Grumpy Eagle Meme: The Daily Struggle

Walking is like the Swiss Army knife of exercise – it does a bit of everything. The best part: you look hilariously pissed that you have to do it.

Me going on a stupid little daily walk for my stupid physical and mental health.

12 thoughts on “Grumpy Eagle Meme: The Daily Struggle”

  1. Do you think this will work for the “usual suspects” before they go driving, take the train or go visit a Christian school?

  2. We don’t get it, Observer.

  3. I think I get it.
    main point is that Christian school isn’t good for mental health.

  4. Guess it’s okay, I got nothing to say
    Still, I don’t suppose I can blame ya… 🦅

  5. Like that guy from the Christian school driving a truck through the crowd during the new year celebration.

  6. No wonder there are so many shootings in the “Good old U.S.A”.
    Just read the clap trap above.

  7. The ISIS guy.. right. Kind of like the grooming gangs in Britain. The ones people in power try to cover up and now refuse to investigate. At least Elon Mush is getting people to pay attention to this massive Government cover up. Pathetic. Like Trudeau these people have got to go!

  8. There is not much difference between ISIS and Trump voters. They actually share a damn lot of values. Just saying.

  9. See how easy it is to know someones skin color without even seeing them.

  10. In your head everything is easy. In reality not that much.

  11. Trudeau has resigned! Ding Dong the witch is dead..

  12. I thought Trump is the witch. He was moaning about a witchhunt all the time. You don’t make sense.

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