Chemtrails refers to the conspiracy theory that the government is engaged in a secret program to add toxic chemicals to the atmosphere from aircraft in a way that forms visible lines in the sky. Various different motivations for this alleged spraying are speculated, including mind control, human sterilization, reduction of life expectancy, or weather control. But the real reason behind it is quite simple: some people are just dumb.
Nowadays you can say: failed to watch a 5 minutes video on YouTube about chemtrails
Maybe the problem is too many YouTube videos.
No, it’s too many idiots.
It seems like I am totally out of date. I have no idea what this meme is about. Guess I am not spending enough time online arguing with other idiots.
Some people think government is throwing chemicals in the population throught chemtrails
We’ve always had stupid people. The internet has shown us just how many of
these morons are among us. Problem is stupid people don’t know they’re stupid.
Fortunes are regularly made just duping these dumb dumbs. would explain the massive excess deaths that are happening in majority white countries. I’d love to here explanations for excess deaths, but since this site is controlled I’m sure no explanations will be given.
2 questions….
1) what mass deaths are you referring to?
2) how would chemtrails explain it?
You should explain why you can’t spell properly. But I’m sure no explanation will be given.
If you don’t read or some how not understand about the tens of thousands of excess deaths in the UK, Canada, Australia, the US etc.. you live in fantasy land. It has been in every newspaper and has been confirmed by the Guardian the BBC, the CDC and NIH. They say they are baffled, their words. I don’t claim to know why it’s happening but it’s happening. People are dying. Sudden death syndrome is real weather you believe it or not.
Tens of thousands, give me a break! Such exaggeration sucks away any credible
evidence there is on sudden death syndrome.
You say the BBC reported excess deaths.
Here’s a link to the BBC website in which they say there’s no epidemic of excess deaths and that such claims are BS.
BBC Link
Sure. Go get some more boosters.
Awwweeee. The mods got triggered as usual. They don’t want us to say this dude just described people who believe men can get pregnant
Wouldn’t government members by doing this throw this on themselves and their families too? Or is this why the foilhats came up with lizard people? Probably immune to the toxins. Ya, sure.
You are the only one believing men can get pregnant. You want to get pregnant, right? You wish you were born a woman. We get that.
But we can treat you like a woman.
Shut up.
He only knows about edibles.
Awwwweeee. The dude is ashamed of admitting he supports gender ideology. Enjoy the pregnant men month.
Haha. Take the jab to protect us who are already jabbed or you’re a monster. Even though it doesn’t stop the spread, provides zero immunity and you might die. Just take it and stop asking so many questions Reeeeeee!
B*tching around again? Are you on your period?
Stupid murderer.
Nice deflection anon, but nobody cares. Cope and seethe.
Well, you can prove anything with facts!
I see the extremist brigade have derailed another comments thread. Honestly, I don’t where they find the time between sh*t posting on 4chan and review bombing children’s movies.
Most of them are unemployed or steal time and money from their employer.
They still teach high school science do they?
Cassandra Syndrome. No one wants to hear the truth because it proves how stupid they were for taking the jab. Simple as that.
So, you identify as a women? No wonder you think you could get pregnant.
No, just the bible and creationism.
The next republican government will send a man to the moon. Without a helmet. Because he has an opinion and a youtuber told him he could breathe there. Vaccum is a hoax to republicans. Even though their heads is full of it.
Okay TERF.
Is he? I think he’s in denial the whole time. Ranting against gays, trans, Canadians. Yet he is all those things.
Why would I bash Trans people? They are obviously the greatest people on earth. 0.004% of the population and they have special rights no one else has. Protected Class. Especially in Trudeau Land.
It’s called minorities. Modern democracies protect them from Taliban like you. Cowards like you love to bash minorities because you don’t have to fear consequences. They make easy scapegoats and are quickly overwhelmed and killed by the mob.
Calm down Karen.
You mean BLM and antifa mobs who Burn Loot and Murder.. are those the mobs you’re talking about
The excess deaths happening around the global are primarily being caused by the Cvid bioweapon injections which were part of the military DOD/BARDA/DARPA Cvid operation which was partly about depopulating a large number of the global herd among several other aims linked to their sinister ongoing GREAT RESET project. We are in a decade of culling of which Cvid was the start and the increased chemtrail poisoned aerosol activity is meant to add to those numbers as it causes global dimming and contributes to ill health and premature death of all life on the planet. A.I, artificial food and energy price hikes, fraudulent harmful climate change policies, genetically modified parasites, tainted food and water, abortion, EMFs/ radiowaves, expanding euthanasia criteria, vaccines, weaponized medicine, fraudulent manufactured wars, the promotion of LGBTQ etc all contribute to the establishment plan to reduce the global population significantly leading up to a new technocratic, transhuman, scientifically run, biosurveillance, ecoterrorist, dystopian panopticon system that requires much less of us to run and will be a combination of all the darkest science fiction you have read.
I am not exaggerating. This is happening. I suggest you take steps to research your enemy and his methods and start fighting back before they make certain steps like CBDC’s, Chinese style social credit system, 5G, 6G, 7G, Internet of Things, Internet of People, Universal Income trap, Internet IDs, biometerics such as facial recognition software, ’15 minute cities’, laboratory grown meat and insect consumption and the rest of the insidious control grid that has them one step closer to the full spectrum dominance that these intergenerational, psychopathic elite families and their minion acolytes have been craving for centuries.