Joe Biden Has Released a Statement

You can read his statement by buying alphabet pasta and making a delicious alphabet soup. You can find many great recipes online. Once you done cooking, stir it few times in your bowl and read it.

Statement by Joe Biden.

42 thoughts on “Joe Biden Has Released a Statement”

  1. look, Donald puked

  2. That’s more fitting, Effendi. Well done.

  3. Come now, Biden has simply reached a point of woke-lightenment, beyond normal human understanding. A state of Woke-vana, if you will. Incompetent or stupid people just can’t understand him….🤣

  4. It also reads “LIE”… so

  5. Definitely a Trump “product”. 🤮

  6. “Donald puked” – every time the mouth opens

  7. President Biden had a cold. This is not dissimilar of other current world leaders;
    * Lennon has the sniffles
    * Mao has an intestinal ailment
    * Stalin has a headache
    * Trotsky had his hair cut too short

  8. Still make more sense than that lying traitorous felon.

  9. That’s the most intelligent thing I’ve seen from him! It’s even far more intelligent than the people who voted for him, and they have the collective common sense of a tree stump!

  10. For all those who cry that Trump is a criminal, does this bad thing etc., I ask you, What did they “get him” on? Every government agency and Democrat DA looking at every thing he and his family did, publicly and privately for nearly a decade, and what is he found guilty of?
    They actually had to change laws to bring charges against him more than once and still,
    – a misclassification in accounting in which he used his own money and they state he should have used campaign money that is beyond the statute of limitations
    – the value of collateral a bank used on a loan he paid back
    – speaking bad about someone that falsely accused him of rape.
    He’s got to be the cleanest politician in history.

  11. At this point all Trump needs to do is state “I’m rubber, you’re glue. Whatever you say about me, is true about you.”
    – Fascist
    – Racist
    – Corrupt
    – War mongering
    – Making personal profit from politics
    – Sexual assault
    – Liar
    – Incompetence
    – No one respects him
    – Using your connected friends to persecute your political advisories
    – Manipulating the media

    Biden is guilty of all and it’s provable. With Trump, “a friend of a friend heard that he said……”
    The true fascists are in control.

    “Fun” Stuff
    The Dems have at least a 30 year history of former security and other close staff mysteriously dying in unwitnessed single vehicle fatalities and poorly explained suicides such as a shotgun blast to the back of the head while hanging themselves. Oh, and you don’t want to be a witness, accuser or whistleblower. They will end your life literally or figuratively.

  12. And earth is flat.

    He’s not a politician, he is a reality TV host.

  13. That looks more like something KamelToe would say. Like this beauty…

    “Togetherness is important, which is why we will work together, and continue to work together, to address these issues, to tackle these challenges, and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements, that we will convene to work together on to galvanize united action. This is a matter of urgent priority for all of us and I know we will work on this together.”

  14. Perhaps all the socialist libs on here should go to Venezuela. They would love it there! It’s a wonderful banana republic where anyone who disagrees with the socialists/communists in charge are just put in jail! What a fair system! After all, they win all the elections by over 90% of the vote!…or else) The main tenet of Marxism is to hate anyone who is better off than you. It works great! It makes everyone equally poor! (except of course for the elites at the top.) Just look at Bernie Sanders. He has three huge houses!
    Despite being a self-described socialist and a scourge of the elite classes, Sanders has a property portfolio that is worth nearly $2m – far more than the working people he champions could ever afford
    He owns a main residence in Burlington, Vermont, a one bedroom pied-à-terre in Washington, D.C., which is just a half-mile walk from the Capitol Building
    He most recently plopped down $575k in cash for a lakefront cabin in North Hero Island, Vermont in 2016
    His Congressional financial disclosure released in May, showed he was firmly in the nation’s one percent, earning nearly $1.06 million in 2017 — the second year in a row he had topped the million mark. That was in 2017. He’s much richer now!

  15. Effendi, slight correction. He’s a business man. That’s another selling point. Biden’s only job outside of government was pool life guard. I guess that’s training to be in the swamp, rather than drain it.

  16. yeah, did not go bankrupt only because he was too much of a celebrity. Deutsche bank did not have the guts to ditch him.
    That was even Before the apprentice.

    Reality TV, unfortunately aired from the oval Office.

  17. @Jolly: Trump is still awaiting trial for lying about election results, leaning on an election official “to find him 11,000 votes”, arranging fake electors, trying to prevent his VP from performing his official role in ratifying election result, sending in a mob to physically prevent ratification of the election result. The entire world knows he farted on the constitution, but you pretend to be unaware.

  18. Bernie is “rich” at 2M$, but let’s leave out that he only turned “rich” some 10 years ago by writing some best-sellers. “Self-made businessman” Trump received hundreds of millions from his dad.

  19. To the last responder, try another source aside from CNN and MSNBC.

  20. Why, too close to the facts?

  21. Watching the TDS on display is always funny

  22. You take so much copium each day, bob. Your eurphoria is not suprising.

  23. Copium is the drug of choice for rightards, fascists and Russians. Meddles with your brain. Kills nerve cells. Trumps next campaign slogan: Making brains small again.

  24. A friend of mine works in a hospital. They took an MRI of some Trumpeteer’s head. Looked like a golf court in there. Holes everyone. True story.

  25. The Trump/Russo bots are here in force on this one. Must have heard the bugle charge song. Biden’s in the header, Charge! First one to put TDS in their comment gets an extra potato! But a false bit of propaganda about how someone at 82 years old could have over a million dollars after having good investment sense, writing books and even selling a family property that gained value over time is somehow a hypocrite, gets a bottle of vodka along with his potato.

  26. It’s not the right that has to cope with the fact that the media has lied to them for the last several years about Joe and his condition.

    And they’ve been lying about everything else too.

    It’s not the right that has a hard pill to swallow right now. We’ve been pointing this out for years while you plug your ears and ignore it.

    And now your primaries are meaningless and you’ll get to support an appointed replacement. Because that’s “democracy”.


  27. In a democratic party you can criticize a candidate, in the current banana-republication party you are a “rino” and get kicked out for even hinting at Trump’s crookedness.

  28. The media told the truth about Trump all along.

  29. Cope more dems, cope more.
    I saw videos of him from the 2020 election, his mind was already on the way out.

  30. As long as trump supporters point out how old Biden is……they don’t have to respond to how stupid trump is! Any time you say, “the man wanted to inject bleach into your blood to kill a virus” they just deflect and move on to old Joe! You say trump doesn’t know who the president of Puerto Rico is and they deflect again letting you know that an arbitrary Democrat is really a criminal! No matter what, trump supporters don’t talk about his ineffectiveness as a president, his inability to handle a crisis or his lack of decency as a human being. First rule of trump club, you don’t talk about trump!

  31. Propaganda for Biden 24/7/365. Beep Boop 🤖

  32. Why do the people who elected Trudeau think anyone in the US would listen to them? Biden is Not fit to carry out the duties of President. Period. It doesn’t matter anymore. 72% of Americans know this and will not vote for him nor can they legally replace him on the ticket. The election is to close. Trump will be President. Now go fix your sad little country.

  33. No one likes you dude, stop trying! You’re a shill to your own ignorance, deluding yourself into thinking you’re someone clever! Academia leans left, get over it! Now drill us with your senseless babbel as to how I’m not eligible to free speech because you, the sad troll don’t like what I have to say……my sensitive wittle snowflake!

  34. Biden supporters,
    If Joe was not president but was a close family member, what would you trust him to do? Get himself a glass of water? Go check the mail? Go to the store on his own? Help the grand kids run a lemon aid stand? Count $20 in singles? Use the stove unsupervised? Do you think you could leave him alone in the house to take care of himself for two days?

    No. None of these.
    I keep waiting to hear he sold Alaska back to the Russians for a handful of magic beans.

    He was never smart but now, three aneurysms (at least), and progressive dementia on world display, he’s a tremendous liability. He’s so bad off, the cackling idiot Kamala is almost being considered.

  35. Trump was sent by a foreign enemy to destroy America. It’s working. Because American unity never existed.

  36. Joe is bad so let’s put a big orange idiot there instead! Good ol American thinking!

  37. Both sides are examples of idiotic tribalism.

  38. Well the most amazing thing is that many people posting here about Americas elections live in some of the worlds most censored and authoritarian countries on earth. Countries where you can have your bank accounts frozen or be put in jail over a Facebook post. They can’t or more likely just won’t, stand up and fix their own countries because they are cowards. But they have all the time in the world to post about other countries politics. Americans, to their credit, kicked the Euro Trash out of their country and built the richest most powerful country in history. And these sad, jealous little wimps being crushed under the boot of their OWN Governments just hate America for that. Those people are free. Their not “Subjects of the crown” or any of that fascist BS. Work on your own countries and stop with the jealousy’s for once. You truly are sad, cowardly, small minded people.

  39. Jealous of you? LOL.

  40. Not me. I’m Canadian. And my country is run by Fascist Trudeau and his Globalist over Lords. Yet never a word about that on here. Only rabid hate for the US and Pro Biden propaganda. The only reason I can post negative statements about socks is because I left prior to the Covid tyrannical period. Saw it coming a got out before I and my family were force jabbed. So no, don’t be jealous of me. Pity me and every other Canadian citizen who is Governed by this satanic idiot.

  41. Wow, like talking to a flat earther!

  42. I’m in Canada and Justin is dumb……..where are the police???? Maybe this idiot on the internet……is just another idiot!

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