Funny Overheard Courthouse Conversations

People love to eavesdrop. Unusually they do it on purpose, but sometimes they can’t help it, accidentally overhearing conversations at the courthouse that can be so hilarious, it’s hard not to share them with someone else. Fittingly named Instagram account Overheard Courthouse is dedicated to collecting such examples…

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

Funny courthouse conversation.

2 thoughts on “Funny Overheard Courthouse Conversations”

  1. The U.S. justice system has nothing to do with justice. It’s 100% entertainment.

  2. it’s the same in DK

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