After his trip to Belarus where he visited several medieval castles, Russian artist Ilya Denisov got inspired and created a series of works “Medieval Branding” where he reimagines what the logos of famous modern brands would look like during the middle ages. Scroll down to see this clever rebranding!
I was alive in medieval times. I remember this logos.: I think ….
The McDonald’s logo is accurate.
Audi logo still works.
Nokia is correct, very solid phone
I like bairds!
True Trump Derangement Syndrome is when you hate a person SO much, that you see everything as a symbol of them. EVERYTHING. No normal person does this. Get some help Lil buddy. People like you are proven to be violent.
Are you okay? Who are you talking to?
Trump is deranged, that’s a fact, yes.
I want a shirt with the Lacoste Logo
They won’t let you down vote I’d say he’s right comment. Only taking upvotes. Hahahaha. This Chinese run Canadian site is a joke.
Downvote works. It’s just your paranoia.
Then why only one down vote as before? The Left lies so easily.
What are you speaking of?
I know what he means. I can answer his question: Because you were the only loser who downvoted.