100 Grumpy Animals You Will Probably Relate To

Artist who goes by the name @BeastFlaps on Instagram decided to draw 100 grumpy animals since recent years has given us plenty of reasons to be grumpy, so you will probably be able to relate. If you like this artist’s work and want to support it, consider ordering his book on Amazon.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

Grumpy animal.

If you enjoyed these grumpy cartoons and wish to see all 100, consider ordering this artist’s book on Amazon. Please note that this site is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

38 thoughts on “100 Grumpy Animals You Will Probably Relate To”

  1. 2 gag orders, a $5000.00 fine, 2 chicken shit ex lawyers pleading
    guilty on trumped “no pun intended” up charges. – – – what a
    horrible week. On a sunnier note, donations are up.

  2. If sh*t keeps getting real for the narcissist it won’t be long and he will begin to wither away. That will be too much for that ego. He already begins to babble even more nonsense than usual. It’s not going his way and tantrums are not allowed by the judges. Too much stress for the little brain. Waiting for the walking aid or wheelchair appearance. 👍🏻

  3. Raise your hand if you vote in the US. Oh… I see. Just meaningless powerless trolls then.

  4. OMG you have to watch the videos of the 5000 plus pro Hamas democrats rioting in NYC. So now that the Left has shown it’s true radical anti jewish base at leftist universities and cities across the US the Biden re-election is not going to happen, not that it would have poor old giser. The base has spoken and they hate him. So.. since everyone here is an expert on US politics, whose going to run in his place? Kamala.. Newsome.. I’m guessing Michelle Obama.

  5. Why did someone invent the USB if USA is so great, hah?

  6. Hillary is coming out of retirement. President Clinton, sounds familiar.

  7. No more political or religious debates on this platform – – UMKAY!!
    Let us discuss interesting subjects we all can relate to. As an example
    how ‘bout me. A kindly grandpa who still enjoys the thrill of competition
    In sports like golf. Or about my decision to build condos in New York
    to help the needy. I could go on about me forever, but I also would enjoy
    other people talking positive thoughts about me.

  8. Oh.. but obviously we can still Trash the US and Trump right? I mean that’s the main purpose of the site. Everyone knows that.

  9. Killary Clinton running again would be Great! Watching her get curb stomped again would be amazing. But the new radical Left wouldn’t vote for her. It has to be a real Marxist to get the base excited. Big Mike would do it is my guess.

  10. Hang on guys, the USB guy has a point!

  11. Hillary is so repugnant that voters actually chose Trump over her, In what should have been a cakewalk, riding in on Obama’s coat tails. That is really freaking saying something. Please don’t drag her out from whatever rock she’s been hiding.

  12. Michelle Obama could win. Seriously. Big Mike checks all the boxes. Black, Trans, hates her own country and plus they get Barry back in the White House. Wait.. is it racist to say White House.. Well he’s half white so maybe not, I digress.. She could win. Her and Oprah! On the same ticket! OMG my nipples are hard. Lets do this!

  13. Hillary Clinton didn’t win because she is a woman. Americans rather voted a black man or a demented TV clown into office before voting a for woman. America has always been a bit behind the rest of the western world socially.

  14. No. Americans didn’t vote for Killary because she’s a crooked old hag who had a 27% likability rating. She was a proven pathological liar like Joe Biden is. People just “felt” the evil coming off Killary. They loved Bill Clinton though. Both sides lived well under his leadership.

  15. Voting Hillary in charge of the country, would be like voting Cruella de Vil in charge of the ASPCA. She’s as big a monster, as Romney is a bore.

  16. Google her kill list. If it hasnt been memory holed yet. Seriously dangerous woman. Not a Trump fan but watching her lose to him was priceless. The Reeee heard around the world.

  17. So you voted Trump. And he killed millions of American citizens by incompetence. That went well.

  18. You are a Trump fan without knowing it. Brainwashed.

  19. Have all the people above already forgotten that Hillary actually got more votes than mr. Dumb Liar?

  20. True. She did indeed. I forgot that. Yes, the Republicans were the ones stealing the election by gerrymandering. And 2020 they were whiny because it didn’t work.

  21. Every one who wins an American election did it illegally……according to an American who doesn’t support that particular politician. America is like moldy bread! Sure some parts are still good but I’d rather just throw the whole thing out and get a new one!

  22. America would be a great country. Without Americans.

  23. The problem with Europe is there are too many foreigners living there.

  24. We hate America! Now give us your taxpayers money and defend the free world for free. Parasites biting the hand that feeds them. You can’t make this stuff up. 🤣😂

  25. Isn’t America full of foreigners – full of Europeans, Asians and Africans? I mean, they killed all the original inhabitants and stole their land.

  26. They don’t want to spend their money on European and middle eastern wars either. Tired of handing their hard earned money to ungrateful whiny countries. Fight your own wars. Never understood why countries that are not self sufficient could last anyway. Time to see if they can. 🍿

  27. “Hard earned” means they are slaves to the 1%. America is not a country but a business.

  28. Fight your own wars. No more hand outs.

  29. Wait till you’ll need help some day. And such a day will come. No more friends.

  30. We’ll be just fine. Focus on becoming a Self Sufficient people. Stop taking the food off the American taxpayers table. The shoes off their children’s feet. They have bills and kids to raise too. Trust me, it will make you feel good not be a leech anymore.

  31. Says the american leach that is sucking dry the entire earth for raw materials.

  32. “We’ll be just fine.” That’s what they said in the Roman empire during their reign as a global superpower. Only in Latin, of course.

  33. Self sufficiency is freedom. Leeching off other people is disgusting and shows great weakness of character. We know that’s hard for you parasites to understand, but it’s true. Sorry if it hurts your feels. Do better.

  34. Yeah, sure.
    “Don’t you dare safe me when I’m drowning! I’m self-sufficibubblebubble…” 💀
    Aaaaand… he’s gone.

  35. Fighting your own wars so other people don’t have pay for and go fight and die on your behalf is a bit different don’t you think. Americans don’t need saving, except when it comes to their money and their children’s lives. No more. Fight for yourselves or go under. Not their problem anymore. And I can’t really blame them.

  36. I see. You don’t care about freedom or America. It’s all about the money. Hypocrit.

  37. relatable. also stfu anonymous nobody cares about your statements. at least name yourself + get a life noob..

  38. Which one?

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