July Meme: What’s Your Favorite Month?

Let us explain this meme. You see, “July” sounds a bit like “You lie”, therefore creating a confusing between these two ladies. Get it? You are welcome!

Why July?

38 thoughts on “July Meme: What’s Your Favorite Month?”

  1. This one has to be interpreted for the not to bright Eatliver crowd.
    July — Ja lie; get it now?

  2. …lame, lame, lame.

  3. When I hear “lie” I think of Trump.

  4. The assassination attempt is a lie.

  5. Everything in America is a lie! Your daddy probably ain’t even your real daddy!

  6. The country is actually called ‘Murika, not America. America is a continent, or two even.

  7. @Charlie da terd; thanks from not so bright european

  8. Emil, isn’t that an old latin name meaning rival. If so are you friend or foe?
    If the foe, to whom? Be honest, and not like your rivals whom speak with
    slippery tongue.

  9. ‘Murica has become unreliable and will desolve unter Trump

  10. Trump already won. Lefties are just to slow to realize it. Their still busy trying to prove the assassination attempt was staged. Loopy people the Leftist. Sad.

  11. Saying “Trump won” is the same as saying “America lost”.

  12. Indeed. Trump won, America lost, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Taliban, Hamas, Houthi and China won.
    Well done, Republicans.

  13. Biden officially dropped out of the race. Shocker. So now what will the Leftest on here do? Circle the wagons around Kamala Harris? That I’d like to see. I could use the laughs. 🍿

  14. Yes, vote the incompetent Alzheimer patient again instead of a competent woman. Just like 2016. America’s enemies approve.

  15. Yes. Because Americans hated Hillary Clinton almost as much as they hate Kamala Harris. NOT because she’s black. NOT because she’s a woman. But she like Hillary, is an incompetent shrew. So don’t start with the victim BS. Just more lies like we got with the Biden zealots.

  16. It’s amazing, you can stick your hand up a trump supporters ass and make their mouth move! No one hated Hillary save for trump supporters who spread lies about her and guess what? She was convicted of nothing! According to you guys that means she’s innocent….because if Donald didn’t do anything bad because he wasn’t convicted in court than Hilary didn’t do anything bad because she wasnt convicted in court either! Crazy how you have to talk smack about the competition in an attempt to make Trump look good by comparison, because there is nothing good to say about him! Go on trumpets, tell us his amazing accomplishments…………….. without lying! You guys would have troubles with the lying part even if you were talking about Gandhi!

  17. Wait.. weren’t you ALL IN FOR Joe just a few days ago? You know the senile out of his mind guy who said he wasn’t going to quit because.. Democracy! And now just like that you’re ALL IN FOR The Knob Gobbler. Sorry, but you’re judgement is so provably poor at this point that nothing you have to say can be taken seriously. Now don’t let all that hate drive you to a roof top somewhere.

  18. The only good decision involving you was your father’s choice to wear a condom….to bad it broke!

  19. By numbers Hillary won the election in 2016. She got more votes. However due to the undemocratic U.S. American election system Trump was announced winner. Because some guys, called the electoral college, are allowed to ingnore the voter and force their own preferable choice on the people. Fake democracy.
    So, not only did Trump lie about the election in 2020 stolen from him. He actually stole the election himself in 2016.

  20. Too many stupid people on this site who can’t figure out why the electoral college exists! Just keep inventing bullshit as to how it’s “undemocratic” because you lack an understanding of politics! “I don’t get it, therefore it’s dumb” this clown I tell ya!

  21. Dude thinks democracy is what he demands it be!

  22. Only because you profit from the electoral college it doesn’t mean it’s democratic. 😂 Everyone with three brain cells gets what the electoral college is and what it is for. But it’s not the 1700s anymore. 🤪 If you think it represents a part of a democratic process in the 21st century you better start painting your own face. 🤡

  23. His candidate already does it. All orange. 🟠

  24. Without the electoral college the east and west coasts would elect the President every time. Disenfranchising the people in the middle of the country. So yes, this is the very definition of democracy. It’s why it’s in their constitution. How can you not know that?

  25. No, sorry, ma boy. It is not. Only because it’s in the U.S. constitution doesn’t mean it’s the real thing. They just didn’t know better back then.

  26. Ya so the whole Constitution is bad because they didn’t know better back then! How dumb are you?

  27. Guy clearly has less then 3 brain cells because he thinks farmers shouldn’t have a voice and thinks that’s true democracy, as long as HE benefits! What a hypocrite!

  28. Your problem is I never said that. And I wouldn’t. Neither that “the whole constitution is bad” nor that “farmers shouldn’t have a voice”. And people who can read and understand the words they read – they can see that in the posts above.
    So, you just showed everyone you have zero braincells. Your EEG is a flatline.

  29. No one cares about you idiots and your dumb garbage opinions on politics! You’re not brainiacs otherwise you’d be out there solving the problems actual smart people solve instead of here on eat liver jerking each other off.

  30. He ran out of arguments. Ladies and Gentlemen, behold the aggressive tantrum of the desperate rightard. You might pitty it for its defenseless intellect. But keep in mind it can still bite with its dirty mouth.

  31. Hang on grandpa, Who are you talking to? You know not everyone with “anonymous” is the same guy right? Do you want me to call you an Uber to the nearest hospital?

  32. Im Canadian! I can’t vote Republican but this weirdo thinks I am one because I disagreed with him! I voted NDP , I’m just smart enough to know how America’s electoral college works because I went to school! I’m not going to double down on ignorance because the big orange idiot that this muppet is scared of won the election due to the electoral college, it’s the only reason this clown thinks the EC to be dumb, yet It’s still an important element of democracy and because of that a less educated person will have difficulties in grasping the concept!

  33. Canada has a similar concept I should add, is Canada a shit hole democracy too?

  34. Canada is run run by Globalist Oligarchs thanks to Trudeau. Just look at the food and housing costs there. They are all artificially high, so they can suck out money by the truck full. So yes as far as Democracy goes it is a shit hole. Beautiful country and people though. Just beautiful. You guys just need to break up with socks and date a better class of human.

  35. What he wants to say is: Democracy bad. Freedom bad. Dictatorship good. Trump good.

  36. Another rice bowl 🍚 ! Way to go comrade. You maybe won’t get shot when they take your country. Maybe..

  37. Trump works for China! He literally colluded with them!

  38. Trump has huge debts in China. Because he isn’t the supadupa businessman he claims to be and because the Chinese government couldn’t let this chance pass to make a U.S. president open to blackmail.

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