Restaurant Meme: Do You Wanna Box For Your Leftovers?

You should try this answer next time a waiter asks you do you wanna box for your leftovers. It’s a well known fact that restaurant staff loves stupid dadjokes.

Do you wanna box for your leftovers? Nah, I hate violence, you can have them.

8 thoughts on “Restaurant Meme: Do You Wanna Box For Your Leftovers?”

  1. A harmless man. A rarity. A pitiful rarity.

    p.s. NOT to be confused with a peaceful men.

  2. What are you talking about you sad freaky gimp?

  3. Tæk Wondo or GTFO.

  4. My girl friend is a poor wrestler, but you should
    see her box.

  5. Nothing beats MMA! Nothing! Where else you gonna be able to see two half naked, sweaty men rub up against each other grabbing each other’s waists with heir legs? Only the manliest sport on the planet that’s where! Connor McGregor probably rubs and grabs men better then anyone! A real man’s man!

  6. My gawd man settle down, you’re enthusiastic response
    to MMA is embarrassing.

  7. MMA sounds kinda gay.

  8. Given the food here, I’d rather throw-up than throw-down…

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