don’t stand up and DO something someone else will have to. We Canadians don’t like Trump either but at least he is trying to stop all the killing.
Any of the decissions made there will be worthless without Ukraine on the table. And Europe knows that. Ukraine knows that. And Putin knows that. Nothing decided there will mean anything to him. Trump can’t comprehend this. He’s not able to realize his own weaknesses or be self-critical. It can not be part of his strategy.
Also Trump is indifferent to the killings. People as victims don’t matter to him. No matter if a virus or ordnance killed them. Those are the losers. All this is for show. For him the war is an opportunity to look like “a strong leader”. No matter the dilletant strategy. He’s a narcissist. He is aggressive but he is not smart. Putin will play him like the tool he his. Trump is the type of person easily taken advantage of if you know what buttons to push. Any sociopath will tell you that.
Man.. talk about Trump Derangement Syndrome. Zelinski is not even in charge of Ukrainian. He is an unelected dictator who still refuses to hold elections because he knows he would lose. Trump has now called him a dictator and has stated correctly that he has no say in Ukraines future without holding and winning an election. And as for European involvement, there isn’t anyone there capable of stopping this war because they WANT the war. Or they did before Trump was elected. European politics is in disarray. The far left leaders are not acting on the will of their people. The amount of Illegal Immigration proves that. Trump and Putin will decide what happens and the far Left leadership crazies in Europe can just cry about it. They have no say if you haven’t noticed and that’s a good thing. They can no longer be trusted even by their own people.
Zelensky’s approval rating has dropped since he was elected, but it is still higher than Trump’s. The only person that wants this war is Putin, to reconquer territory lost by Moscow when the USSR collapsed.
How about a new fun image & text. This one is growing moss…..
Not my fight. We Canadians have our own problem thanks to Turdo. But Zelinski wasn’t elected. His term expired a long time ago. He’s a dictator and a thief of billions in aid. But that’s the Europeans problem. Everyone else is finished with him.
Zelinskij is an elected president. And he was when Russia attacked. The Ukrainian constitution forbids elections during war times. Therefore he can’t stop being president. He could resign. But that would be a stupid thing during war time.
Parroting the Russian narrative like Trump doesn’t now doesn’t change that. Zelinskij is more legit than Putin, who fakes his elections for the last decades. Meanwhile Trump is selling out America’s interests for his private vendetta against Zelenskij and his admiration for dictator Putin. Traitor in office.
Trump is Putin’s bitch, that went fast indeed.
on: Putin, to reconquer territory lost by Moscow when the USSR collapsed.
-> there are about a dozen of countries Putin needs to assimilate, like Azerbaijan.
They got a dictator there, and they have Oil.
So I don’t really follow why they did not go there first. Only the Aliyev family would have cared.
Because Israel needed new territory and Ukraine being the bread basket of Europe was a great place to do Israel 2.0. So with the help of Obama in 2014 and Biden all thru his term they took over the country. Zelinski was just a well paid tool who is responsible for all the Ukrainian deaths. Could have struck a deal with Putin 3 years ago but Israel thru it’s proxy America refused to let him because they wanted the country for themselves. You can’t blame any of this on Trump even though you will. He just wants the dying to stop as he said. And Europe is in to much political disarray to act.
You should come up with better lies. No one believes that BS.
“During the recent Direct Line, when I was asked about Russian-Ukrainian relations, I said that Russians and Ukrainians were one people – a single whole. These words were not driven by some short-term considerations or prompted by the current political context. It is what I have said on numerous occasions and what I firmly believe.” Putin, July 12, 2021.
Words of a professional liar and murderer.
How can so many millions be so blind and believe all trumps lies?
How can so many people not see through this?
Stop getting your news from just one side.
Do some research of your own!
Or is it because you WANT to believe everything he say?
Will the USA become an orthodox-christian country now that Russia has taken over?
Probably not. It didn’t go Buddhist or Taoist while China was in control under the last guy.
Nor was China in control.
That idiot really thinks China was in control. Even though China didn’t achieve anything from it. How delusional some people are. Smooth brain.
Well who’s in control of your OWN countries? Oh that’s right, your not allowed to speak about YOUR OWN countries. Just the countries that don’t put you in jail for Facebook posts. What a pack of retards.
😂😂😂 You clown.
No, no.. we love being unable to speak our minds publicly. That’s the sign of good Governance. You can’t just let people openly criticize their own Government. That would be madness! We need to just shut up and do as we’re told. That is job one of every good citizen. Look at how well the UK and France are doing. Don’t you want to be just like them here in Canada? Oh wait.. we already are. And who would want that to change right? Right..
Inflation up in USA
Trump will fix that 🤣
Biden’s accounts receivable had more Chins than Weird Al’s “Fat” video…
Hm, eggs. 😝
Trump! Biden! None of these men represented YOUR countries so how are you qualified to praise or run down either one of them. You are ridiculous people afraid to post anything about your own Governments. Pathetic.
Today, this evening, I had no eggs. But real bread with real cheese. Yummy. Not that white foam material toast and cheese analogue mass Americans are forced to eat because they can’t afford natural food. Poor guys.
Thank you Joseph Goebbels. You have earned your bowl of rice 🍚. Good Boy!
No idea if Goebbels liked cheese. But Trump would have loved Joseph.
I had a steak.
I had betrayal for breakfast. Theft for lunch. And treason for dinner. A normal day in the Trump administration.
He’s not your President. It’s not your country. Grow up. The Americans don’t know or care what you think. Why would they? You change nothing. You help nothing by ignoring your own country’s problems. It’s sad.
In fact he’s no ones president. Donald Trump only serves Donald Trump. Not the American people.
MAGA keeps telling us our countries – which means all countries of the world? – live off American tax dollars. And some clown told us on Fox this is an American world. All of Earth ist America. So, that makes him our president, too. Doesn’t it? 🤡 🤣🤣🤣
I definitely do not want that clown as “our president”.
They made it clear you have no choice. America owns the planet.
Then DO something about it! Build a military for your own protection. Then you don’t have to be told what to do under the threat of losing your protection from the US. It’s not that complicated. When did WWII end.. was it yesterday? Our countries have all had plenty of time to rebuild our defenses. They just didn’t. And now it’s Reeeee! Trumps making us pay our fair share! How dare he! So dumb.
You haven’t informed yourself about numbers, have you?
America’s fall has begun.
Withdrawing support from the authoritarian governments in Europe and Canada only makes the US stronger and these other countries weaker. Keep it up and Trump will close bases in Germany. He should have done that last time. Those bases aren’t there to protect American taxpayers are they. Just wait til European and Canadian troops start coming home from the Russian front in flag draped coffins. Then maybe you’ll understand why the Americans are sick of you parasites. It’s not the aid money, it’s the military defense. See how you do without it. Good luck over their dying for Israel and the miniature dictator.
Do you come up with your texts yourself or do you get a template from the FSB bureau, my Russian friend?
Russia, Russia, Russia! Welcome back to 2016. We’re just not clever enough to come up with a new shtick so we go with what we know. Even though it didn’t work last time we’re sure it will work this time.. You can’t fix stupid.
It’s been Russia all along. Always has been. 👨🚀🔫👩🚀
No.. it’s Angola. The center of world domination. Reeeee! So dumb.
Well China just put tariffs on Canada as well so.. better elect a Globalist Banker. That will help. 🙄
Worth a try. The Real estate shark in the U.S. obviously failed bitterly. Crying over the millions his billionaire buddy lost. 🤡🤡🤣🤣🤣