When To Quit: Timing Is Everything

When should you actually quit? Timing is everything, dear friends. Quitting at the right moment could save you from embarrassment and frustration. The best moment to quit is at the job interview, the second best – right now! So go to HR office and immediately hand in your resignation!

What's your biggest weakness? I don't know when to quit. That's actually great! You're hired. I quit.

6 thoughts on “When To Quit: Timing Is Everything”

  1. If only Trudeau would quit being Klaus Schwab’s bottom.

  2. If you would quit alcohol your Trudeau Derangement Syndrome might get better. But posting drunk all the time, boring people, killing more braincells. Wasn’t it enough that you lost so many to your covid infection?

  3. Oh look. The Trudeau troll is first to comment…. with a stupid attempt at humor. Again.

    Gee. I’m so surprised.

  4. All of you that dislike Trudeau are trolls. Everyone in Canada LOVES SOCKS! Every. Single. One. You need to get out more. People despise that clown and for good reason.

  5. You told us a hundred times you are NOT IN CANADA yet you bore us with your Trudeau Derangement Syndrome. So, how would you know? I’m with the real Canadians on this one.

  6. Trump also didn’t know when to quit. So he send his mob to burn down the republic. And he is still whining that his coup failed. Lock him up. Give a a job in prison making license plates for e-cars.

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