Even The Aliens Are Flabbergasted by Our Insanity

That’s right, guys. We are the freakshow of the galaxy. The 2024 season has been the most batshit crazy of them all. May God help us…

What are you two doing? Watching Earth. This season is mental.

76 thoughts on “Even The Aliens Are Flabbergasted by Our Insanity”

  1. Vote Trump to be doomed.

  2. Vote trump for season 2 of “how low can we go?”

  3. In a forgotten prophecy buried within the annals of time, it is foretold that the election of Trump shall mark the beginning of the end. Should the forbidden threshold of power be crossed, democracy’s sanctity shall shatter like glass beneath a titan’s heel. The elected shall wield not governance but tyranny, ensnaring the populace in chains of deception and fear.

    Satan’s horde, dormant in the depths of infernal realms, shall awaken at the call of corruption. Legions clad in shadow shall march upon the lands, their malevolent laughter echoing through the halls of power now stained with treachery. Dogs will lie down with cats, and the natural order shall crumble.

    As the elected ascend, black holes of discontent shall rip through the fabric of society, swallowing hope and reason whole. Galaxies of unity and progress shall collapse into the abyss, their light extinguished by the insatiable hunger for power.

    The universe, once vibrant with promise, shall spiral into eternal night. Humanity’s cries shall reverberate through the void, a testament to the folly of choosing darkness over light. Thus, in the election of Trump, the prophecy shall be fulfilled—a grim testament to the fragility of democracy and the dire consequences of unchecked ambition.

  4. Vote for my candidate or democracy is doomed and everybody dies.
    His policy of securing the border, ending wars, and decreasing income tax is a threat to everything that democracy stands for.

  5. “Trump Lies”? You are telling me that the first black female president chose Trump, the liar, as her vice president? It must be true. Biden’s don’t lie, right Ashley?

  6. Average leftard
    The left doesn’t get sarcasm. Or facts or have any deductive reasoning ability. Their leaders point and say “Hate that person!” and they follow.

  7. Really a rerun of 2016. It was mental, too.

  8. Even more show this time. Don’t forget the fake assassination attempt, Effendi.

  9. It’s weird how cons project trump on liberals! Anyone else notice that?

  10. i can have a supporter shot on 5th ave and no one would do anything

  11. Everyone notices it. Except rightards.

  12. So, libtards… You are claiming the assassination attempt was faked?
    I’ll ask you to do something a little different from your usual methods. Think.

    Do you actually think Trump asked someone to shoot within a centimeter of his moving skull. The fact that that would even be a consideration in your mind explains all the fake garbage you have been regurgitating since he announced his decision to run the first time.

    Take a step back and think logically once in a while. You may find it refreshing.

  13. Haha! Yeah, sure it was faked. Who says? Is it the same 51 “intelligence officers” that swore Hunter’s laptop was a Russian hoax?

  14. My de*th will be avenged with a YUGE victory

  15. Rightards are convinced all happened because the Secret Service employes women. 🤪👈😆
    Every woman that votes for the GOP should move to IS countries. That way they can have their patriarch paradise much sooner and live in traditional female roles.

  16. Ok

  17. He’s right. Texans plan to forbid women and their helpers to use streets if they plan an abortion. Ameriran.

  18. Conservatives will tell you the world is flat, covid was a hoax, sandy hook shooting was fake and Elon musk has it all figured out………………….

    But if you think the Donald Trump assassination attempt was staged……you’re just silly!

    Jeepers creeper you clowns have no leg to stand on but think you can run!

  19. Don’t forget the moon landing was a hoax and 5g causes covid! Good ol conservative thinking.

  20. I think both candidates are shit

  21. I see Rachel Maddow and Joyless Reid love posting on Eat Liver.

    No bus is short enough for those with TDS.

  22. If Trump wasn’t hit by a bullet the left media would be posing this as yet another evil attribute of Trump. If the attempt was successful they’d be joyous until they realize they have no future content to “report” on.

  23. He wasn’t hit by a bullet. He insisted on taking his shoe with him when the Secret Service tried to escort im from the stage. The tools he injured himself with was hidden in his shoe.
    However the Trump party employed the shooter he was willing to die for it. Willing to kill bystanders on Trump’s order. Will they pay off the parents? Did they threaten his parents?
    The history on the shooter’s devices has been found inconclusive by the FBI. Trumpists didn’t prepare well. It was all a show.

  24. Signs,
    Your sign must be “Slow Children”. Watch out for Sniffin’ Joe.

  25. For those leftards who think the assassination attempt was faked, one question. When was the last time something involving multiple US agencies worked out so well? The choreography on stage must have been flawless with at least one Oscar worth acting performance as well.
    Do you think Biden would have even been able to duck?

  26. Oh, suddenly conspiracies don’t work? 😂 But when anything else happens like school shootings or a criminal being sentenced in court it must be true conspiracies. Or like pandemics with global institutions and whole nations involved. 🤪
    Trump is a showman. He knows how to act and give a performance. Rightards believe his every word and gesture. 😆 Yet he doesn’t give a sh*t about his voters.

  27. We’re hiring new agents with roofing experience. Send resume ASAP.

  28. Please make it stop. If someone posted a photo of a can of toilet bowl cleaner here, some sort of nasty, name calling, political bitch-slap will break out from the politically fevered on both sides.

    Grow the f**k up.

  29. As a life long Democratic, I will wait and see who replaces Biden on the ticket and vote for them. If it’s a choice between Biden and Trump, I will hold my nose and vote for Trump. There is no other option. Biden is unfit to serve and over 80% of Americans agree with that. Stop pushing for people to vote for a poor senile old man. It’s ridiculous and no thinking person is going to vote for him.

  30. Yes, and I’m harry Truman, back from the dead to tell you you’re full of shit!

  31. I’m the leader of the KKK and I say vote trump!

  32. I’m the leader of the KKK and I say vote biden!

  33. That’ll confuse the little political cucks!

  34. As a life long Republican, I will wait and see who replaces Trump on the ticket and vote for them. If it’s a choice between Biden and Trump, I will hold my nose and vote for Biden. There is no other option. Trump is unfit to serve and over 80% of Americans agree with that. Stop pushing for people to vote for a poor senile old man. It’s ridiculous and no thinking person is going to vote for him.

  35. Sounds good

  36. Who cares about Trump and Biden, SkyNet apparently went online last night… 🤖

  37. No, it didn’t. There is nothing to be alarmed of.

  38. Comments under a funny picture?
    Yeah – exactly that’s what the aliens laugh about…

  39. Show must go ohon! Show must go ooooohoohoohooon!

  40. A site filled with children.

  41. My joints disagree.

  42. It’s the final season.

  43. Something wicked this way comes

  44. Hello!

  45. I stopped watching when they introduced that weird Trump character in season 2016.

  46. =(

  47. So Biden has dropped out of the race and has endorsed Kamala, the cackling knob gobbler to be President. This election season really is mental. Buy the way, the knob gobbler isn’t going to win either. Just saying. She polls worse then Biden and that’s hard to do.

  48. Which way should we buy, dropout? Driveway? Highway? Segway?
    But you are right. No woman could win against Trump. No matter her age, looks or qualification. Because American swing voters are a bunch of misogynistic cavemen like the Taliban. And I say that as a man. A 21st century man.

  49. Sure

  50. True. Taliban – Maga. Same values.

  51. Well of course, that’s why we see Charlie hebdo getting bombed by maga hat wearing zealots!

  52. That’s why we see the Capitol being attacked by MAGA hat wearing zealots: From The Department of Corrections.
    Also, from the Department of Corrections: Donnie we have your room ready and waiting.

  53. Thanos need a MAGA gauntlet…
    Wipe ‘em all with a snap.

  54. On point, Any Mouse.

  55. Did the Taliban storm the capital building too? Bastards!

  56. Remember these people telling you the “truth” have been saying Biden has been mentally fit the past several years and insisted it be true and anyone who said different were liars spreading “misinformation”, oh and “cheap fakes”. Biden was 100% fit for duty until 2 weeks ago. Don’t believe your lying eyes.

    Why would anyone believe them? Caught in lies, time and time again all while making it rich while the people suffer.

  57. As if Trump has ever been mentally fit. Republicans are the masters of lies. Democrats a amateurs. *lol*

  58. Someone needs to be watching all these Trump derangement syndrome people. They have proven themselves to be violent and are obviously mentally unstable.

  59. It’s true. Trump infected the whole Republican community with his derangement. They are all willing to throw away democracy and freedom for a lunatic. That’s a true mental disorder. They showed how violent they are during Jan. 6th when they killed policemen during Trump’s coup attempt and during severall mass shootings in schools and on rallies. One republican halfwit even shot his own candidate’s ear off and killed bystanders in the process.

  60. Republican crime is on the rise.

  61. Where as Democrat crime is holding at a solid 95%

  62. The list of Republican crime is long. And proven by Trump’s presidency. Live on air.

  63. Republican crime targets intellectuals, like scientists and teachers, women, people of color, minorities groups, media workers, politicians of the opposition, the decent, law-abiding American citizen and many others.

  64. So people of color and minority groups, (same thing nimrod), are automatically intellectuals? All women are intellectuals? ALL!? Bet you don’t date much.

  65. I see that you are neither an intellectual nor have reading skills.

  66. He’s just the ususal conservative criminal with insufficient education and below average intelligence. 😂🤡

  67. The left calls the right fascists as they commit actual fascism.

    fascism /făsh′ĭz″əm/ noun
    – A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
    – A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
    – Oppressive, dictatorial control.

  68. So, you basicly live under fascism all the time. Regardless of whether the president is a Democrat or a Republican.
    You just deciphered the lie behind the American dream.

  69. So both libs and cons are fascist? Good to know! I mean both are like “if your not with me, youre the bad guy” so ya that makes sense!

  70. Most up/down vote censorship. God this site is lame. At least let people express their opinions honestly without the Chinese thumb on the scale. Of course this is a Canadian run site and China owns the Canadian Government thanks to Trudeau and greedy cohorts. At least people know it’s rigged. How could they not.

  71. Paranoia. 🙄 Votes work perfectly fine. Check your browser. Or your perception.

  72. Yup. And Kamala Harris is black. Biden was the best President ever. He never showered with his daughter or digitally raped Tara Reide. Trudeau didn’t rape anyone and never froze bank accounts of those that disagreed with his dystopian Government and has done a great job keeping food prices down. What other lies are you selling? Oh, and here’s you’re rice bowl 🍚 Comrade.

  73. Quit your job, sock puppet. You are not good at it.

  74. I like how you call Trump’s government dystopian! Lol even the trumpies agree!

  75. They want to be orcs with Trump as their dark lord Sauron. 😂

  76. I want what the Russians have.

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