Free Market Regulates Itself, What Are You Mad About?

Don’t you just love free market? If you are paying too much for stuff, just choose different stuff that doesn’t exist!

Free market regulates itself! If people don't want to pay $1,200+ a month for a 1 bedroom apartment, they can simply move to a cheaper apartment that doesn't exist.

7 thoughts on “Free Market Regulates Itself, What Are You Mad About?”

  1. Freedom is for rich people.

  2. $1200? More like $2400 around here. Must be nice.

  3. I recently put a slight increase on my many rental properties,
    and you should have heard all the whining. Good grief folks
    I have to make a living as well.

  4. Elon and his friends need tax cuts. Now!

  5. Poor people should pay more taxes.

  6. Wow, where is this $1,200/mo. 1-bedroom?

  7. Your mom’s.

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