You have probably heard of yoga poses like “downward-facing dog” or “balasana”, but did you know that the most poplar yoga position is actually “my kid needs a step dad”?
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And the yoga studio’s gonna need some Windex, or people will start wondering if it’s an aquarium… 🐠
Wow, that was your first thought? Really.. why do you hate women? I guess your parents aren’t getting any Grandkids.
I didn’t get the right words for a response when I read the post some time ago but yours are perfect. 👍 He’ll be forever alone.
You got some yoga single mom triggered here
Anon- makes a joke. Woke morons- ‘why do you hate women?’
I’d sniff that mirror,
I’d lick that mirror,
Why I’d even steal
that mirror.
The yeast on the mirror is infectious the STDs long lived and the crabs can jump 6 feet also biodad is observing his ho from behind the punching bags.
Well at least her legs can get out of the way when I hide the salami.