Behold! This Is The Brokini: Bikini For Men!

Two Canadian “bros” are looking to take the fashion world by storm with their new, unconventional beachwear item: The Brokini. This product is the brainchild of Taylor Field and Chad Sasko, and is described tongue-in-cheek on its own website as “the perfect swimwear to make your parents question where they went wrong”. Would you be brave enough to wear it in public? Let us know in the comments!

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

Brokini: bikini for men.

19 thoughts on “Behold! This Is The Brokini: Bikini For Men!”

  1. Hm, looks sh*tty first of all. Probably a shocker in the U.S.

  2. Canadian? It figures.

  3. Sounds like Canada Derangement Syndrome. Go see a doctor.

  4. The strap over his shoulder is necessary due to not having a big enough “package” to keep things from falling off This is something more suited for a woman.

  5. Maybe these “manly men” would be more comfortable in mufti.

  6. What do you basement guys know about many men? Those brokinis are rediculous though. I guess, they are designed to be. Manly men understand irony and satire.

  7. That first guy has a really nice ass! And the one with the girl looks better in his brokini than she does in her bikini

  8. …mainstreaming teh ghey…yawn…

  9. Meh Barat already rocked a man-kini one-sy way back.

  10. Only because many of you did it in the room in the back doesn’t mean it’s going mainstream yet. You have always been there. Even you suppressed ones.
    Mainstream doesn’t mean “gheys” will multiply. You are born with it or not. It’s not contagious.

  11. Casual Friday at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave…

  12. Biden derangement syndrome I presume.

  13. The “bros” are fruit cups.

  14. OMG she looks like my wife. She had the same look on her face during our first encounter.

  15. I wouldn’t kick her out of the sack for farting.

  16. “…born with it”….?!?!?!!!
    Is *that* why they’re forcing indoctrination in public ELEMENTARY schools? pffft

  17. Nobody would obsess over that guy, unless they were in some desperate need to cure their insomnia. 😴

  18. So… for Leah Thomas?

  19. I would not be caught dead in one of -those- things!

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