Funny And Weird Animal Hybrids Bred In Photoshop

There are lots of people with too much free time. One such group of individuals can be found at r/HybridAnimals subreddit where they spend countless hours mixing together various animals via the magic of Photoshop. Scroll down to check out our favorites!

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

15 thoughts on “Funny And Weird Animal Hybrids Bred In Photoshop”

  1. You haven’t seen planet Ebo’da yet.

  2. This is why poking your pouch is illegal in 49 of the states.

  3. Covid vaxxed off spring.

  4. What are you talking about? These are normal pictures of common animals. What you see is a result of your brain damage from your covid infection. You suffer from distorted perception since then. You remember? You need serious help, my friend. The pills obviously don’t help anymore.
    Or did you stop taking them again? Please, not again. Last time you tried to convince everyone you had the biggest d*ck in human history and showed “it” to the policewoman in the park. Take you pills, man! Or they will lock you up for good.
    Yes, that’s why he hasn’t posted for a while. He was in an institution for his abnormal behavior. People have the right to know.

  5. You will take the H5N1 MRNA GMO and you will be happy. You must do it to save Democracy, and the planet.

  6. “You know, the world is drowning in people. A human being is born every four seconds, and a human being dies every seven. Every seven seconds. It’s unsustainable. So, what do we do? How do we solve it? I’ll tell you what we do: we do the hard thing, the necessary thing. We sterilize the human race. We take away their ability to reproduce for three generations. One hundred years, that’s all it takes. One hundred years and the world is saved. We achieve population stabilization, ecological recovery, and a chance for a future. Imagine that.”

    “We created a flu that’s designed to spread and then a vaccine that doesn’t work. It’s not a real vaccine. It’s a sterilization agent. It will render 70 to 80% of the population infertile. You’ll get the flu. You’ll be fine. But you won’t be able to have kids. We have taken the most sacred act of nature and turned it into a tool of control. Population will be reduced. We will achieve balance.”

  7. These hybrid photos are hilarious! Well done, too. The horse with the tentacle muzzle was especially funny.

  8. Things you see in Mississippi

  9. Antivaxxers are all the really stupid people that think they are all secret geniuses like Terrance Howard!

  10. Wasn’t he one of The Three Stooges?

  11. Almost good, but mostly bad.

  12. Too bad they even treated antivaxxers in hospitals. More good people could have survived the pandemic. Those antivaxxers took away the beds for good people. Parasites.

  13. antivaxxers = rightards = traitors = putinlovers = fascists

  14. Turns out it was the energy drinks from certain alt-right antivaxx billionaires stopping young peoples’ hearts and giving them colon cancer. Not the vaccines.

  15. willy the weirdo posts

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